why am i not losing?



  • mandy5678
    mandy5678 Posts: 6 Member
    ok i set my diary to public so hopefully you guys can see it now...but i think from all your advice, i'm not doing enough intensive exercise (mostly walking and tennis) and i'm not eating consistently healthy food for my calories...this last week i've been eating alot of junk but within calorie limits...but that's cos i was getting a bit disheatened! so i'll go back to better food, stricter calorie limit of 1200, and more intensive exercise routine ...thanks for your help, i'll let yall know if it works next week:)
  • mandy5678
    mandy5678 Posts: 6 Member
    oh and i'm not sure if you can see my profile but i'm 5ft 10inches and weight 166lbs - i'd like to loose about 20lbs which is what i was before the last couple of years when i was forced to be more sendentary....
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    You need to add more veggies/fruit to your diet and lose some of the sweets. 1-2 squares chocolate a day is ok but you need more "healthy calories" too. Drinking hot chocolate for lunch is definitely not a good idea... Also, try to switch your morning white bread for wholegrain. :)
  • After looking at your food journal, this would be my advice to you.

    *Get rid of butter/margarine
    *Change your % on MFP to include MORE protein and LESS carbs
    *Stay away from white/processed foods
    *Eat a LOT more protein and fruits/veggies

    Just because you are under your calorie goal, you need to look at what KIND of calories those are. Chocolate chip cookies and butter aren't good choices for weight loss. EVERY meal needs to have protein. If you need to, get a protein powder shake to use 1-2x/day to add protein. (Mine has 25 protein and 2g sugar per serving) Your body needs protein for breakfast. Instead of toast and butter, try a 5-6 egg white omelet with a half cup spinach, a slice of low sodium lean ham/turkey/chicken and a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese. It will help you feel full longer, and will help with the late-day-hunger issues.
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    I've been basically stuck with weight and it won't go down. I've had to re-evaluate my eating habits many times and I know I still need improvement. I went in and manually changed my goals so that my carbs were set at 30%, protein 40% and fats 30%. I also drink a protein shake daily even on days I don't work out. It gives me a lot of the added protein. I like my butter and that is something I haven't given up but I use the "I Can't believe it's not butter" spray and limit it to just a few sprays if possible. Also, when you work out are you adding those calories in? Meaning, if you are giving 1200 daily calories and you burn off 200, technically you can be eating 1400 calories and still lose. I have to watch my carbs big time because that is my downfall. I think I may be seeing a difference now that I've changed my settings. I also work out 5-6 days a week but limit my workout sessions to 30 minutes. Good luck.
  • mandy5678
    mandy5678 Posts: 6 Member
    thanks guys, i changed my goals to carbs 30%, protein 40%, fats 30% and i'll cut out the junk too and bring back in more fruits & veg, and more intensive exercise...this is harder than i thought!!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    You need to eat more in my opinion. There are days that you aren't even getting your 1200 calories. Eating below that, especially based on your height is not healthy.
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    I'm with-in 20lbs of my goal weight and had the same issue for months. I upped my calories, increased my work-outs. Nada. The only thing that worked in the end was to stick to 1200 cals and stop eating back all of my exercise cals.

    I know lots of people are going to berate me for this but I'm tiny (5'2" with a very small frame) and eating my exercise cals or trying to eat 1400-1500 per day was actually making me gain weight. I did lots of research and this is not an unsafe way to go so long as you're not burning more than 400 - 500 cals a day and allow yourself some rest days & make sure the food you eat is nutritionally rich. My BMR is only 1274 so exercise is the only way to create the calorie deficit needed to shed the last few pounds.

    Do not try this if you are obese or haven't spoken to your doctor. For those who doubt, this was recommended on Jillian Michales pod cast about coping with a plateau.
  • Sunshine_88:

    When you publicly claim that someone's advice is false you better state why is it false, refer something to backup that claim and correct with true information to help the person who's asking for advice. Running around just disclaiming stuff isn't either respectful or helpful.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    @ 5' 10" and 166 pounds, you are already well within the healthy weight range for your height. Maybe try to concentrate more on toning and getting in shape and less on losing weight? Give yoga or pilates a try or start some weight training, something to build up your muscle. You might not see a difference on the scale, but the difference in your body will be significant. Best of luck to you. :)
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    Another couple things is you should be eating every 3-4 hours or you go into starvation. Even if you aren't hungry you should have a protein or something. I don't think you're eating enough calories either. How much are you wanting to lose? If you have it set at 1 lb a week I would try to switch to 1/2 a week and that will increase your daily calories. Eating too less can cause negative effects.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    oh and i'm not sure if you can see my profile but i'm 5ft 10inches and weight 166lbs - i'd like to loose about 20lbs which is what i was before the last couple of years when i was forced to be more sendentary....

    1200 is way too low for your height/weight.... If you change your settings to lose 1lb a week, your daily goal would be 1400. If you change it to 1/2lb a week, it would be 1650/day --- and this probably what you should choose since you don't have much to lose.
    As weird as it sounds, eating more will probably be helpful -- and this means eating back at least half if not all of your exercise calories when you. Otherwise you're just adding more deficit on top of your already build in deficit -- and you're starving yourself...