Sisterhood HCP Week 9



  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I didn't get to post yesterday, but I haven't lost any. I pretty much stayed the same. I have really noticed that in the past week i haven't been eating as clean as I was. I'm still not eating completely horrible, but no where near where I should be! The worst part is I haven't worked out since I was sick, which was right at 2 weeks ago. That's horrible! For some reason i feel like i am starting to slow down. I just feel like I don't want t do anything. Does anyone know if there is such a thing as sympathy tiredness????? It's the only thing I can think of!
  • hopetobeinshape
    I am sorry everyone is not having a good week. I am not so much either, I had a really bad eating wk last wk and just started working out again yesterday. Maybe its the limbo where we are waiting for spring, maybe its the St. Paddy's day blues....:grumble: Let me tell you I didnt go to class yesterday or this morning so I know how you all feel....

    We will pull through this though! If you are unable to work out try to stay within your calorie range. This will still help you lose but at a much slower rate.

    Resa- dont forget everytime you pick up your little sick ones it is a tiny workout

    Mister- This probably sounds like a crazy idea.....:frown: But since i missed 2 wks on P90x I am starting over. It helps me to get a new mind set when I start a new. And maintaining is better than losing dont forget!

    Pep- hang in there, I drank entirely too much this wkend so Im pretty sure i was dehydrated when I weighed myself it really makes a difference
  • hopetobeinshape
    Ok so I was just thinking :noway: ....scary I know... but in the midst of our group's "rut", to get things kick started again, how about we each commit to doing something small that wont take much time.

    How about today we each get in 50 crunches? I have class and then work till midnight so I will not be able to do them until I am tired and get home from work :frown: but I commit to my sisterhood to do 50 crunches today!

    Then we can each report back that we accomplished the goal for today! :bigsmile:
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    yeah im a thread but im hanging. i know we all know my motto but even im thinking this is rediculous im just frustrated i feel like i work out at least 5 days a week at least 30 min cardio and other stuff and ive been eating well (well better for me) and i cut out cheese i want to see those results.

    slow and steady i know but sometime ur cheerleader gets bummed and needs cheering :sad:
  • hopetobeinshape
    I know how you feel pep, it takes forever!

    I was really bummed this morning but I read other posts and decided to measure myself, sometimes the inches come off before the lbs. I am not sure if you are like me but I am out of shape, so as I am working out more and lifting weights that flabbyness is turning to muscle which in turn makes us lose inches but not necessarily weight.

    You are totally correct slow and steady....this too shall pass! :flowerforyou:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everyone... I think I'm going to have to repeat my 8th week of P90X-my 8 year-old had a severe reaction to an antibiotic and we've been between our Dr. and the E.R. and they might admit her tomorrow if she hasn't improved... Poor kid looks like she has nothing but hives instead of actual skin... Our little one is sick, too. Needless to say, I haven't worked out and don't think I will be for a couple of days... I'll keep you all posted.

    Good news and bad... My husband came home early from training as soon as he heard that she might be hospitalized. It's bad because he might still have to go again if she's better by Thursday evening or Friday morning, and I think it'll break her heart if he leaves again. My little one is sick again, too. I just don't know what to do right now.:brokenheart:
  • Kristihgp
    Kristihgp Posts: 49
    Resa....take deep, cleansing breaths. Remember your Lamaze breathing? (if you took it)...LOL...sometimes, it really does help with other "stresses". Prayer is another amazing tool we have to help us through tough times...and you always have us!! :flowerforyou: Besides, repeating the week, no big deal...just don't quit!! :happy:

    :smile: Kacee says hello!! She misses everyone :heart: (I'm sure she'd be shaking her pom-poms right now for the TEAM if she was on here) and is trying to keep it all in balance with the baby cows, down computer, eating, and exercise (which has been subject to jumping up on and off her horse, prodding momma cows~which means carrying a BIG stick~ while her husband tags the babies and other misc. "ranch chores") She wants you all to know that she misses you and can't wait to get on here again!! :wink:

    Keep focused on the prize...there's nothing more devastating than to know that you were "almost there" when you tripped and fell. Falling (or the feeling of defeat) isn't the problem, it's the not getting back up and forging forward that's the problem!! Push through this slump...don't wallow in it...that's what got us here in the first place...complacency!! We deserve let's give us one of the most precious gifts we can give ourselves....DETERMINATION, PERSEVERANCE and/or PERSISTANCE!! Which, in turn, leads to more healthy lives...and life...ah, now that's a great gift!! :flowerforyou:


    I know we can't "plan" for the bad stuff that life throws our way...but we can plan for how we will react to them so that they don't totally derail us from our goals. Choose JOY.:laugh: ..that's right, it's a choice. Our mind is powerful, God wasn't messing around when He created use it to determine your steps, your plan of action and as your defense against the slumps of life/weight loss.

