Starting C25k today

gottagethealthy Posts: 43 Member
edited October 3 in Fitness and Exercise
I am starting the C25k workout today and have found that there are many apps for my phone. Is one better than the other?? Or is there much of a difference. I have a IPhone. Also I am dreading starting this I am so afraid I wont be able to do it. I have never run in my life and my daughter is currently doing this and told me dont bother it will be to hard for you. I want to prove her wrong. Any words of wisdom.


  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    if you have an iphone - try googling "c25k podcasts"
    there are ton out there in all types of music genres, you're sure to find your musical taste.

    for me, it's easier to run to music and then there are vocal cues to run and stop/walk.

    eta: don't worry about your speed right away. just work on your endurance. if you have to run slow, that OK!! :))
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    I recently started c25k. This is my third week. I too was afraid of failure -- I have never run before as exercise. The program starts you very slowly so don't panic. When you do jog, go very slow at first until you figure out what you can handle. I was actually walking faster before and after than I was jogging. I realized I could push myself harder and slowly picked up the pace each time. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do this -- you can! Good Luck!
  • Hey there,

    I would also recommend the podcasts. Im currently do the program as well and i got mine from

    Just remember dont ever give up as much as you want to. Just keep going even through all that panting. You'll do great :)
  • It doesn't matter if you have to repeat a week would be my advice! I was so unfit when I started could complete the first session - now I'm on week 3 and loving it. I'm becoming a runner!

    You go prove your daughter wrong :)
  • Great job on starting this! it's a fantastic goal!

    Are there any apps for Blackberry?
  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    I used NHS Choices C25K - the narrator is awesome - gives you a little encouragement at just the right times! tells you when to walk, when to run... how much longer you have on the longer runs.

    I was terrified of running when I started C25K in april... mostly b/c I was afraid of failing. I was always an athlete, but never a runner. Just listen to your body... push yourself, but know your own limits. I altered a couple of weeks, and repeated a few until I really felt comfortable moving on. The 9 week program took me about 13 to actually finish. Last saturday I ran a 4 mile race in under 45 minutes (without stopping). YOU CAN DO IT!!! and I actually learned to LOVE running... i have done the impossible : )

    My last little bit of advice - go get fitted at a running store for good shoes. Trust me - they are worth the $ and will help you avoid any pain that might discourage / derail your progress.

    Good Luck!! I hope you love it as much as I did!
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    I started today too! I could only manage about half of the runs, but that's ok. I went out there and tried! :)

    Good luck.

    I like podcasts. The verbal cues help.
  • LoganScottsMom
    LoganScottsMom Posts: 112 Member
    Good luck.... Stick with the program and you WILL be able to do it. Here's the link to the program I used and recommend to everyone who tells me they want to start runnings.
  • Bravo!! I am starting this myself. You can do it, I have a friend who was 100 pounds overweight and did the program. She ran her first 5k two weeks ago. It was hard and she had to listen to her body but by goodness she did it, you will too!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    I'm with you! I did this yesterday, totally out of shape, but I went at a good pace for me and kept going. You CAN do it!!

    Having the time limits on how long you run really helps keep you motivated to keep going...I kept thinking ...only 20 more seconds, I can finish this one! Each time you're done jogging, it's like a mini victory :) Good luck!! :happy:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I just started three weeks ago and I"m actually repeating week two to work on my endurance. I was so scared to start running but dont worry, like everyone else says, it eases you in so you actually start to enjoy it.

    I use the C25K pro app on my cost like 2 dollars but it gives me cues out loud while I'm running, so I can still talk to my running buddy and I dont have to listen to music too or keep earbuds in. Its a good option if you like peace and quiet while you run too. your phone can also go into standby mode and the cues still play, so it doesnt zap your battery. I love it! Good luck!
  • simone_84
    simone_84 Posts: 22 Member
    Honestly I'd never heard of the C25K program until I started using MFP about 2 months ago but I've heard good things. I'm sorry your daughter couldn't have given you some words of encouragement rather than telling you not to even try. I'm not sure if you're anything like me, but when someone tells me something is too hard or I won't be able to do something it helps drive me. Use that do help fuel you on your journey! The worst thing you can do is give up on it before you try!
  • gottagethealthy
    gottagethealthy Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks for all the info. Its always hard to start something new.
  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    You can totally do this!

