Women 200lb+, Let's Apply Ourselves This April!!!



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member

    SW 11/22 - 238.2
    Current weight: 229.2
    April goal weight - 224

    4/1: 229.2
    4/8: 228.3

    Daily Goals: (officially starting tomorrow since today’s almost past)
    1. Walk 4000 steps. *this is going well. I exceeded this almost every day. Once I missed by 10 steps and one day by 19. This week I’ll check the number before crawling under the covers and am too cozy (lazy) to get back up and finish it out. I did miss 2 other days, not even close!*
    2. Eat one large carrot or drink 1 can V-8 for a snack *nope*
    3. Eat one apple or applesauce *nope*
    4. Go to bed before midnight. *yes! 5/7 nights. I’m calling it a win*
    5. Spend some time outside. *yes! Every day got some morning sunshine and/or went for a late afternoon walk. This week I'm going to plan at least 15 minutes of yard cleanup when I’m outside.*

    I had my wellness visit last week and everything looks good. Yay! My cholesterol had been higher a year ago and my doctor wanted me to increase cholesterol medicine from 10 to 20mg based on the numbers which, btw, were just in the high normal range. So being a rebel, instead of increasing the dosage,I cut the pills in half still getting the 10 mg daily. Then I started walking 250 steps 6-9 hours a day, cut way down on sugar, and started eating oatmeal and taking Metamucil every day for fiber, and lost 8 pounds. I proved to my doctor that increasing medicine isn’t the only answer and she needs to discuss things with me so I can take action instead of taking more drugs. Now the pressure is on to keep up with the behavior changes to keep the numbers where she wants them.

    Hope the second week of April is a good one for you all!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe What an amazing trip you had!! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 232 Member

    I am not new to MFP and I recommitted to a healthier me as of 4/3. I had back surgery at the beginning of the year and gained quite a bit back.

    Monday weigh in days
    52 years old

    SW 241 (my heaviest 5/3/2018)
    April SW 235.4
    CW 232.7 (this morning)
    April goal weight 225
    Long term goal 160

    April Goals:
    - Log everything 7 days per week
    - Walk 30 minutes 5 times a week
    - Bring my lunch to work every day this week
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    42 years old
    Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs
    April SW:179.3
    April GW: 171.3
    UGW 160 and I'll reassess.

    April Goals:
    * 30 Day plank challenge (putting this up top-3rd time is the charm, right )
    * Missed 1 day, but got back on the wagon
    * Log my calories EVERYDAY
    * Nope. Good intentions-I have mapped out my days, but not corrected when I have deviated
    * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily
    * Check
    * 15K steps/day AVERAGE for the month
    * check. Average was 16,124!!! This included two bike commutes

    4/1: 179.3
    4/8: 177.8

    Not the two pounds I committed to.
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member

    Serial starter here… hoping this is my final start!!!! I have lost 40lbs with this app in the past but allowed life to pull me off track.

    No more excuses. Ready to commit. Grateful to have strangers going through the same journey to talk to!!

    42 years old, 5’10
    Snack queen
    Friday weigh in days
    Heaviest weight : 269 in January
    Starting weight: 264.8 last week or so

    April goals:
    Log every day
    Get through 3 weeks of C25K

    April 12:
    April 19:
    April 26:
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,381 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    180.6 this morning, so maybe I didn't gain anything at all in Japan, which would be great for Operation Beach Body.

    I am super tired today, went to the gym for the first time since vacation yesterday, and it was tough, but I'm glad I did. I slept almost normally again, except the baby woke up in the middle of the night, oh well.

    All my food prep I did Sunday is paying off this week, as I just threw some stuff in boxes for me and Whatsisface for breakfast and lunch this morning: breakfast is a soy marinated egg, delicious, and a crepe with red bean paste in it. Lunch is leftover pork fried rice from yesterday (very small amount) and some roasted squash for me. For Whatsisface, it's a crepe with teriyaki spam and cream cheese, potato salad, and pickled cucumber (not american pickles, lol).

