Specific workout routines or replacement moves?


This is going to seem like an odd request, but I'm really looking for help on this one. I really want to start doing workout sessions at home, but I have a small issue with most of the videos I've seen. They all have running or jumping in them.

It's something I don't really feel comfortable doing on my top floor apartment. It's not a matter of "I can't" as much as it is "I don't want to enrage the couple living below me." I'd like to be as respectful to their quality of life as I can-- and that means no stomping my ogre-butt around.

So! I defer to you guys to possibly help. I'd love a list of workout programs/DVDs that don't have running or jumping in them. I can't really go through and buy all the ones I'm interested in doing, only to return them because they don't work well with apartment life. Actually, I would super adore some alternative exercise move ideas so I can even get normal ones and just plug the new moves in.

I know, long post and a weird request. I appreciate any assistance though.

