Bulking 2024

If you are bulking what is your weight goal for 2024 and why are you bulking?


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,880 Member
    Current BW: 194.6
    Goal BW: 200 with a 32-inch waist

    Through trial and error over the past 15 years of weightlifting, the sweet spot for me is in my 190's to have maximum muscle but minimum complaints by my knees climbing stairs to my bedroom, lol. I plan to slow-bulk until I hit 200, then trim down probably to 190 or so, and repeat the process until I can hit 200 with a trim waistline.
  • MichaelMatiychenko
    MichaelMatiychenko Posts: 2 Member
    Current BW: 118
    Goal BW: 125-130

    Just started and I wanna look bettter
  • s9jrd8yzkj
    s9jrd8yzkj Posts: 1 Member
    Mid bulk, I’ve gained 15 lbs since august and a decent amount of muscle.

    Current weight 170lbs

    Goal weight is 190lbs
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Current weight is 232lbs at 6'2 - goal for the next bulk is about 250(ish).
  • back2growing
    back2growing Posts: 2 Member
    I guess I’m bulking.. I’m skinny trying to build muscle.. I need 2200 calories or higher a day.. but I’m getting 3000 calories a day.. so I should be good
  • adamohmtechno
    adamohmtechno Posts: 1 Member
    Currently 67kg +/-0.5kg for last year. Looking to add at least a kg of muscle to assist with ultra running. Have been doing Stronglift 5x5 for 9 months, have got stronger but not put any weight on, coming to realization last week that I don't get nearly enough protein or calories.