    Tonight, my onigiri molds and side dish plates come in, I'm so excited about making onigiri. My new berry bushes for the front yard come in Friday, I'm excited about that too, although I'm going to have to get my butt in gear getting their bed established.

    Gonna do my best tonight to relax, maybe finish mulching the existing front beds if I have energy leftover, but I am very tired. I'm giving myself permission to not.

    Tag party (only this page, because tired):
    @nebslp I love that you took your fate in your hands cholesterol wise! I had a similar fight with my doc about blood pressure once upon a long time ago, and proved to him that I could be on a lower dose and still have fine bp readings.

    @jenbroussard71 welcome! Back surgery recovery I imagine is hard to deal with, physical activity wise. I'm so excited to hear more about you.

    @skintight303 bike commute, wonderful! I so wish I had the road infrastructure around me to do that. I know you're disappointed that it's not the two pounds you wanted, but it is very close, and what with you being as tall as you are, it is going to get harder to lose 2 lbs/week as you get closer to your goal (which again, you are!). You're doing great, is what I'm saying.

    @krabuck GREETINGS SNACK QUEEN game recognizes game, lol. I too love to snack. I loved C25k when I did it. Can't wait to hear more from you!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 232 Member
    Hello all! Hope you all are having a great week so far. The weather here has been rainy so I haven't been walking outside. I had my 3 month post op appointment this morning and to my surprise I was discharged by the doctor. My only restrictions are to avoid heavy lifting. He said to listen to my body so I don't over-do things. I will continue doing the exercises that I learned in physical therapy and I may look into Pilates.

    My eating has been on point - I am being very mindful of what I eat and weighing my portions when I am at home. I am feeling very emotional with everything and nothing at all if that makes sense. It must be hormones...

    Thank you all for sharing a little bit about yourself.
  • readgal89
    readgal89 Posts: 20 Member
    I am 34 years old
    Starting weight: 267 (April 2023)
    Lowest weight ever as an adult: 148
    Re-starting weight: 247 (March 2024)
    Goal weight: 200 for now
    End Game Goal Weight:150

    April 1: 249
    April 8: 247
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    I tend to lose weight using cardio, even though that is not sustainable for me long term. I am a busy mom and don't have hours every day to get 15,000+ steps. So this time around I am trying to do more strength training. hope this will be the answer long term.

    I also have lost 50-80 pounds in the past several times, but I always stall out at 185ish and regain all the weight plus some. Any ideas on how to get over that hurdle when I get there? Feel free to add me as a friend. I could use some weight loss buddies.
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 638 Member
    @sharon81, I’m so sorry for your tragic loss. Maybe at work it is easier to avoid thinking about it? And not that you “should” worry about weight loss, esp now, but if it gives you something else to focus on, maybe start planning exercise before anything else when you get home. I make myself go “even if it’s just for a mile” (or whatever), and nearly always finish my regular walk or run. I try to keep workout clothes in the downstairs bathroom so changing is quick, and drinking fresh, cool water gives me that tiny boost of energy to get out the door, sometimes.

    Sounds like you are doing pretty well, all things considered. I’m sending positive vibes to help you through the coming storm.
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi ladies!

    CupcakeCrusoe- I loved your pics. The food looked yummy, and I liked the other pics too. Thank you for sharing.

    Goals for April-Graduate my Eating Disorders Clinic's program. It will be a month this Friday. I am excited and wanted to finish strong.
    To not binge daily
    Trying to get 3 meals and 3 snacks in daily
    Practice skills and self-care daily. This is more important than the number on the scale. I want weight stabilization. I want more balanced normalcy.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,381 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Weight's a little up this morning, not too worried about it.

    I slept great last night, and made homemade onigiri with salmon inside, they were amazing.

