smw0130 Posts: 15
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone!! I am very proudly taking on the challenge of completing a Half Marathon on November 5th.... but I have so many unanswered questions as to what to eat/drink before, during, and after. Also, I would love any comments on what works for you to keep your mind motivated as you run. My body can handle the run (I hope), I've done almost 7 miles straight so far, with my training leading me up to 10 miles soon, but my mind constantly wants me to believe that I need to walk/rest/stop. What do you tell yourselves that is motivating? My main goal is to cross the finish line, but I'd love to ensure that I run the entire 13.1 miles and prove my mind wrong! So if you have any suggestions on proper nutrition/hydration during long runs, I'd truly welcome it!!

Thank you!!!


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Good Luck, I am doing a half in March too! So I will find any answers of interest too!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Carbs are carbs whether you get them from sports drinks, gels, blocks or beans. Just figure out what you like on your training runs, as the various flavors and textures really come down to personal preference.

    You CAN certainly run every step of the way (including the water stops). Good luck!
  • tikkamasala
    tikkamasala Posts: 36 Member
    I've never done a 1/2, so I can't offer advice (sorry)-- but I just wanted to wish you good luck!! Just ATTEMPTING it is remarkable, let alone FINISHING it (even if you DO end up walking a bit)!! I WILL say that I am continuously surprised at how strong/adaptive my body is-- I also sometimes underestimate my endurance, but so far I've reached every running time/distance goal I've tried ...so keep training and I bet you will do great!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I had my kids draw on my hands -- when I was tired and wanted to stop, I looked at the "I LOVE U"s and it helped keep me going. What kind of role model would I be if I quit.
    Music helps too!
    As for eating during the race, everyone is different. You should experiment during your upcoming long runs. I eat a Gu or gel about every hour.

    Good luck!!!
  • FayeReese
    FayeReese Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! You can do the 13.1. The nourishment you get through the run should be a part of your training runs. Never, Never do anything differently on race day that you haven't done in your training. I am 54 yrs old. I have completed 3 half marathons and DNF one full and then finished a full last December.

    I am hypoglycemic so what I take in during a race is important. I use a gel for noursishment. The one I like the best has a 4:1 ratio of protein to carbs. Accel is the brand. Vanilla does not have caffien. The Chocolate and Expresso has Caffiene and is called 2nd surge. It is equivelant to one cup of coffee. I use the caffenated gel close to the end for a boost. I use the non caffenated brand at about 5 or 6 miles for an energy boost.

    Walking and running will give you the same benefit as running the full 13.1. I use the Jeff Galloway method. 2:1 is my ratio run 2 walk 1 and my pace is 12:30 or 12:50, which means I am going to finish a half in less than 3 hours or around 2:50 to 2:55. Your goal for your first race should be TO FINISH. I strongly recommend you read Jeff's book Marathoning for Mortals. I downloaded his music to my mp3 player. When I train I run with only ONE EAR PLUG IN. During a race I use both. The music keeps me focused and the beat keeps me on pace. The music also takes the guesswork out of when it is time to walk and when to run, because it tells you when to do each of those.

    Good luck in your race. Which one is it? I am doing one in November at Bass Pro in Springfield, Mo.
  • sblowes
    sblowes Posts: 66 Member
    The run/walk/run method is a tried and true race strategy, just google Jeff Galloway! I'm training for my first full marathon right now. The best advice, nutritionally, is to avoid alcohol the night before running, and on the long runs, make sure you're drinking A LOT of water. I take GU gels with me on the long runs. They're about a buck a piece, and sit right at 100 calories of fast acting carbs. I take one every 4 miles on the long runs, and it feels like a huge energy boost.
  • I'm doing my first full marathon on the same day!! I have only done one 1/2 and loved it. Like you I wanted to just be able to run the whole thing and not take a walk break. I did walk at a couple of the water stations and finished in 2:16. My goal was 2:30 so I made it. Now I have been running several 5k's since and have learned a lot. The biggest thing is for me, running the whole time doesn't matter. I am happy to finish now. I know I could probably do it, but why push my body so much and deal with the pains it brings. I run every other day. Yesterday was 7 mi. and before that 9. Each time we ran about 2-3 miles and then stopped to walk for a few min. and catch our breathe. It felt so much better than running the whole time. Do what your body tells you. If you need to take a break, then do so. Walk quickly and keep going until you feel you are ready to run again. Pace yourself in the beginning and don't start out too fast or you will definitely be done within the first few miles. Good luck!
  • ctkennedy
    ctkennedy Posts: 19 Member
    I ust ran my first half marathon two weeks ago. During my training I had surgery and got pneumonia so I was not able to run for several weeks (or at least run very far). During training I ran up to 12 miles but did not run the full 13 until the day of the half-marathon. I did end up running the entire way because your endorphins do move you. I have a camelback that I wore during the half-marathon so I didn't have to constantly stop for water. I also ate Clif Energy Chews every 4 miles and they kept me going.
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
  • mikibeth
    mikibeth Posts: 29 Member
    I just did my first half 2 weeks ago. It was SO worth it! My advice would be to get lots of rest. (easier said then done! ) I have a 2 year old and a husband who works out of town so rest wasn't much of an option for me! Drink lots of water the week leading to your half. Eat as you normally would except substitute some things for more carbs. Don't over eat, just replace. Don't try anything new! It might mess with you. You can do it! For me as soon as I hit mile 10 I slowed WAY down and hit a wall! Like you, in my training I only trained up to 10 miles. If I were to do it again I would train up to at least 12. Those last 3 killed me!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • tisamg
    tisamg Posts: 62 Member
    First, Congratulations on tackling your first Half Marathon!

