Hello! Back again!

Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
Hello! I’ve used MFP on and off for over 10 years.
I have not been tracking or working out much the last 4.5 years. I was doing okay not tracking for a bit but then life happened and then really went downhill. I’ve decided enough is enough now. I don’t want to keep down this path and have all the health problems my mom has and my mother in law also.
I was very very fit, about 5-6 years ago. I worked out almost everyday, for 2 hours at least. I lifted heavy, I did yoga, I kept up with my kids, walked the dogs, walked for fun, did fun things etc. I don’t really know what happened to that person but life. I’m determined to get her back. I’m tired of being sick and tired. I’m back to my highest weight. I’ve got at least 45 pounds to lose. Again. Except I’m older now so I’m not very excited about that part. Haha! I’m trying not to dwell too much about how I got to this point again, but it is hard. It’s hard going from “fat to fit and fit to fat again” I’ve also got some foot issues (plantar fasciitis) that has really hindered my mentality. I never had physical issues before, besides being overweight. I know a lot of people are all body positivity and all that now a days, which is great, but for health, I do need to lose the weight. Too many diseases run in my family. And yes, I’m being slightly vain.
Thanks for listening to my rambling, it’s been in my head for weeks now. So frustrated!!! If you want to be friends and support each other, send me a request.
Have a great week!


  • JohnG5801
    JohnG5801 Posts: 2 Member
    I relate to so much of what you are describing. Life happens. Self-care is a constant challenge.
  • 9ncywhmxxm
    9ncywhmxxm Posts: 1 Member
    Hello from Brazil!! Life happens it’s the best way to describe it!!! Here life happened good and after 2 kids I want to be fit but have to try fitting this desire into a busy schedule hahaha!!