New Mom on Board

Hello everyone,

I am a mother of 3 and have just realized that my weight has gotten completely out of hand. When I had my first child I pretty much gained no weight at all. For 13 wonderful years I enjoyed a size 6, 130lb figure. Then along came my second pride and joy at the tender age of 33. I had a bit of a challenge getting back to my goal weight but was able to achieve it in a few short months. And now with the birth of my third child, I felt helpless about the weight I gained. But I was still hopeful that I could lose the "baby fat". After a year and a half, living away from friends and family, being a stay at home mom with a boyfriend that works two jobs (and only one car), and finally quitting smoking I have realized that I now weigh more than when I was actually pregnant with my child. Here's to living healthier and getting back into my closet again.


  • lemondrop75
    lemondrop75 Posts: 14 Member
    We all knew as we get older our bodies do not bounces back as well as they did when we were younger. My weight has been crazy ever since I had my one and only child. My body has never been the same. But I will keep working at it and I will get there. You will get there, Good luck
  • TonnaJai
    TonnaJai Posts: 49 Member
    Hello! I am a mother of one, and this has been a trying time losing that weight and getting back to 135lbs. Which I don't think I will ever want to be that small again but I was 206lbs at birth that is too much for my height and frame but thankfully things have changed slowly for me just had to learn to accept things want go back exactly and it takes time. So good luck to you and I will add you to my friends. I try to add moms we have to stick together :) Good Day!
  • angel2874
    angel2874 Posts: 59 Member
    Good luck to you and welcome to the site, I am also trying to lose the baby weight two years later, but am finally serious about it!!!
  • Hi I'm also new to this site, currently a Sahm with 2 girls, tring to lose weight and get rid of my muffin top
    All the best if you want to add me we can push each other anyway all the best
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    welcome to the family love, I am a momma of two beautiful angels (well when they want to be haha) Welcome to the MFP family :)