How did your body lose the weight?

Good Morning All,

I stepped on scale this morning for my weigh in to see that I had lost 2 lbs! This is such happy news for me. However, I am a bit frustrated. I'm just shy of 20 lbs lost, but I'm still wearing the same clothes as when I started. Now, I know that they're fitting better and in some cases, looser. But, I haven't changed sizes yet, which is discouraging. I also recognize that this could mean my clothes were too small when I started and so perhaps I've lost a size that I didn't want to acknowledge. :)

So all of that being said, how did your body actually lose the weight? I've noticed it in my face, upper torso, and arms so far. However, my stomach, bottom, and thighs don't seem to have much change. Did you also lose weight from the top down, or were you something different?


  • glowingz
    glowingz Posts: 63 Member
    I'm only about 12 or so pounds down, but definitely noticing it in my arms and waist the most. None of my pants fit, and my shirts/jackets are all comfortable (rather than tight) now.
    My boyfriend says my butt and thighs are looking hotter than usual too. ;-)
  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    I'm the same, i'm still wearing the same clothes i had when i was 20lbs heavier - they are very baggy on my bum and legs, and fit lower on my waist, but i'm still not quite a size smaller on my bottom half! My top half i have dropped a size but that also depends on where i buy my clothes :/

    Well done on your weight loss journy so far :)

    I am starting to lose it from the top down, my "roll" i had below my boobs is a LOT smaller, my bum is smaller and my thighs are more toned and tighter, hence why my pants are a lot slacker. But there is a lot come off my face too :)
  • Allyson1985
    I first lost weight in my face, boobs, and butt. Now my arms and thighs are losing. Belly seems to be the last to go.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    I lost my weight from the head and toes my face, calves, arms, and chest lost first then my butt and thighs. I also lost over 20 lbs before I dropped a pant size, so you're definitely not alone there. The good news is that once I dropped from a 12 to a 10, becoming an 8 only took about 5-10 lbs more for me. It sounds like you're super close to the next lower size, so just keep with it! For fun next time you shop, try on something a size smaller to get an idea how far off you are....this is what I did and it lead me to almost crying from joy of fitting into those size 8 jeans. :)

    You'll get there!!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    immediately on my face, it worked its way down from there mostly skipping my gut.

    To be honest i have absolutely no idea where the last 10lbs have gone from cos it isnt my gut, inside me maybe, hopefully.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I didnt go down a pant size untill 30 lbs lost. lame, I know.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Everywhere really, but unfortunately my stomach last. I understand that it's different for everyone though.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Usually you'll see it from the top down, like your face and neck first. If you want to speed it up though and "shape" your body, you can try something like 30DS or resistance/weight training...
  • Aussie4870
    i know just how you feel...ive lost 85lbs and only gone from a 3X to a 1X and sometimes still a 2X...and its very depressing!

    i recently lost a lot of motivation because of would think that after all that i would at least be in the regular section of clothes and not still plus size...

    that you, my clothes were probably too small to begin thing that woke me up cause there was no way i was going to buy a 4X shirt....

    just keep at it...if you are exercising and eating right you will keep going...everyone looses weight differently and everyone has a different body shape...

    keep going...your health will benefit and im sure that one day soon you will be able to fit into the clothes that you want to wear...
  • Peanutmanda
    I lost my first size at 30 lbs lost.. but I quickly went from a size 12 to a size 8 after that. Can't explain it, I guess I lost 30 lbs mostly from the top of my body at first..

    Good Luck and Congrats on the weight loss!
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    It's totally different for everyone AND I've noticed it differently this time (compared to last time). I am 12 lbs down now, and I noticed my waist has whittled down, my bum is definitely toning (my OH says I've no bum in my jeans!), and my short sleeves shirts/tops aren't pulled tight on the upper arms..

