
Hello. I was introduced to this site from a friend and figured I would give it a try. I have tried a million things. The thing I lack the most is self control. I eat and eat just because a food tastes good, I am bored or just cause. I need to loose 95 pounds to reach my goal. Advise and pointers are welcome. :)+


  • nkrueger1
    nkrueger1 Posts: 129 Member
    welcome...you'll get great support and inspiration from everyone here...feel free to add me
  • ymvestal
    I too ate for a lot of the same reasons. I also find I like to eat "comfort" food when I am down...needless to say, when the scale goes up it isn't "comfort" anymore. I have used daily weigh ins, logging meals (even the bad ones) and friends on this site to help me stay motivated. I am typically an "up" person...but on occasion even I need the extra support.

    I have sent you a freind request if your interested in being friends.
  • mamaflake
    Hi! Welcome aboard! My advice, for what it's worth, is to set small goals. I become overwhelmed by large ones, so just break it down some. I have started eating much more fruit to satisfy my sweet cravings. It has taken almost a month, but I don't feel like I need to munch all the time. I also started back walking--10 minutes the first few days, then add a minute a day. That way I can get off my treadmill and think, "I did more than yesterday!!" I also leave this program up on my laptop and when I sit down I read a success story or two. It inspires me and let's me know that I can do this! And YOU can too!
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    Hi and welcome! I think you will find this site very helpful...I have found tracking my food is a huge help and once you see the pounds coming off you will be totally motivated to keep it up!! You can add me as a friend if you like...the more support the better!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I agree set small goals for yourself that are easily achievable. Meeting these goals will give you more confidence. Also make your meals on a childs plate so you can clean the plate but still get a smaller portion. It really helped me out when I first started.
  • Ritamas2
    Hello and welcome,
    you are going to really love this site..so awesome
    for support and motivation, everyone is amazing!

    Good luck to you on this wonderful journey to better
    health and fitness, feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • OlibecaMom
    Welcome! I have about 95 pounds to goal as well! I find this site is really helpful - great encouragement, motivation and tips! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • JaimeBrown5
    Hi! I'm new too! If you'd like, add me as a friend and we can cheer each other one!

    Good luck!
  • RB12000
    Hey there, I have about the same distance to go too; and yes, this site is the best. feel free to add me, and good luck!
  • SandraCmo
    Use the food log on here. It is very helpful for me. When I started doing it I logged what I ate and after a few days I started looking at others food logs and realized I needed to do something different. I have started to eat better like smaller portions and sugar free stuff. It really helps me. When I get bored I also want to eat and go to grab a bag of chips then the picture of the food log comes to mind and I put it back and eat fruit. It may not be on my food log for the day because once i get home I am hardly on the computer so I can't log it. I need a smartphone so I can get the app and keep track of it better. Good Luck. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • DavidHausfeld
    DavidHausfeld Posts: 12 Member
    Here is what I found out so far using myfitnesspal. I found that I was simply making bad choices. When I started tracking my daily intake HONESTLY... I became more aware of my choices. It became more fun to make correct healthy choices and meet my goals than it was to have a tasty medium rare burger!! The best thing in the world for me to keep logging in and tracking my food. When I don't log in for days at a time... my eating habits tend to change for the worse. It's amazing how you find that things you thought were healthy to eat sometimes are just the opposite. Keep logging in... keep tracking all your food... even that tiny handful of M&M's that you nibble on... TRACK IT and watch how it can change your life.