    :happy: YOU (we) can do this!! STAY STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

    I can't wait to tell Kacee how this team rallied around and ended up with a GREAT week!!! :drinker:

    *If this was too long, or offended anyone...I'm sorry, it was just on my it came out my fingers!!*
  • hopetobeinshape
    Kristi - Thank you :heart: We really needed that! I in fact read your post and planned my whole day of eating healthy and staying within my calories. :smile:

    Resa- Try not to worry about having to repeat the wk, you have been doing great so far and everyone has set backs, like Kristi said just don't quit! :drinker: Once your little ones feel better get right back up on the horse (literally for Kacee :laugh: ) and go at it again.

    We have all been successful so far this is just a little bump in the road :sad: So now we have to overcome and get back up! :drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everyone-good news... My daughter doesn't have to be admitted to the hospital today, but they're going to continue her on steroids over the weekend to make sure that her reaction if fully countered. Her face is much better now, and the swelling has gone down in her joints. The swelling in her joints was so bad that we've had to carry her to the bathroom, and she can't walk, she's in so much pain. She also had some bruising because of it.

    My husband's unit said that it's okay for him to miss training, and so he's going to stay at home with us through it all. I am so thankful to have him home. When I was at the E.R. the other day, Shay looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said, "I want Daddy to be here", and it just broke my heart. Now both girls are getting spoiled rotten by everyone in the family, including daddy...

    I'm not giving up and will continue on with P90X and the whole clean eating-I WILL LOSE THE WEIGHT that I have committed myself to. It's just a matter of what has already been said-I need to plan as much as I can, and be optimistic when things come up and make it near impossibel to continue. Thanks for all the kind words of support, and I'll be back soon.:heart:
  • Kristihgp
    Kristihgp Posts: 49
    Kristi - Thank you :heart: We really needed that! I in fact read your post and planned my whole day of eating healthy and staying within my calories. :smile:

    Resa- Try not to worry about having to repeat the wk, you have been doing great so far and everyone has set backs, like Kristi said just don't quit! :drinker: Once your little ones feel better get right back up on the horse (literally for Kacee :laugh: ) and go at it again.

    We have all been successful so far this is just a little bump in the road :sad: So now we have to overcome and get back up! :drinker:

    You're welcome...glad it helped someone!! :wink:
  • Kristihgp
    Kristihgp Posts: 49
    Going home for the day and I don't have internet at home...I get tomorrow off, so I'll check in with everyone on Monday!! Have an amazing next few days!!

    Step into your freedom!!

    Blessings on your weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • hopetobeinshape
    Have a great weekend Krisit! tell Kacee we :heart: and miss her!

    Resa- Great attitude :drinker: I am glad your little one didn't have to be admitted. Look at the bright side of things though, you get to spend a little bit of time with your hubby :happy:

    PS where is everyone else? I hope everyone is ok :cry:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Thanks, all, for the support. I'm so glad to have all of ya, I don't know what I'd do without this group:heart: . Say hi to Kacee for us, and make sure to let her know that we all think we're in good hands with our "fearless co-leader", Kristi, to lead us on during her absence... We miss her, and hope she gets back to us soon!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    had a really really really bad hard day at internship involving one of my clients and 10 am -730 (over an hour and half after i was supposed to leave) i got home and wanted to eat so bad chocolate and junk i dont think i was gonna but i called my mother and she said i would just regret it in the morning we talked i had a long cry and walked away from temptation but now im so tired but dont want to go to bed cause i dont want tom to come so fast.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    What is your degree in? Where are you doing an internship? I remember when I did an internship at a brokerage house right before I graduated I hated it....I'm just curious what kind of career you were working toward.

    I have pretty much decided that I am going
  • hopetobeinshape
    Just got back from a run outside....i feel good and bad at the same time. I have a health condition that causes me to pass out in extreme weather and although its 40 degrees here, running in it got me pretty close to the passing out point :embarassed: but I made it through the entire run and am recovering now.

    Pep- im so sorry you had such a bad day...I know how tough it is being in school and doing internships, hand in there and remember that you are so close to getting into the field you want to be in (whatever that may be). Everyone has to start at the bottom and everyone has these bad included.

    Mister- where are you going?

    Hope everyone has a little bit of a better day today :flowerforyou:

    At least its friday! :drinker:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    yeah this week was full of stress for me too. A kid in my class accused me of swearing at her, another girl in my class got into a fist fight, and my boss (who I adore) was on vacay so she couldn't help with any of it.

    all that and we only have 17 days left before state standardized testing. :grumble: :angry:
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    HI everyone! Sorry I have been MIA. My hubby got home two nights ago. I just wanted to share with everyone I was able to get a pair of jeans in a size 12! I was so excited I don't think I have worn a 12 since middle school.
  • hopetobeinshape
    There you are christine! I was worried about :wink:

    I kinda thought ur hubby might have come home :love: Congrats on the size 12 that is a huge accomplishment :drinker: (huge yet much smaller :laugh: )
  • thompsons81702
    thompsons81702 Posts: 293 Member
    OK so I have a real 5 K today! I had hoped to run it but I think I will run 5 walk 5. I just hope to cut some of the time off of my last one. The last 5 K I did was in September and I did it walking in 50 min. Wish me luck!