
So I started this new fitness and eating program last Monday (9/19) and I have gained 1.2 pounds since then and it is super super frustrating. I know that gaining weight is part of the whole process but this early in the game??? I know i cant give up but it is so hard when you have gained in your first week!! How do you keep motivated on your gain weeks :-/ ???


  • I blame my hormones, my job, the scales, the postman...... anything so that you don't give yourself a hard time. Assume the bad weeks are not your fault.... Learn.... Move on. You will get there.:smile:
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    How much exercise have you been doing. This happened to me before I was doing a HUGE amount of exercise and even though my clothes were slack and people were seeing a difference in me, the scale didn't move. if you've phyically gained weight this could be muscle.

    I've started again but this time I am running which i believe is helping me shed the weight. I'm also trying to eat super clean, and i'm not eating ALL of my exercise calories if I can help it but definitely half of them at least.

    Don't give up!!! I did as I felt totally deflated after weigh in... today I weighed myself at work as we've started the biggest loser competition and in a week i have lost 3.5 pounds!!

    Don't give up, just keep going and measure yourself, you may see a difference there! good luck!
  • I've read some background about starting weight-loss regimens in the past and have concluded that you are likely to gain weight/stay the same for about 4-6 weeks before your body will adjust and start shedding weight. I'm not surprised at all. Besides, if you're doing a true workout, you may be getting leaner versus losing weight? Many will see a serious difference in the way their clothes fit even though the scale stays the same or even increases. Look in the mirror in another week and see if you notice a difference in how you're toned. Again, you could be losing body fat but gaining muscle weight.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Normally my first week or so involves gaining weight. If you can stick with it 3-4 weeks you should start seeing a difference in the scale.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I say just keep on going...don't give up! I went through the same thing...the second and third week I started to lose.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    It's completely normal. You are throwing a change at your body. New exercise will cause fluid build up in the muscles and tissue. It is all stress (cortisol). The body will respond to all stress the same way. Don't worry about the number on the scale too much. It isn't the entire picture. The body will adjust