Peeps help i keep falling off.. i need some motivation!

hi everyone!
i need some friends! i had no idea you could make friends and motivate each other thru the website i had never clicked on the icon. i know im a goof! This i my proplem peeps I dont know how to stay focused, i do really good for 2-3 wks n then i go back to my old ways. Im so tired of always falling behind. On monday i started hitting the gym again luckily i weighed myself and i hadnt gain any of the weight back (supposedly right?), after not going for about 3 wks. I have all the resources to succeed i have free membership at the gym, i can cook and portion my food, i jst dont have any encouragement other than my boyfriend hes the best! If there are any buddies that need to lose more than 100lbs like me please send me a friend request i think this change will really help. thanks


  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Hi Mercedes,

    I need to lose more than 100 lbs and it is very hard sometimes but this is a great site and the people here are great! I used to have the same problem as far as losing interest or needing to stay focused after a while.. I have been dieting and exercising for 5 weeks now and have not strayed:laugh: it feels awesome!!! I can be one of your many buddies her at MFP and help you along this journey...
  • geeksrule
    geeksrule Posts: 143 Member
    I only have 20 to lose, but even that can seem so daunting. And, besides we can all stand to have someone help coach us! Friend request coming your way!!
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Hey Mercedes - You Can do it!!

    I have 70 pounds to lose, and I really didn't think that it could happen until I started school this year. My best friend's boyfriend is currently training for a body building competition and a physical education degree, so he's really educated on what you should eat to have a healthy body! He started me on a plan that was basically eating 7 meals a day, trying to eat as much protein as possible. I admit that sometimes, it's a little frustrating trying to figure out what I'm going to eat for 7 meals of the day, but thankfully my best friend is also trying to lose some weight and tone up, so we share a lot of weight loss secrets together. We also share an apartment off-campus, so it really helps to have someone in your household helping you along!! I introduced the MFP app to my parents and family, and they've all joined as well! I've been on this plan for two weeks today, and I feel like it's been going great so far!! Just make sure you're being honest with yourself in your entries and put in EVERYTHING that you eat! If you put ketchup on your fries, put in on MFP. Believe me, I've tried EVERYTHING from a water diet to weight watchers to simply "watching what I eat", and this is what's helped me so far. You should try eating a bunch of small meals too!! It helps you metabolise and you're not as hungry and gorge yourself on food when you do eat.

    Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend or send me a message!! :)
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    Also I forgot to add, if you slip up a little on one day, don't be discouraged! We all need treats sometimes! :) Just add it to your calories and continue on! Don't let one slip up ruin your whole diet week!
  • christyrmc
    christyrmc Posts: 7 Member
    You can do it! This is my first day here (hours, really!) There are choices to make and it is sooo hard sometimes, isn't it? I (try) to always think "is THIS bite the BEST bite I can take?" It works for me. Baby steps and lots of friends. We are here for you!:heart: