Walking a 5K

I was just wondering if anyone has ever walked a 5k? Obviously by looking at me you can tell that I haven't done things like that before, but I have family that does the Turkey Trot in Ft Worth every Thanksgiving morning and I thought I would set my goal to be able to at least walk that easily before then.
I just thought since Thanksgiving is pretty much a food oriented holiday that takes it's nasty toll on everyone, that my best line of defense would be to train for something to look forward to more than the pecan pie lol


  • cdc1995
    I think that's an awesome goal!!!! Just start slow and continue to build your endurance. Good luck!!! :)
  • abalderas956
    great goal... keep it up!
  • a1rose
    a1rose Posts: 127 Member
    I think that is a great idea!! I would totally do that... Hmmm Giving me some ideas!! :) hehe.

    Here in Germany there are a ton of paved walking trails, I should totally take advantage of that at some point!!
  • 1goodymom67
    I have run in several 5k and I have seen many walkers. I am highly impressed that you want to do it!!
  • skinnylcs
    skinnylcs Posts: 11 Member
    That's a wonderful goal to set. I try to do 2 5Ks a year and it doesn't matter how old/young, big/small...... walks are always challenging - especially if the walks are through hilly areas. I think the fact that you are commiting yourself to complete one is an accomplishment in itself - congratulations.
    The only suggestion I can make is make sure that you have pleanty of water and a great pair of shoes & socks. Start slowly - don't think you have to run right out of the gate when you start 'training' for the upcoming 5K; a simple walk around your neighborhood is the perfect start and then you can gradually build your self up. If you've not walked before perhaps a pedometer would be a helpful measure for you so you can see what progress you've made each time you walk.
    You deserve this and can do it - good luck! :smile:
  • Thanks for the advice. None of my family are overweight and my teenage son is an avid runner. I've just set my mind that this year, instead of waiting for all of them at the finish line, they will be waiting for me.
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    I'm a huge fan of walking ! If I had known how good walking was for you, I would have started long ago.

    There's a local pub that sponsors an after-work 5k once a week (combined with happy hour !) I've gotten in the habit of going and its a lot of fun. I just walk. And many others do too. Lots of people show up with dogs and strollers. It's a very friendly crowd.

    Just remember : From a runner's point of view, the only people unwelcome at a 5k are the ones who finish faster than them !
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    OMG! YES!!! Do it! There are tons of walkers! At our Turkey Trot here in Ohio there are more walkers than runners! I did one about 11 years ago and walked the whole thing. This year I am doing our Ghosts and Goblins race on oct 18th and registered for the Turkey Trot too!

    Your family will be so proud of you! You couldl even surprize them by not telling them you are doing it until you get there!