Calorie Deficit

Okay, after a work out is it necessary to replace all calories burned? I have heard so many different suggestions and I just want to know the right thing to do. I have heard it is best to replace some, but not all. Some days I burn 700 calories during a workout and its pretty tough to replace all of them. I also feel like I lose weight quicker when I do not. Suggestions anyone???


  • yes I am wondering the very same thing
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    What kind of defcit are you running with your diet alone, before exercise?
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    I dont know what is right and what is wrong. I keep track of my food but I never log my exercise. Wrong of me prolly. I guess u do what works for u. If u notice the scale isnt movin then I would prolly rethink about eatin some of your cals.
  • This is what I have been told... hopefully it helps!

    Our bodies will go into starvation mode if we have less than 1200 calories in a day. So.. the way you do the math is like this: If you eat 1600 calories and burn off 700 in exercise that's 900 calories. So, you would need to make up 300 calories to reach that 1200 mark. Make sense?
  • Well I have only been eating 1200 cals then adding whatever lost during exercise. So I guess to answer your question, none?? lol
  • What I've been told is that you need to hit at least 1200 calories after the exercise is figured in to keep from having your body go into starvation mode. That being said, I miss that probably 3-4 days out of the week.

    SW: 328.8 (06/19/11)
    CW: 283.6

    Goal 1: Under 300 (complete)
    Goal 2: 250 (in progress)
    Goal 3: 228
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Well I have only been eating 1200 cals then adding whatever lost during exercise. So I guess to answer your question, none?? lol

    No, you have whatever deficit MFP gave you when you told it how much you wanted to lose. For example, if you told it 1 lb a week it would give you a 500 calorie per day deficit from the number of calories it would take to maintain your current weight.
  • Okay that makes sense :happy:
  • I think this varies from person to person which would explain why there are so many opinions.

    I eat 1200 cals a day, burn 800 over my maintenance (which is 1700-ish cals) sometimes, bringing my total calories burned to 2500 This isn't an everyday thing for me. I usually do this 2-3 days a week. Normally I eat 1200 and use a total of 1700-2000. But even when i do that super-burn thingy, I still have sooooo much energy left over. I've taught my body to use my body fat as a resource. So, no matter how much I burn, my energy supply is pretty much unlimited. It's awesome. However, unless your body adapts to using your body fat as a resource, you will feel the urge to eat to replace the exercise calories and you will feel exhausted. The transition is both within your body and within your mind and if you choose to do it, ease into it.

    I make sure that I get all the nutrients I need within those 1200 calories. A lot of protein usually helps me, amongst other things. And I always feel full after I eat. So, i'm definitely not starving or remotely close.

    This has helped me drop my weight faster than I expected.