Weight Loss

Hi I have a question to get postpartum baby weight off I had two back to back pregnancy and with my second I gained so much weight can anyone give me good pointers to get it off ?


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,395 Member
    How long ago was the second pregnancy? Are you providing milk? Overall, you only need to consume less calories, but the exact answer depends on above.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,327 Member
    @yirara is correct. A little more information would be helpful. How long ago was the 2nd pregnancy? was it a C-section or vaginal birth (recovery varies)? Are you breast feeding? What are your current stats and goals?

    My children are much older now, but I was very large with my first child. I nursed, and at the time didn't use a calorie counting app, but I did focus on nutrients/portion control and after she was about 6 months old started moderate exercise. To be completely transparent I also had a Hershey bar every day as a treat, but that was my only snack outside of meals. I lost about 45 pounds over 6-8 months this way. Still not at ideal weight, but at a place I was ok with. I continued to exercise and eat healthier than pre-pregnancy and lost another 20 pounds very slowly.

    With the second I started out in a better place physically but still had 30 or so pounds to trim off. I ate about 1600 cals a day, and lost steadily, but I am only 5'1" and was nursing (burns and extra 100 or so calories a day according to my doc, not 500 as some sources claim). Again I started back in the gym when she was about 6 months old. It took me about 4 months to lose the 30 pounds.