    Tonight, I've got poles classes with my favorite instructor. Can't wait to get back in there on a pole. Operation Beach Body requires some muscle building, and I'm here for it.

    Today's breakfast is a crepe with red bean paste and a soy egg, lunch is 2 salt salmon onigiri and roasted squash, and my snack is a banana with protein nut butter. Dinner tonight will be leftovers- I love that I haven't cooked all week since Sunday. (Assembling the onigiri yesterday doesn't really count)

    Tag party time:
    @sharon81 that's so much to deal with. I'm sending you calming and healing vibes, and I hope that whatever comes, you will be able to handle it in a way that protects your own peace and your mother's memory. Weight loss will be here still when life calms down a little.

    @jenbroussard71 one thing I have found, which is weird- during weight loss, I'll sometimes resurface emotions I felt the last time I was around x weight. Like when I was 220 and hit around 200, I felt the way I did in college when I first hit that weight. It was strange.

    @readgal89 resistance training is definitely better for the long term, as muscle built burns more calories at rest than fat does. It just also means that you might lose weight slower, which I've found to be acceptable, as long as you keep that in mind, that you're in it for a marathon and progress will be slow. I like it better that way, personally. I feel way less anxious about weight loss this way.

    @kiteflyer105 balanced normalcy is a wonderful goal, I love that for you.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Jcook215
    Jcook215 Posts: 4 Member
    HI everyone, this is my first time posting under this account, but I am no stranger to MFP. I'm back yet again after spending my entire adult life with my weight yo-yoing. I reached my highest weight ever this year at 261 lbs. I'm doing this again with some trepidation because I have dealt with disordered eating since I was in high school 20 years ago. I also embrace body positivity and think all shapes and sizes are awesome (hey you, you look great!). On my personal journey however, my health is nowhere near the level I would like it to be, and I believe I need to lose weight to help achieve my health-related goals. I had surgery at the end of January and I have been having issues healing, partially because I have fat rolls covering up the area that needs to heal. This was the wake-up call I needed to make some changes.

    Now that I am starting to feel better after surgery, I decided to start things off by tracking my food. Again, this is hard for me because I hate the idea of restriction, but I don't know how else to stop gaining weight? So my main goal for April is to eat more nutrient-dense foods. One of my big issues lately has been constant snacking on foods that don't actually fill you up, and since they aren't filling, I keep eating.

    So here are my stats:
    39 years old
    Starting weight: 261.2 (April 7, 2024)
    Goal weight: Under 200
    Final Goal Weight:160

    4/7: 261.2
    4/10: 253.6 (Always gotta love that huge whoosh when you first start out)

    Goals for April:
    -Eat more nutrient-dense foods
    -Log every day
    -Drink more water

    In May, I am hoping to start adding some more movement and exercise. Figuring out how I will do that will partially depend on whether I get the job I interviewed for, and how flexible my new schedule would be. But for now, one thing at a time, one day at a time.

    Thanks for giving me a space to blab on. I hope you all have a great day!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,308 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2
    Starting Weight: 219.2 April / 3.8 ( as of 3/28/2024)
    Total Loss = 4.4

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    2nd Quarter Goals
    - Exercise - 6x a week ~ changed worked out (ST 2 days per week per body part), Added HIIT
    - Water - working towards 80 to 100 ounces daily ~focusing on hitting 64 for 2 days and 80 for 1 day, then continually increase each week.
    - Better Nutrition *Work in Process * Planned the entire month of March dinners using skinnytaste.com.
    - Less Alcohol * Work in process. Struggling here as I just want my wine or whine🙂
    - January ✔️ February ✔️ March ❌
    - Get back to 10,000 steps a day (minimum) ~ the HIIT workout (on treadmill) is helping with steps.
    - Target 10 times for April.
    My Mantra:

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳

    4/6 219.8

    Mini Goal - want to see 213 by 3/30!!! Yes! Try again...6.2 lbs by 4/30/2024

    Welcome Elsa, @koeitjiesa You got this!

