
I know this is prolly a HUGE no no here, but I am really trying, and would rather be informed, than give up due to slipping once in a while and just figuring I "blew it". SOOOO with that being said, What if ANYTHING are my best choices when it comes to alcohol? I'm a HUGE wine fan, love it all, but the problem is the "huge" part :p Suggestions and honesty are GREATLY appreciated!


  • Vodka and club soda is the lowest calorie drink I know of. Light beer too.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I make myself white wine spritzers.

    Pour yourself a reasonably hefty glass of white wine and that is your total wine for the evening.

    As you go along just pour it into a glass with soda for a spritzer! :)
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 252 Member
    I also love my wine. Just keep some calories available for your splurge!
  • Bud Select 55 is my drink. At only 55 calories per bottle. It is super light so not for real beer lovers but it does the job:)
  • I do know that Captain Morgan's Rum has very minimal cals/carbs. Not sure on the exact amounts but I did check it out a few years back. So I usually drink Captain and Diet Coke and theres not much calories there. If you do drink wine I believe that Whites have fewer cals than Reds. If your'e a beer drinker I know that Miller has MGD 64 cal. Just stay away from the fruity drinks and liquors Cosmos etc Very sugary! anything that would have a juice mixed in with it too would be high calorie of course too. Hope that helps:)
  • LauraLou1386
    LauraLou1386 Posts: 1 Member
    The best ,from what I hear, is Greygoose (or any vodka) and water with lime. It's actually not bad!! And if I drink beer... I try to stick with Michelob Ultra. I believe it's 95 calories.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    :bigsmile: Wine is generally 25 calories per ounce. I basically gave it up 7 months ago. It is too high for my tastes
  • FitnessDivaK
    FitnessDivaK Posts: 180 Member
    I love margaritas, so the Skinny Girl Margarita is perfect! Only 37.5 Calories. I love wine too...I usually just save up calories, but I might also try Yukon's suggestion with the could use seltzer water instead of soda to cut back on calories an sugar
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Someone on here posted a link to a site one time that has all the alcohols and mixed drinks and their calories. I love it!
  • Loving these suggestions!! thanks all!!! Keep em coming please! :)
  • rustypust
    rustypust Posts: 19 Member
    I am a red wine drinker but generally leave the drinking until the end of the week and allow for it in my calories !!!
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    If you can drink in moderation…I say drink what you enjoy. It’s like what kind of “cake” is best for me, if it’s someone’s birthday enjoy, if it’s everyday for breakfast …it may be time to stop
  • "I love margaritas, so the Skinny Girl Margarita is perfect! Only 37.5 Calories. I love wine too...I usually just save up calories, but I might also try Yukon's suggestion with the could use seltzer water instead of soda to cut back on calories an sugar "
    forgive me if I am doing this wrong lol.....but i haven't tried to reply to one person yet....but whats in a "skinny girl margarita"??
  • I love margaritas, so the Skinny Girl Margarita is perfect! Only 37.5 Calories. I love wine too...I usually just save up calories, but I might also try Yukon's suggestion with the could use seltzer water instead of soda to cut back on calories an sugar

    figured it out!! lol so whats in it?
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    If you can drink in moderation…I say drink what you enjoy. It’s like what kind of “cake” is best for me, if it’s someone’s birthday enjoy, if it’s everyday for breakfast …it may be time to stop

    agreed! Drink what you enjoy just do it in moderation and work it into your calories. I wouldn't recommend skimping on "real food" for a glass of wine but if from time to time you want to do that I see no problem with it. i have been known to have a Frappachino for lunch from time to time
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I incorporate a glass of red wine every evening - either with my dinner or later on. 4 oz of red wine is 80 calories and a good amount and keeps me sippin' for a while -- hence, I'm not prowling for something to eat! I don't think we should have to give up things we love, but instead incorporporate them. When I get my glass of wine at the end of the day, I feel like I'm getting a special 'treat!"
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I run a happy hour group in Raleigh, NC so I'm not about to give up alcohol lol. Neither are my friends. I drink pretty much wine, martinis, gin + tonics. There is nothing wrong with it in moderation. It has about the same amount of calories as a soft drink with better results. Don't feel you have to give it up just make room for it in your calories for the day :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I go with wine. I drink it almost everyday and it hasn't stopped me from losing weight. But I rarely eat any sweets at all. My dessert, if I have it, is usually a handful of cocoa roasted almonds. As long as I eat healthy and exercise regularly, I've found that I can get proper nutrition and drink wine. So, that's what I do.

    On weekends or when I know I'll be drinking more, I'll make sangria with fresh citrus and Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry. Cuts the calories and the alcohol and is very refreshing.

    You lowest calorie drinks are going to be distilled liquors mixed with no calorie drinks though. (bleh!)
  • tmacs
    tmacs Posts: 60
    I also love my wine. Just keep some calories available for your splurge!

    This! I always try to save calories for a glass or two of wine :). It's my relaxation time when the kids go to bed!
  • cottonpunk
    cottonpunk Posts: 12 Member
    I have my red wine every once in a while. To me, 5 ounces for 127 calories is worth it! I also like Cherry Vodka with Diet coke which is fairly low as well if I want something sweet. Good luck!