Calorie Intake-Calories Burned

Ok...I eat I exercise I lose weight.. I feel good, with energy not hungry, sleepy at times(but thats due to me exercising at 5am)

If someone looks at my food diary they say way to low on my calories, and I agree, but I dont feel hungry this is almost every day. It bothers me because even though I am losing weight I want to make sure I am doing in in the healthiest way possible. Last week when I ate a bit more, and didnt exercise as much, was the week I only lost 2 lbs...any suggestions?


  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Only lost 2 lbs??? Heck I average 1 lb a week. If I could eat more and still only "lose 2 lbs" I'd be eating a LOT more!

    Anyways, I eat under, over and right on. Some days I'm hungrier (not craving, just honestly hungry). I listen to my body. If your body is telling you want you want and you are getting results...who's to argue with it.
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Like your response...thats exactly what I have been thinking...thanks:wink: (Oh and by the way I said only 2 lbs because I was losing 5 -6 -8 lbs per week)
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    Honestly, I looked back at your calorie intake over the last couple of weeks, and I would say that if you are consistently eating under 1200 cals(and you are) that could be part ot the reason you feel sleepy. I notice if I eat too few calories for a while, especially if I'm burning a lot of calories, I start to feel tired a lot. Getting less than 1200 is not good for you. I'm the first to say that I don't eat back most of my exercise cals, but I almost always get at least 1200 cals because my body needs it. The site is even designed to warn you about getting to few's there because it really is true. Just be careful...your body will let you know what it needs.
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    I realize that my calories are to low but sometimes I try to eat more and I fell way to full, even get a stomach ache, but I get what you are saying, I am going to try to eat a bit more, as for the sleepiness, I really think it is because I just dont get enough sleep. I have a BIG problem with insomnia I get up at between 5 -530am and dont sleep until 1 -2 am., but like I said I will certainly be more careful thanks
  • kindofahippie
    For your insomnia, have you considered going to a health food store and talking to someone? I used to always have a hard time falling, and then staying asleep. I went to my health food store because I thought I might need to start taking some St. John's Wort for depression (family history as well as personal history). I talked to the ladies who were extremely knowledgable and they helped me out a lot. I've started taking one St. John's Wort oil capsule in the evening, an hour or two before I want to go to bed, and I also make myself a cup of sleepytime tea. Try looking into natural remedies... good luck!!