Help! MFP calorie calculations incorrect?

Ok, I sooo very confused. I walked 30 minutes yesterday at the same pace and burned 189 calories according to MFP. Today I walked 28 minutes same pace and burned 194. I didnt change anything except the time. (not my weight, or different speed or anything) Someone please explain that?


  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Who knows...maybe you chose a different walking option. Get a HRM and you'll be more accurate anyway. MFP is just guessing...
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    MFP counts are not accurate at all, in my experience, they are either very high or very low. get a heart rate monitor for accuracy. great job on your walking!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Ok, I sooo very confused. I walked 30 minutes yesterday at the same pace and burned 189 calories according to MFP. Today I walked 28 minutes same pace and burned 194. I didnt change anything except the time. (not my weight, or different speed or anything) Someone please explain that?

    MFP calories for EVERYTHING are just an approximation, they are 'roughly' right..this includes the calories it determines you eat, too. if you want accurate data on calories burnt, you need a heart rate monitor which many people here use and will give you a much more accurate outcome. but numbers aside, there is a simple formula" Eat well and healthy + honest exercise+ awesome YOU :-)
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    There are several different walking options in the database (i.e. 3 mph, 4 mph). You have to pick the correct one. If you chose a speed faster the second time then you would burn more cals.
  • MFP has been very close for me, but I bought a good HRM anyway because I like new toys.
  • tklein1169
    tklein1169 Posts: 1 Member
    I have noticed a difference when you enter using the mobile app as apposed to the website.
  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    I used the same option I used yesterday just changed the time. I am definitely thinking of getting a HRM. I was thinking today as I was painfuly and slowly dying after my walk that I may be in really poor shape lol. If MFP calculates by your weight, speed, and time, wouldnt a person who is out of shape have to use more energy to do the same workout of someone the same weight who is more in shape? Wouldnt that extra energy = extra calories?
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Get and HRM, I found the same thing with MFP and their calories. Not only are they always off from what my HRM says they are never consistent. Even on exercises I've created MFP randomly changes the calories. e.g. I entered my online skating based off of my HRM the first time I went out, which happened to be 600 cal for 60 min. Without changing my weight or other factors in MFP, I've gotten ranges of about 580-625 from MFP when I enter 60 minutes for Inline skating. And while I don't always burn exactly 600 for 60 minutes everytime, so I'd need to adjust it anyway, it's definitely odd to see what MFP decides to randomly assign as the calories burned on any given day.