Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 252



  • reshii_devi
    reshii_devi Posts: 565 Member

    Hey Donna ~ {{{{{sending hugs girl}}}}} <3 I had a few rounds with my emotions last week too. So many of us are fighting that battle - it's hard, I know. But I have a new awareness I'd like to share with you and the fitfam ~ sugar crack releases opioids and dopamine into the system. That's the link between sugar and addictive behavior. Anything can be a trigger.

    Last week I was appalled at how much I was CRAVING carb comfort 🤪 + my continued struggle with self-control!! No matter how disgusted I might have been that I didn't say NO! ~ I gave myself permission to have "just a little bit" ~ and was sooo proud I didn't go full-tilt off the rails with it. (Y'all know how easily one cookie turns into the whole pack right?)

    Anywho ~ it reminded me of when I quit smoking 15 years ago. I tried for YEARS, before I realized I had to go cold turkey. And the only way to do it was to tell myself DAILY smoking was killing me - that I WAS NOT suicidal or delusional about all the toxins in it - and it didn't matter how many other people happily smoked into their 90's!! I literally had posts its everywhere that said PUT SOMETHING ELSE IN YOUR MOUTH or DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR HANDS.

    I think I had maybe 3 or 4 cigarettes within a 5 year period, and nothing since. Similarly, I have to take away all the "just a little bit" excuses I've been giving myself and look at excess sugar the same way. IT'S POISON. That's a well documented fact.

    Hope I don't sound preachy or anything! Just wanted to share my perspective in case it helps someone. We can't always be easy on ourselves. Sometimes we have to bash our heads with an ugly truth to shake free of past conditioning. Everyone's story is different ✨but we all need words that give us the motivation and self-discipline we need to take action and do something different. Peace and love, fitfam.

    @reshii_devi Thanks so much for your response to my post. Emotions can be so powerful. I quit smoking in 2007 and I rarely drink alcohol unless its a special occasion so I drown my sorrows or woes in food. Especially sugar. I 100% agree that sugar is TOXIC. Especially to a type 2 diabetic and cancer survivor like me. And yet..... It's what I reach for.......If I could tame that demon, I would definitely be fit and healthy and slender. I'll never give up the battle or throw in the towel! Today was another day filled with a "situation" causing me great discomfort and depression. I do not plan on caving in tonight. I have a square of 85% cacao dark chocolate waiting for me if I MUST have something sweet. It's the only chocolate or sweet I never overeat because, quite honestly, it's very bitter and I just don't like it that much. However, it's so concentrated that it will often do the trick. I just have to CHOOSE it over other things and that, my dear, is the rub! Thanks again for your insights and your sharing! [[[hugs back to you]]]

    xoxo ... you got this sis
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,184 Member
    edited February 27
    Krysless2 wrote: »
    refactored wrote: »
    Krysless2 wrote: »

    your post really caught my eye. Mostly because the words “I need to” are very triggering for me.

    I read in a book somewhere to change your words you can change your mindset. Instead of “I have to” say “I want to” or instead of “I need to” say “I get to”

    This made me stop and think. Is triggering good or bad? I generally think of it as negative but in this case, for me at least, I think it was a positive. It made me realize that I don’t HAVE TO GO TO THE GYM, I NEED to go. When I first went several years ago my husband doubted I would go for a second visit but I did. And a 3rd, 4th and 5th at which time he told me I had become a Gym Rat. Now I NEED to get back in that habit. So thank you for triggering me to take action!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 2,069 Member
    SW: 176.7
    • Tue 02/27: 177.2;+.5lbs
      ~ Ok pre-TMI I was 178.4 and then post-TMI I was 176.1! (Still so thankful for code names!) But when the difference is so extreme like that, I’m going to divide and subtract the difference. Because well, I must just REALLY had to go!! lol
      ~ Still having a hard time getting back on the treadmill. Dealing with a little PTSD when I was on there for too long Friday and Saturday which made my feet sore afterwords. This is probably contributing to my “I can eat whatever I want” mental state of mind right now.
    Stayed Below SW 175.6✔️=Yes ❌=No
    (Mon> > > > > > > > Next Wed)
    • 02/28 Wed ~ 3rd Day
    • 02/29 Thu ~ 4th Day
    • 03/01
    • 03/02
      *MiniGoal: Under 174
    • 03/03 Sun ~ 7th Day
    • 03/04
    • 03/05
    • 03/06 Wed ~ Last Day
    Prev Days(Cliffs notes in RED):
    • Mon 02/26: 176.7;+.1lbs
      ~ I was good all day until my husband wanted pizza. I usually go nuts and eat with my eyes but I didn’t this time.
      ~ I’m still surprised this isn’t higher.. but maybe I have been given some grace here. I did put a rule in place, which was to stop eating when I was full last night. Maybe that was it..
    • SW: 175.6
      ~ Continuing on with my same plan