
Anyone ever gone to one and gotten good info? I have been getting sick sooo much the last couple months, not just little colds like I feel like I'm going to die lol I have an appointment with a nutritionist on thursday because I'm hoping theres a solution, like maybe I'm not getting something thats important who knows! Everyone keeps telling me I'm anemic but I hope not although it's quite common, anyways I'm super tired, fever, stomach ache but not throwing up, bad headache and dizzy, any ideas!? Thanks MFP, I'm thinking you guys might be more knowledgeable so maybe I don't have to go lol



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Anyone ever gone to one and gotten good info? I have been getting sick sooo much the last couple months, not just little colds like I feel like I'm going to die lol I have an appointment with a nutritionist on thursday because I'm hoping theres a solution, like maybe I'm not getting something thats important who knows! Everyone keeps telling me I'm anemic but I hope not although it's quite common, anyways I'm super tired, fever, stomach ache but not throwing up, bad headache and dizzy, any ideas!? Thanks MFP, I'm thinking you guys might be more knowledgeable so maybe I don't have to go lol

  • sara1027
    sara1027 Posts: 59
    My daughter sees one but she has diabetes. She is very helpful.
  • lenmana
    lenmana Posts: 171
    Hey AliciaKarver...I hope you've been to see a sounds miserable!
  • rebcolorado
    I am sure that every nutritionist is different. I wento to one, paid a small fortune for an hour, and wound up having her tell me that there really was no advice that she could give me. I took my food journal with me and she said all she could do was recommend that I cut my calories to 1200 .... I was training for a marathon at the time and was running about 6 miles everyday and 12 - 18 miles on Saturday. I left feeling taken advantage of b/c there was no way I could hae survived on her "recommendation."
    If you decide to go to one see if you can get someone that has good recommendations.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I hope you have made an appt with your doctor as well to have a complete blood work-up
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    I see a nutritionist and I absolutely LOVE mine! She has given me great advice and really helped me to understand what's going on with my body and what I need to do to help my body stay healthy.
  • zoey1912
    zoey1912 Posts: 18
    Have you seen a physician (sorry can't remember if you wrote that you did)? With your symptoms I'm not sure how much a registered dietician will be able to help..(I'm not an RD but do have a B.S. in nutrition & am going to med school this year). First I was thinking maybe mono but you said these symptoms have persisted for a couple months? I know mono usually lasts a few weeks but may stay for a prolonged time if not treated. This sounds like something a lot more serious than anemia alone or an out of whack diet or a lack of vitamins in my opinion. If you haven't gone to a physician I think that is best. I honestly don't think an RD will be much help with this..I work directly with them at a very large hospital and have never known for them to take this sort of situation on. I know I'm not in med school yet but please message me if you have any nutrition related questions.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    I have severe anemia. I can tell you my symtoms are extreme fatigue, dizziness and headaches along with being very cold all the time. I also have some circulation issues in my hands. They are in the process of trying to figure out the cause but it was easily diagnosed. Its just a blood test. If you think that it is this then you should ask to be tested. A simple iron supplement or vitamin B12 supplement could cure you. I am no doctor and am only speaking from my own experience.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I haven't seen a doctor yet but when I went to see one for the referral she didn't seem to worry about diagnosing me herself, I go on thursday so I'll just see what the nutritionist says and hopefully I'll get it figured out because I'm tired of being sick, thanks for the input all!
