First 5k!!! Advice??

I am running my first 5k this Sunday I posted a blog entry about it this morning, you can read it here:.

I am wondering, is there any advice, or tips you can offer me as to what I should do in the next few days to be tip-top? I have been reading some articles, etc online... but I guess I am looking for some real-life experience ideas here. Like, ideas for good snacks before I run this puppy.... or maybe some really good stretches you do that I may not have tried, etc.... Should I drink an energy drink, or go with regular water??

I guess what I am asking is; what do you do right before a race to get in that 'zone'?? :)


  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    The key is to NEVER try ANYTHING new on race day....Go with the tried and true foods, warm ups, and beverages that you've become accustomed to throughout your training.

    If you've never tried a bagel with peanut butter prior to running, race day is NOT the day to do it! Stick with your usual. Same with water vs. Gatorade. The race shouldn't differ at all from a typical training run in any way, except that you'll be running it faster. Everything else should remain "standard"!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Dont eat anything before you arent used to eating. And unless its going to be really hot I wouldnt carry water, its just something else to mess with, they will provide water about half way through the race.
  • Fabulousat42
    I am getting ready to run my first one next month. Let me know how you do!!! :)
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Don't do anything really vastly different. Set out your clothes the night before so you don't have to scramble around looking for everything. Have everything ready to go. Wake up early enough to get some food in your belly and give it time to digest before your race (I usually eat something easy and light like a banana and some almonds and then drink 16-20 ounces of water to start hydrating so I don't need to on the course). If you can pick up the packet ahead of time, I would just so you don't have to wait in that line.

    Do whatever warm up you normally do before a run (I do dynamic stretches that get the heart rate up and don't static stretch cold muscles). I always put myself somewhere near the back of the pack and make myself start slow. You're going to think you need to take off like a bullet and that will bite you in the rear near the end of the race - you'll be too tired to finish strong. Plus it's good for your mojo when you start passing people, instead of people passing you.

    The first mile is always a little hectic and a bit of a cluster. Pack order gets figured out in this mile, where the slower people fall towards the back and the faster people move towards the front. Don't try to kill yourself in the first mile - save it for the end. Everything spreads out a bit more in the second mile and then the third (.1) mile is the home stretch. Try to make it your best mile. You're going to be tired if you took off too fast, but dig deep and if you know when you're about 200-400 yards from the finish line, that's when you pick up your pace to finish strong.

    Good luck! It's really so much fun... try not to worry about your time so much as just finishing strong. If you want to set a goal, make sure it's realistic (take off no more than 1-2 minutes of your training time and that *should* be near the time you will finish).
  • Bugsyzgrl
    Bugsyzgrl Posts: 98 Member
    May not apply but my old dragon boat instructor told us numerous times that starting two days before our race we should stop drinking any and all alcohol. We should ease off of all greasy or heavy foods and the night before in bed early. She also insists that we drink as much water as possible. "You should pee ever two hours."
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I recommend just eating what you are used to eat, and I am sure you have had some test-runs so you know how soon before race you should eat. For example I can eat 2-3h before race, but not later (if I ate like 1h before race I would feel sick).
    Wear clothes and shoes that you are used to training in, no new stuff.
    Drink lots of water (you should be doing that anyway) even in the days before the race. Drinking 2l before the race wont help, it will just make you run to toilet haha!
    Good luck!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone!! I have picked up some good tips here, I think.... I will certainly pick up my packet the day before (Early Registration - Woo!) and set my clothes out the night before. I'm hydrating like mad this week, making sure I get my H20. I made sure to get my new shoes a couple weeks ago, and they are comfy now; so no new shoes for race day. ;)
    I like the idea of starting near the pack, thanks for that one. I am sure it will feel better to pass others, instead of have them all pass me.
    Thank You all, I'm just nervous. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I can run a 5k without a drink or anything now, but when I first started, I liked to have seedless grapes or jelly beans with me to keep my mouth from drying out too much while running. Grapes in particular are great... it's like taking a sip of water, without spilling it down your shirt. :wink:

    Some races will have a water station at the halfway point.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I'm not lugging a water bottle either... I don't take one with me while I run now, I just make sure to drink before and after running. :) I hate lugging stuff, hahaha. I like the grapes idea, thanks for that one!
  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    I just ran my first 5K this summer, too. You're going to have a blast!

    I was also really nervous and had a lot of trouble falling asleep the night before - it didn't affect my performance at all (adrenaline definitely kicks in) but I definitely recommend getting plenty of rest now. Also, taking 2 days off from running before the race can help make sure you are rested and ready to go on race day!

    I'm usually an evening runner, so breakfast was a bit weird for me - I was good to go with my morning coffee, a yogurt, and a banana about 90min before race start.

    Good luck!!
  • robmaguire1
    Tons of great advice from all the responders. I would just say, enjoy every moment of it. Don't stress out over it. The first time crossing the finish line, regardless of your time, is an amazing feeling.
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 665 Member
    My first race this year was a 7k in march....had some raisin bran that morning well before the race, rode over with the guys....they wanted to run a mile for a warmup so we took off, about threee blocks in my raisin bran made a surprise appearance in my throat! That was such a wonderful surprise...luckily race time was 30 minutes out and I had no other issues! Run at your pace, dont get caught up int the take off and youll slowly start pasing everyone that you can!