Hello Im Luan

Hello everyone Im Luan I would love to see more people on my wall.

I am really keen to see how everyone is doing on there diets. I am following weight watchers and have lost 6.5 lbs the past week. I am loving this website its great for tips and inspiration. Add me guys and hopefully I can support you too. I have lost 1st 10lbs to date in the last couple of months.
Im fun and a bit off the wall sometimes I like a good laugh and I intend to still live my life whist I am dieting there is no doubt about that :O) x


  • StarGeezer
    Hi Luan! Welcome! Outstanding loss last week, congratulations! Friend add coming your way! :)
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Thanks. I hope I lose next week already thinking about doom day haha.
  • helma123
    helma123 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi Luan! Nice to meet you! I'd love to be your friend!
  • shazzahare
    Hi I am Shazza joined site yesturday and think it is amazing. Good luck to you.
  • steve240
    steve240 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi luan just started walking this week need to lose around 40 lbs would take 2 for now just to get started . steve