    Oh and sadly my boobs are going too! Boo! :-(

    I'm also in some of my size 14 jeans (rather than my stretch 16s) - UK sizing. I'm not quite a 14 yet, I'm more a 15.. if there was such a size !!
  • summersmaze
    summersmaze Posts: 26 Member
    It's the same for me although I think I was busting at the seams in the size I was in so now they fit me comfortably. I lost it first in my face, arms, and legs. Now my back is starting to lose and a little on my butt. It's frustrating, but at least things are getting smaller. I have a closetfull of clothes that I still can't wear - that's my motivation to keep going. It's gotta come off eventually.
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    I noticed it more on the bottom, but I started C25K right away, so had been running. For me, that first 20 lbs didn't bring a change in clothing, just a change in energy level. Then all of a sudden one day, it was like, bam, my clothes are hanging off me. I ended up buying new pants about 2 months in, at 26 lbs lost, and they were 2 sizes smaller (snug, but I knew I was losing, so that was okay). Just wanted you not to be discouraged, because for me it really seems like the weight loss doesn't feel different until one day, it just does, and then it's a lot different.

    ETA - for me, belly has been last to start whittling as well. It wasn't until recently, i.e. after 35 lbs lost, that I've started to feel like my stomach is *finally* getting smaller too.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    I'm down 24 lbs and that is maybe one pants size, although it might be two because I think the first size is fitting into the clothes I already had correctly.

    I tend to lose the weight I've gained most recently first so I'm back to my "normal" drop spot - my thighs. That said - I took before pictures and I have lost a lot of my thighs I just don't see it in the mirror cause they are still out of proportion with my upper body.

    I've also heard that as you get smaller the size changes come more rapidly.
  • unorthographic
    Pretty much the same as a lot of girls have stated. I lost it in my face, my neck, and my boobs first (really, I mean, really?! c'mon!) and it took seemingly forever to drop a pants size. But once I did, I dropped 2 pants sizes quickly and I'm heading towards a third drop. I'll agree with others as well that it's harder at first, esp when progress isn't as noticeable as you'd like, but HANG IN THERE, it will come and it'll be so awesome when it does!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm comfortably wearing the same clothes and I've lost 25 pounds. I've lost more in my torso than my thighs/butt, but they are smaller some too. And yes, my face was the first place I noticed it!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I noticed the difference in my pant size first and then people started noticing the difference in my face when I was down 25lbs.
  • 123smudge
    I lost 140lb over 18 months and the fat on my stomache was the last to go, in the last 6 months I have gained 19lb and the weight has gone straight back on to my stomache. I have gone from a UK size 28 to 14 the biggest difference was my boobs and my legs.
  • magicmama
    for me it really seems like the weight loss doesn't feel different until one day, it just does, and then it's a lot different.

    Totally agree with this. Going, going, going ... scale is moving, but the clothing isn't changing ... then *poof* nothing fits, and I'm giving away all of the jeans and slacks that won't stay up no matter what.

    I lost in my hips and thighs first. And boobs. My belly seems to like it where it is, and it hasn't moved much at all. RAWR. I'm only about halfway to my goal weight though, so I'm just trusting that it will move on out eventually.
  • SmallerBecky
    I usually lose my chest before anything else! Maybe my butt too...

    Has anyone read Flat Belly Diet? I know it's supposed to be a popular book. Well, that's where I am getting my inspiration this time around. That, and another book called Water With Lemon. That one is a novel that pretty much puts the guidelines from Flat Belly Diet into perspective, even though it came BEFORE the Flat Belly Diet book by about six or seven years!

    Basically, if you eat a monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) with each meal and snack, you will lose the belly fat because MUFAs actually TARGET that fat. MUFAs are in olive oil and olives, nuts and seeds, avocados, and DARK CHOCOLATE! Put one of those in every time you eat, and try to cut out as much "bad" fat as possible, and your belly is supposed to melt away! I have only been working on this for 10 days but I have lost 3 lbs! I'm excited!