    New Month, New Goals, Good Luck @kristinwoods919

    @Sarahfg82 ~ I hope you start feeling better real soon!

    @skintight303 ~ 25th floor , 3 times~ WOW! I just committed so climbing to the 2nd floor :)

    Welcome @JaxxDavidson ~ No need to feel uncomfortable, we are all here for the same reasons. Get healthy and encourage and support each other. Jump right in!!

    Happy Birthday Month @Vedra_b

    @Reneewill ~ I hear you. I do well M-F when I'm at work, weekends through me off schedule and there's more temptation. If it were only Holidays, I could probably work around those.

    @nebslp ~ Welcome back! Kudos to you for standing up to the Doc and not just taking more meds!

    @mmatcha_Latte ~ Congrats on the 49lbs. That's awesome!

    @mkculs13 ~oh how cute that baby is!!

    @jennbeth1~ Welcome to the group!

    Welcome CW, @carlandami ~ I understand your challenges very well and we are looking at a similar goal weight.

    @cupcakecrusoe ~ Welcome back!!! Thanks for sharing all the photos! The food looks amazing!

    @jenbroussard71 welcome to the group!

    @krabuck ~serial starter....:wink: yep, make it your final and I hope to do the same!

    @sharon81 ~ the struggle is real. It seems that my body went wacko right around the time change and I haven't gotten back on track yet!! I am so sorry to hear about the drunk driving incident. My condolences. The upcoming trial would surely cause a lot of stress for you. Take deep breathes and remember to take care of you!

    @everyone - continue all the great work and success. It seems that March was a bit of a challenge for many of us...let's show April who's boss!!

  • jaclynkay92
    jaclynkay92 Posts: 42 Member
    31 years old
    Starting weight: 240
    Goal weight: 170-180

    April 1: 237
    April 10:230
    April 17:
    April 24:
    April 30:
  • Liftslikeagoddess
    Liftslikeagoddess Posts: 42 Member
    edited April 11
    Hiya! I'm new to this thread, been using MFP on and off but not really used the forums so thought I'd join in! Nice to meet you all

    Name: Rose
    Age: 33 years old
    Height: 5'11
    Starting weight: 260lbs (October 2023)
    Current weight: 220lbs (April 2024)
    Goal weight: 180lbs

    April Goals
    - Log everyday
    - Gym / strenght train 4 times a week
    - Average 1lb a week weight loss
  • vedra_b
    vedra_b Posts: 135 Member

    April is my birthday month, and I'll be turning 48! To celebrate, I've set some goals for myself: I aim to lose 5 pounds this month. I plan to hit the gym at least 3 times a week and take two walks every day. Additionally, I'll ensure to drink 100 ounces of water daily. On top of that, I'm committed to including a weekend gym session in my routine. Here's to a healthy and fulfilling birthday month ahead!

    Almost 48 years old

    April SW:232.8
    April GW: 227.8
    UGW 165

    4/1: 232.8
    4/8: 228.8

  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 64 Member
    April 5- 223.8
    April 12 -222.8

    I wish it was more last week but ended up at a friends house for dinner last night and did not get a walk in.
    Today I am going to have a cheat day, not terrible though.
  • p8fgqj5nd4
    p8fgqj5nd4 Posts: 2 Member
    52 years old
    SW&HW 240lb
    GW 150
    LW 132 (35 years ago and I thought I was overweight 🥹)
    No mini goal weights for now.
    April Theme: Consistency, showing myself the level of commitment I regularly give other obligations.
    Goals: Habits of making 5x/wk morning workouts (Scaling back beauty services to hire a weekly trainer to hold my hand a little with the exercises and reinforce accountability); meal plan, prep and follow through.

    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:

    My first time actually using mfp and umteenth time tackling weight loss. Nervous that I’ll backslide…again…even though I’m the one who determines that. I don’t trust myself and that’s a relationship I need to repair and prioritize.