Another Newbie!

Really happy to be here....and very excited about a new journey! :bigsmile:


  • Hi, am new too, love your dog! are you just calorie counting or following a programme like weight watchers?
  • mommyffrog
    mommyffrog Posts: 25 Member
    HI! I started a few weeks ago with WW....(that's where the 3 pounds came off)...but I think calorie counting will work better for me. What about you????

    Thanks re the pooch!!! Love, love, love her!!!
  • I have done a fair few programmes, weight watchers worked, but put the weight on, last year did a shake programme, which worked, but the weight on, lol, so am doing this time with shakes but not every day. Really need to work on why I start preferring to eat all this unhealthy food to looking slim!
    I have two doggies, Lilly and Jesse, completely besotted.
  • morganchelsey
    morganchelsey Posts: 4 Member
    I'm new too!!!! Well, def not new to attempting weight loss, but this site is new for me. :) What are your inspirations ladies?
  • haha I know what you mean, "not been new to weight loss" I think people at work are sicker of my yoyo weight loss than I am! Nice clothes are usually my biggest inspiration :) I have a few in my wardrobe and I can't wear them.
  • AoifC
    AoifC Posts: 12
    Ladies my wedding in 14 months is my inspiration! And the fact that I would like to be in some of my honeymoon photos looking a little decent!!

    I have to say I was a bit of a skeptic at the start but now I am really into the calorie counting and tracking my gym progress! Loving the fact that I have the app on my iPhone too!

    Add me if you wish ladies!!

  • mommyffrog
    mommyffrog Posts: 25 Member
    My kids are my inspiration!!!
  • The iphone app is great, you can never "forget" to record something & I love the scanner.
  • Donnaovercomer
    Donnaovercomer Posts: 55 Member
    I have too also done weight watchers. Lost 25 to 30 lbs but then I would get frustrated and quit. Last time I quit I went from 183 to 196 and got tired of doing that so I decided it was time to hold myself accountable. Now I am down to 175 sine March 2011. I walk almost everyday, and go to the gym about 5 days a week. This website is just what I was looking for to help me keep record of every thing....