Chocolate addiction

2 weeks into my diet, I've put on a kilo (2.2 pounds) in the past 2 days alone because of my chocolate binging.

I can't go a day without something chocolate or I literally get nervous and agitated and it's all I can think about! It's crazy.

I've swapped to only having dark chocolate in the house (must have some kind of chocolate because of other family members and because I literally NEED to eat some at times).

I always crave chocolate at night, and I can never just stop at one piece - I end up binging on at LEAST 200 calories of chocolate alone. I can control myself with anything, but not chocolate cravings!! Any advice, motivation or foods I could replace chocolate with would be GREAT!


  • skinnybliss
    skinnybliss Posts: 24 Member
    I have chocolate every day. I just work it into my calorie allowance. I allow myself about 150 calories of
    dark chocolate as a snack, and I can easily stay to 1200 calories for the day doing that. The trick is to
    plan it in, so you don't have those cravings later.
  • melissabee31
    I am in the same boat. Chocolate chips are my favorite. I love to eat a mouthful of chocolate chips and marshmallows. Great, I know. I always seem to want it at night too or when I'm bored.

    What I try and do is plan a dessert. There's NOTHING wrong with having dessert. If I plan for it and know I will have it later, I am much better throughout the day. I eat Nature's Path dark chocolate granola squares. They're 80 calories and delicious. Sometimes I have a glass of chocolate milk to satisfy my chocolate cravings too (I use 25% less sugar Nesquik in lowfat milk).

    Making a plan for my dessert or sweet fix is usually the best success. If I don't plan anything, at the end of the night, I eat a bunch of random crap and usually eat WAY more calories than I would have if I had just planned on having a cookie or whatever.

    Also, I find that removing/hiding the thing that you end up binging on helps. If the chocolate chips are staring me in the face every time I open the cabinet, I WILL eat them. So try and strategically place your food so it's (literally) out of sight.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    Thanks! That really helps, I've planned in my Kit Kat at the end of the day to reward myself, so I won't feel guilty.

    Nesquiks a great idea also! We'll see how today goes, I have a feeling it'll be much better - I'm already happier knowing that I can have chocolate at the end of the day
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    Try having organic chocolate from Trader Joes.
    One square is only 23 calories :smile:
    Also, you should freeze your chocolate so you don't binge on it.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    23 Cal chocolate! I must be dreaming! I'm going to look that up, hopefully it's available in Australia.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    I too have a weakness for chocolate...And I eat some every day...

    I have those little mini chocolate bars (the ones for halloween), and I save them for an "end of the day" treat. i.e. If I've done well that day, I've gotten some exercise, I'm on track for calories, then I get to have some! I can never eat just one...but even three of them is fewer calories than a whole chocolate bar, so it has been working for me.

    Jello also makes these chocolate mousse pudding cups (in the refrigerated section) that are no sugar added and satisfy the craving (at only 60 cals...)

    I know myself - if I cut chocolate out, I won't I'm trying to work with the craving rather than against it....

    Hope this helps!
  • amyschaefer
    I made these today and they are yummy! Satisfied my chocolate cake craving and is ... somewhat ...healthy.
  • Jelleebean
    i've managed to contain the chocolate... still have a bit here and there.. usually in the form of a special K cereal bar... my think is cheese... but, i've managed to factor in 1/3 cup of shredded cheese into my day

    alow for it, and then you don't binge on it later :drinker:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    2 weeks into my diet, I've put on a kilo (2.2 pounds) in the past 2 days alone because of my chocolate binging.

    I can't go a day without something chocolate or I literally get nervous and agitated and it's all I can think about! It's crazy.

    I've swapped to only having dark chocolate in the house (must have some kind of chocolate because of other family members and because I literally NEED to eat some at times).

    I always crave chocolate at night, and I can never just stop at one piece - I end up binging on at LEAST 200 calories of chocolate alone. I can control myself with anything, but not chocolate cravings!! Any advice, motivation or foods I could replace chocolate with would be GREAT!
    Eat 200 calories less in the day to save for the chocolate. That's it.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    2 weeks into my diet, I've put on a kilo (2.2 pounds) in the past 2 days alone because of my chocolate binging.

    I can't go a day without something chocolate or I literally get nervous and agitated and it's all I can think about! It's crazy.

    I've swapped to only having dark chocolate in the house (must have some kind of chocolate because of other family members and because I literally NEED to eat some at times).

    I always crave chocolate at night, and I can never just stop at one piece - I end up binging on at LEAST 200 calories of chocolate alone. I can control myself with anything, but not chocolate cravings!! Any advice, motivation or foods I could replace chocolate with would be GREAT!
    Eat 200 calories less in the day to save for the chocolate. That's it.
    Yes. This ^^^ That's really it. Don't obsess, just make the adjustment niner recommended. Enjoy your chocolate.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Chocolate is awesome and I try to eat it as often as I can. I just count it and savor it. Treats are an important part of a healthy lifestyle, so make it work for you and love every bite.
  • greenscrapcat
    Chocolate is also my weakness! Especially during TOM! Have you tried the Weight Watchers turtles? They are awesome!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    On Halloween I'm going to take my kid trick-or-treating I am just going to wait till that night and steal all his candy and eat it. As much as I can that night. I don't like it hanging around for that reason. If its not there, I can't eat it, so get rid of it all at once.
  • amyschaefer
    Also try Emerald chocolate almonds 100 calorie packs or chocolate rice cakes. Two healthy low calorie ways to get your chocolate fix. Oh, and one hershey's kiss is 22 calories. ;)
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    On Halloween I'm going to take my kid trick-or-treating I am just going to wait till that night and steal all his candy and eat it. As much as I can that night. I don't like it hanging around for that reason. If its not there, I can't eat it, so get rid of it all at once.
    Plus, candy tastes so much better when it is splashed with the tears of the child you just stole it from. Mmmm... salty pain.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Also try Emerald chocolate almonds 100 calorie packs or chocolate rice cakes. Two healthy low calorie ways to get your chocolate fix. Oh, and one hershey's kiss is 22 calories. ;)

    yes these are good and I've heard ( not claiming any science to this) that almonds curb the craving for chocolate. :smile:
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    On Halloween I'm going to take my kid trick-or-treating I am just going to wait till that night and steal all his candy and eat it. As much as I can that night. I don't like it hanging around for that reason. If its not there, I can't eat it, so get rid of it all at once.
    Plus, candy tastes so much better when it is splashed with the tears of the child you just stole it from. Mmmm... salty pain.

    Hahahah...reading that was hilarious

    Thanks every one! You guys have given me so many tips and motivation.

    I figured out that a Cadbury Furry Friend (75g) is delicious, mikly and only 79 Cal! So I can afford to pencil in two of these a night :) And organising to have chocolate rather than banning it has been a success so far!

    I'll have a look around for the Emerald chocolate almonds or something similar! They're really low Cal for a whole pack. It's hard to find specific brands and that in Australia, it's annoying!

    I did, however, thanks to greenscrapcat's recommendation - find the weightwatcher's SmartOne's range which I will definitely go shopping for tomorrow!

    170 for a double fudge cake? Yes please! I'm just crossing my fingers that we have them in local stores!