    I started the 5K101 this summer (, and ran my first 5K in August. I loved the 5K101 podcasts! Todd, the host, is so motivating and even has a very active facebook page set up. Good luck!
  • rugbyfella
    rugbyfella Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there I am currently using a free app called get running its very good helps you all the way and you can go back or stay on a week if you need too. listen to your body and only run on the days it tells you to. It has worked very well. Give it a go what have you got to lose. if I can do it anyone can.

    Good luck.
  • fyfi_fendir
    fyfi_fendir Posts: 64 Member
    You can totally do this! I have never run in my life. Did week 1 twice and am now at week 2. I can really feel my body getting better at it and even better the weight loss has increased significantly. I have C25k apps on my ipod, iphone is even better because you have the gps that will calculate the distance you do. Like other, I think I walk faster than I jog... LOL but my aim is to finish it, not how fast I will go. You can use the apps with or without music, it's up to you. All I can say, is make sure you have good shoes, very important to protect your knees specially for us that carry a lot of extra weight...

    Keep us posted on your progress!!!
  • lunchgirlie
    lunchgirlie Posts: 101 Member
    I started C25K on Monday! I'm doing it on a treadmill in my gym. In my first workout I found that I needed to really walk to recover from the running. 60 seconds of running by the second or third round is a lot for me since I'm not a runner at all, I've been scared of running for a long time now. Maybe we can compare notes?
  • I started C25K on Monday! I'm doing it on a treadmill in my gym. In my first workout I found that I needed to really walk to recover from the running. 60 seconds of running by the second or third round is a lot for me since I'm not a runner at all, I've been scared of running for a long time now. Maybe we can compare notes?

    i was initially scared when i started out as well but eventually your body will adapt and you will get used to it and its pretty normal and almost recommended that your repeat weeks if you can go to the next week. Just listen to your body and dont force it :)
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I didn't read all of the replies so sorry if this is repeated information. There are some great articles on (lots of C25K info on the site too!) and the best thing I read that I passed on to a friend is "basically, run until you are tired and walk until you are bored". Repeat weeks as neccesary. The point is to do it at your own pace so that you can be successful. If you can't run the whole 60s each time at first, then don't. It will come.

    I am sorry to see that your daughter discouraged you so from doing it. C25K has been a great springboard for people to start running-both for people who have never run and for people who are starting again after a hiatus. The other advice I urge you to pay attention to is to not do too much, too fast! :) Good luck! I just started last week.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I am starting the C25k workout today and have found that there are many apps for my phone. Is one better than the other?? Or is there much of a difference. I have a IPhone. Also I am dreading starting this I am so afraid I wont be able to do it. I have never run in my life and my daughter is currently doing this and told me dont bother it will be to hard for you. I want to prove her wrong. Any words of wisdom.

    For a start, when do parents listen to their kids? lol :) Im just coming to the end of week 9 now; i had never run in my life, and W1D1 almost killed me! those 1 minutes jogs really did want to make me keel over, however, 9 weeks later and last night i ran 5k in 36Minutes 40Seconds (Personal Best). So long as you dont injure yourself (make sure you take rest days when they are needed and stretch to prevent inhury), anyone can get out running using this program! You just need the will power and determination, and your offspring telling you, "you cant"! means that you will! ;)

    Best of luck! :)

    Edit: Oh one more thing! Be careful, running is highly addictive! :) I run 4 to 5 days a week now, and im upset if work or life things get in the way and stop me from going out on my sheduled runs :D

    PPS: its not easy, dont kidd yourself it is. Its meant to be hard, but when you get the the end of a milestone, it feels amazin and well worth all the effort and more you put in! Whe ni started Week3 Day 1 i really struggled and thought it was a big leap from week 2, and didnt quite do the full thing, however on W3D2 i completed it as i was meant to, and i was jumping up and down with my arms in the air like something out of Rocky lol

    Main thing is, enjoy it!
  • I started C25K on Tuesday. It starts you off really easy. And speed doesn't matter. Just take it slow. I'm not a runner, but I want to start, which is why I'm trying this. When I was done, I felt so fantastic and energized. I'm looking forward to my 2nd workout today.
    Good luck! And have fun!!!
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