I hit a plateau! HELP!!

I now weigh 162.4 pounds today ............... how can I get to the 150's??


  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi you can do it by not focusing on the big picture but just taking one day at a time. I've been at this for most of the year and almost at my goal weight, Yah!! It's very overwhelming at first but each day you will get to your goal. Most of us want it to happen now lol. I have hit at least 3 plateaus and that is when you need to change things up. Either up or lower your calories and change your exercise routine. If you aren't doing strength training yet, now would be a great time to do that. If you are, then continue to do it with more reps. I do cardio one day, strength the next, etc allowing my muscle groups to rest. You can do this!!
  • Bukopie474
    I'm in the same boat, I started walking again and changed up my workout from running back again to P90x. Try walking in the beginning then set a goal each week how far you can go. Once you reached your goal, try running, set a goal. Let me know if it works. Besides, if you are gaining muscle, it weighs more than fat.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Tell us what you do (exercises routine), open up your diary, then may be someone can help you more specifically.
  • masterfitness4u
    Try a circuit training with 1 min rest between sets (at lest 3 exercises at 2 sets) and some cardio with good eating, that should do it. :)
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    When I hit a weight loss plateau (it's been awhile since I've tried to lose weight) - I found that eating maintenance for one to two weeks, then hitting the deficit again helps.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Time to shake things up a bit. Up the intensity of your workout routine or try something completely different (biking instead of running, running instead of walking, etc.) Up your calorie intake a bit. If you aren't currently eating back your exercise calories, start.
  • stardozer
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    I found doing full body work outs that have strength + cardio together. That really helped move over a humo. I was glad I wasn't gaining, but I wanted to keep loosing. Doing those type of workouts I actually had to increaes my calories just a little. The strange thing, it worked in addition to the harder more full body workouts. :) Hope you find something that works for you! Dont' loose sight! Your getting close. This is just a little hump that u will get over :0)
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Everyone hits plateau's. Don't worry you will start loosing again. There really is no "magic button" you can push to get off the plateau you are on :frown: . Everyone's body composition is different and it will take some trial & error before you find what works for you.

    Things that have helped when I hit a plateau are:

    1. Stepping up the intensity of my work outs. I push the resistance up on the cross trainer so I increase my heart rate.
    2. Changing up my work outs - More cardio / less strength training or changing up my strength training so I am working new muscles. The harder I have to work the more calories I burn.
    3. Counting my calories! Making sure I eat correctly ( healthy) and eating the calories I burned during my work outs. Knowing my calories IN and my calories OUT is key for me.

    I'm no expert by any means but these are some thing that have worked for me. Maybe you could list an example of your daily routine so people could help you to tweak it.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member

    Go to your profile and make your Diary public so we can see it. If you click on my user name you will be able to click on View My Diary. You can see what I eat every day and my exercise.
  • stardozer

    Go to your profile and make your Diary public so we can see it. If you click on my user name you will be able to click on View My Diary. You can see what I eat every day and my exercise.

  • stardozer
    I go to the YMCA 3 Days a week and:

    Walk a mile
    arms-20 reps
    Thighs-20 reps
    Abbs-35 tp 45 reps
    Crunches-45 to 60 reps

    then I walk the Dam for 2 miles on the days I dont go to the YMCA.
  • flyer7871
    I see that you walk a mle before your workout. Try walking half a mile to warm up, then do your workout. Now here is the key. after your workout do a mile of running as fast as you can for a minute followed by 2-3 minutes of slow walking. repeat for the whole mile. This brings your heart rate up then down. Ive been doing this for awhile and it works. 10lbs so far. This type of conditioning is called HIIT.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    I don't see any real problems with your eating. You eat very healthy just make sure you eat the extra calories you burned during exercise. Try to go for longer walks ( at least 45 MN). Shoot for some sort of exercise at least 5 days a week. Bike riding, hiking, running, or go to the gym. If yo can't get to a gym then try strength training at home. There are lots of great YouTube videos out there that you could do at home. Lots of people on here like c25k which is a Couch to 5k running program -- it's at c25k.com. I'm not a runner (never have been, never will be :sad: ) but it seems to work for a lot of people here.

    Strength Training = Muscle & Muscle burns Fat
    Cardio, Cardio, Cardio
    Eat your calories that you burned during your work outs

    You can do it :flowerforyou: . . . you just have to find what works for you.
    Glad to have you as a friend!
  • justjumpit278
    justjumpit278 Posts: 96 Member
    I know this doesn't answer your initial question.. but only 636 calories between breakfast, lunch, AND dinner? You don't have to starve yourself. :) There are MANY healthy choices for snacks. Try to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet.

    Just remember it doesn't happen overnight - its an ongoing process :)
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    I don't see any real problems with your eating.

    There are a lot of problems with her diet right now, she is eating about 600 calories a day, if that, mostly of 'diet' foods that come pre packaged and filled with sodiums and sweeteners.

    She is definitely not eating her excercise calories, she isnt even eating her normal calories. I would say her metabolism has come to a screeching halt and thats why she has hit a brick wall despite eating so little and doing consistent work outs

    OP: ask around here for some good diet menus. You should be eating more food, definitely of the healthy foods, eating more does not always mean you will gain weight. You can eat several plates of broccoli before its going to have as much effect on your body as a few slices of pizza. Eating eggs, chicken breast, fish, veggies fruits, unprocessed foods will actually HELP you lose weight and flush your system instead of stopping you up.