Confusion with carbs

So apparently I'm not losing very much b/c I'm eating all of my carbs at night. It's very hard to cook for my family and not get carbs in. Does anyone have advice on this or recipes to try?


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    The time of eating shouldn't have much to do with your weight. If you eat less than you burn, you'll lose weight. I eat a lot of carbs before I go to sleep and still lose weight.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    calories, not carbs matter, and time of the day has little to no effect on weight loss.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Chose better carbs, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, yams rather than potatoes, Quinoa. If you like noodles you can replace them with very thin sliced cabbage. Boil it until just done and its just like regular noodles. I use it for spaghetti or Alfredo.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    The time of eating shouldn't have much to do with your weight. If you eat less than you burn, you'll lose weight. I eat a lot of carbs before I go to sleep and still lose weight.

  • hikuinezumi
    hikuinezumi Posts: 8 Member
    IIRC the research suggests that the reason late eating and weight gain are correlated is that night eaters generally eat more. I'd agree with the advice given to ignore the time of day and concentrate on the amount you eat and exercise.
  • nancymmorris
    I use zuchini cut in strips mixed half and half with spaghetti noodles and shirtaki tofu noodles too. This helps cut down on carbs.
  • daves160
    Try staying away from white stuff. (breads, potaoes, rice, pasta). Try whole wheat alternatives, brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc.

    The carbs in those foods are more complex than the ones in the above mentioned no, no's.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    It really doesn't matter when you eat them.. but you could try switching to "better" carbs.

    Quinoa is amazing.... they even make quinoa pasta now. It's a little different texture but I like it.
    I also use spaghetti squash a lot in place of noodles....
    Veggie lasagne is amazing -- grill thin zuchini slices and use them i place of noodles.

    If you good for diabetic or low carb recipes you'll find a ton. Also bariatric recipes are usually low carb.
    Some of my favorites: (look for the low carb section)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If you find you are eating too many carbs, cutting them out of just your own dinner is very easy if you make dinner an individual food-group type meal rather than usually fatty casserole dishes or unfulfilling soup.

    Make chicken breast, roasted vegetables and rice for everyone in your family but YOU, eliminate the rice for yourself.

    I cut and weigh out my veggies on Sunday so it makes cooking dinner much faster during the week. BBQ'ing them is divine!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    I find it impossible to feed my large family without pasta, rice, and potatoes to make the meals stretch. i end up feeding them a normal dinner, but myself eating something totally different. This week i cooked a whole bag of frozen chicken breasts so that i could have some every night. I've seen a group on these forums challenging 'No carbs after 5:00pm'...............
  • CharlieLopez2005
    So apparently I'm not losing very much b/c I'm eating all of my carbs at night. It's very hard to cook for my family and not get carbs in. Does anyone have advice on this or recipes to try?

    I like to use Shiratki noodles in lieu of starchy or even whole wheat pasta. Shirataki noodles are between 0-25 calories per serving, no net carbs, no fat--basically, it's metabolically neutral. Miracle Noodles (0 calories per serving) fit with just about any type of dietary approach out there. The Miracle Noodle brand is great (, but I understand Whole Foods has a slightly different brand as well in the referigated section. The only downside is that it's somewhat expensive compared to most conventional or whole wheat pastas in the grocery store. But as someone who is pretty close to being pre-diabetic and a pastafarian at heart, the trade-off is worth it to me at least. Hope this gives you some ideas to consider.
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    My trainer had me eat no carbs after 2 p.m., and that seems to work. A good time to eat your carbs is after a workout, so if you have a morning workout afterwards eat your oatmeal and if you workout in the evening then you could have your rice and potatoes. I will look up the research about eating too many carbs in the evening. Another thought would be to eat your supper meal earlier on and then just have a snack later on. I try to have supper ready for when the kids get home from school, so then later on they could have a smaller meal before bed.

    Stay away from anything white- white rice, white flour and so forth. Whole grains is best. I have some wonderful Quinoa recipes if you want some. I just cook it like rice in my rice cooker.
  • aprilbriann
    This is great advice! Sounds great! I have never though about having meals ready for when the kids get home! AMAZING! I would love some quinoa recipes. I have a huge container of it just don't know what to do with it really! I normally have to get my workout done in the evening and I have protein shake with peanut butter right after. Thanks!!!