    Everyone is different as far as what they eat and when, but I don't eat much the morning of a race. Most things you read will tell you to eat a small amount (1/2 bagel with peanut butter, etc.), but it doesn't work for me. I take a few gel packs with me for during the race. I drink water mostly during the race unless it's over 70*F, then I alternate water and whatever sport drink they are providing. I eat the gel pack before a water stop so I have something to wash it down with. I have tried the blocks and beans and don't like chewing while I run, so I stick with the gel. I drink at every stop so I stay hydrated. You might want to practice running and drinking at the same time... it's not as easy as it might look, LOL!

    As far as what motivates me to keep running? I know how good it feels to cross the finish line! I also break up the run into smaller races. When I'm half way, I tell myself that I only have two 5k races left, etc.... and just take it one mile at a time.

    Pick whatever works best from your training runs and don't try anything new on race day.

    You CAN do this!!! Good luck!!!
  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    Congrats on taking the challenge. ARC and jabdye are right about doing the same thing on your long runs as you will do in the race. Do not try something that you have never tried before. They are also right about everone being differet on what they eat. I drink water about every 4 miles, some drink water at every stop. I used to take a GU every hr. Morning of the race, I will drink a cup of coffee a couple of hrs before the race and water. Very seldom, do i eat anything the morning of. If I do eat, it is a piece of toast with jelly.I now eat a fig newton instead. You will do well. Main thing is to not overtrain and to stay reasonable healthy. Enjoy and have fun. I have a half coming up in 2 and 1/2 weeks. Came down with a cold Monday. GRRR!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Carbs are carbs whether you get them from sports drinks, gels, blocks or beans. Just figure out what you like on your training runs, as the various flavors and textures really come down to personal preference.

    You CAN certainly run every step of the way (including the water stops). Good luck!

    Agreed on all points. You don't want to do ANYTHING new on race day. That includes wearing any sort of new clothing too!! So start figuring out how you will eat and what you will wear now. Hydration and nutrition begin several days before the race. So make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating right several days before, not just the day before.

    As for what I like "pre-race" and during:

    The night before, I love sushi!! Seriously. Not too heavy and lots of carbs from the rice. But that's not for everyone. Otherwise, a piece of chicken, a veggie and a sweet potato!!

    Morning of: oatmeal w/fruit and yogurt work best for me. I had a bagel before a short race last week and felt awful. Won't do that again!!

    During: I have relied on good old gummy bears b/c I don't like a lot of the GU's, or the price of the "sports" beans/gummys. But I have finally found 2 GU brands that I like: Honey Stinger and Hammer.
  • Hi There-

    Congratulations on your goals those you have met and those coming up, including the half marathon!

    After running a couple of HM here is what worked for me.

    1. Gatorade or something similar, the morning of the race, finish it 90 minutes before the race. have your usual long run breakfast. For me it was oatmeal, and a banana.
    2. Sport Beans at the 45 minute mark and about every 45 minutes there after.
    3. Water at most water stations the beans had enough electrolytes
    4. For motivation, I talked to everyone! Cheer for the people near by! make friends! talking keeps you from going too fast from the excitement.
    5. NO cotton clothing. , and don't try anything new on race day. give everything a practice run.
    6. know that if you train well, and taper right you will be fine.
    7. do not stress if you are sleepless the night before. If you sleep well in the days before you will be good to go!
    8. After the race: I chose nonfat latte for the one in January (14 degrees in Central park) and for the hot race in September, I chose chocolate milk, lo fat.
    9. Resist the urge to go out too fast in the beginning.
    10, smile and enjoy it literally. it was so much fun!
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Just did my first 1/2 almost 2 weeks ago. It was great and I am so glad I did it, what a great experience ! Some of my advice

    Eat pasta the night before for the carbs and drink lots of water the day before

    We used Sports Beans to get some energy during the race at mile 4 and 8. They tasted good and helped. If you are going to try anything to "eat" during the race test it first on one of your long training runs to be sure it agrees with your tummy

    I had my family wait towards the end. My kids made big bright signs and it gave me something to look forward to at the end

    Dress light, even though it may be cold at the start you will warm up fast. Also most races have a shirt collection where you can wear a old sweatshirt and just leave it at the start and they will collect them to give to the needy

    I am not sure what your usual pace is (do you track it via a Garmin watch or similar?) but I would watch your pace as not to go too fast especially early in the race. I knew for me based on a 10 mile race I did before I would likely finish about 2hr 20min. So we set up a pace plan to follow which worked well

    Miles 1-3 (3 miles @11mm)---33 minutes
    Miles 4-7 (4 miles at 10mm--fuel at mile 4)----40 minutes
    Miles 8-10 (3 miles @ 10.30mm—fuel at mile 8)---31 minutes
    Miles 11—13 (3 miles at 12mm)---36 minutes
    Total time—2 hrs 20 minutes
  • Great suggestions!! Thank you so much for sharing them with me!! I'm getting more and more excited every day!!
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