Starving mad

is it just me or do others get the same way I do when I get hungry and when I say hungry I mean its been a good 5 hours or so from the last time you ate and when u did eat breakfast it was some small cuz u were in a hurry, that kinda hungry I seem to get ever frustrated easily like I just got home and almost cried I was so hungry and then when my mom said make something I got so mad I almost hit her (I would never hit my mommy I love her to much and + she would kick my @$$) but I went down stair all pissed and mad food after eating I still feel mad but kinda better. PLEASE some say this happens to them to so I don't feel like such an awful person ps I apologized to my mommy


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    i am extremely unpleasant to be around when i've missed a feeding....
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    I get super cranky if I have low blood sugar. I try to eat every 3-4 hours and it helps. On weekends if my husband and I are shopping for long hours and I don't eat, I get super cranky and angry about dumb stuff. It happens :)
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    LMAOOOO my nick name for my hubby is teddy bear BUT when hes hungry OMG!!! hes like a grizzly bear LOLOL.. Me and our girls mock him all the time when he gets grumpy we tell him to go get a snack and zip it lol
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    Yeah, I am the same way. My blood sugar tends to run low, so I have to be careful. I will turn into a monster if I don't eat regularly.
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    Super cranky, mad at the world and angry at anything in sight...... :)
  • skinnybliss
    skinnybliss Posts: 24 Member
    Oh yes, everyone can relate to that! I learned a cool trick from "The Anderson Method" ( book) - whenever you're hungry , and it's not time to eat yet, just think to yourself, "wow, I must really be burning fat right now!"
    Now, when I am hungry between my mealsI tell myself that, and it feels almost GOOD! I'd rather be burning fat than be hungry:)
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i've like screamed and yelled at people from being so hungry :O !
  • Gypsy_MerMom
    Gypsy_MerMom Posts: 88 Member
    thanks guys now I don't feel like such a horrible person lol
  • djtt1982
    Diet is not about eating less, is about eating in an adequate way!
    If you feel the need to eat so much it means something is going wrong with your food list!
    In my case everything works good even if I eat a lot! try looking at my food diary for today! I ate a 1955 burger at Mc Donald's more than 600 calories... but I could, because I swam for 1150 metres!
    Eating well is a science!
    sugar is used in the first 20 minutes of exercise.. then you need carbs!
    Before the exercise you need carbs! maybe 30min before it try eating a cereal bar. you will have much more energy to use!
    After the ecercise you need protein! muscles need repair!
    To avoid cramps you need potassium and magnesium! so eat bananas/spinaches etc!
    If you keep attention to WHAT you eat, and not HOW MUCH you eat.. you will find that you can do a lot more exercise. more exercise = more muscles under the skin.
    more muscles under the skin = more calories consumption to mantain those muscles = when you sleep those muscles will keep continuing to eat.. and you will lose weight!

    People usually follow 2 ways
    1)eat too few. they will loose weight fast (mostly water...), they will suffer from starvation, they eventually go in starvation mode.. (the body won't loose weight because of the reduced substances intake.. call it "emergency mode"!). As the will eat something their weight will grow FAST!
    2)do more exercise. eat adequately, even more than required. the body will function better, the heart will be happy, the daily calories consumption will increase, and the weight will disappear. as you will eat.. the weight won't increase much!
    (after 20 min of exercise.. every step you make is BURNT FAT!.. Burnt until you put it back in.. and that's your choice!) ;)

    P.S.... some tricks! :)
    1) apples are excellent to stop hunger! Don't eat too much though! high carbo content! :)
    2) green tea is said to reduce hunger (surely will fill some of your stomach!) and is said to reduce the transformation of food into calories.. more or less. drink it! (not in bottles... do the tea the ancient way! it's the only way to obtain its properties!)
    3)eat little.. but frequently! that's really important!
    4) HUGE salads! yesterday i ate 350grams of lettuce, with a mozzarella and 100 grams of wurstels. little calories intake. took me 20 min to eat it. and I eat fast! it felt like I ate 3 pizzas! :D
    5)vegetables.. eat as much as you can! little calories, lot of water!
    6)eat slow. when you are satiated there is a communication delay between your stomach and your brain. if you eat fast, between that moment and the impulse to stop eating you will eat a lot. if you eat slow... you will eat less, being satiated and with a better result!

  • Gypsy_MerMom
    Gypsy_MerMom Posts: 88 Member
    I do eat its just yesterday lol I ate like nothing for awhile cause I didn't have time to make lunch for work lol but thanks yes I know its not a diet it's a new way of living a healthy one lol thanks Leo :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Food? Nah, i like the hungry feeling. Means i can eat guilt free!

    First thing in the morning coffee and ciggie? Yeah, give me a wide berth!