Hi - I'd love some encouragement!

Hi everyone,

My name is Claire, I've just signed up to myfitnesspal to try and shed about five extra kilos I've put on this year as well as be encouraged by others!

I think myfitnesspal will be a great tool (especially having the iPhone app so I can use it on the go) however the thing I've been fining the hardest is staying motivated! I am still learning what I can and can't eat, my dislike of many common foods makes it hard (i.e. fish, coffee etc). So I'd love to see what other people are doing for their weight loss goals.

So please, share your success stories, diet tips and tricks and hopefully we can all reach the same goal together.



  • Ssladick
    Hi! good luck on your journey! There is excellent support on this forum and the motivation is incomparable.

    Friend me if you'd like!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member

    I'd love to friend you and we can motivate each other ^^
    I'm also new to MFP and working to lose 30 lbs.

    I don't like fish either... there's some amazing recipes at www.sparkrecipes.com. I eat a lot of extra lean beef and chicken breasts and stuff for meat rather than fish. And I'm one of those people that likes to snack a lot - so I always have some low fat muffins on hand. I actually just made a really good low fat banana chocolate chip muffin batch if you'd like the recipe!
  • itstherealest
    A friend of mine told me 4 months ago to watch out for too many "calories of fat." 3 months later, I'm 12 lbs lighter. I've also eliminated carbs at dinner time, and learned to eat at fixed intervals. MyFitnessPal gives me 6 slots for meals so I have breakfast, lunch & dinner, 2 snacks, and an after workout snack. In the past I've noticed that when I eat too much, or not enough in one meal, it will affect my intake at other meals, for example, if I don't eat enough at lunch, I'll stuff my face at dinner, most likely with carbs.

    I really watch what I eat from Monday-Friday, and then I let loose on the weekend, eating sometimes 1000-2000 extra calories from what I'm supposed to, which may be "normal" if you eat out, but be careful, don't do this if you're not exercising lol.
  • nikolli2000
    Welcome Claire. You may friend me if you'd like. Good luck.
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    Feel free to friend me!! I too usually do wonderful for the first 2 weeks, then I fall off of my game, but with MFP I am surprisingly motivated and constantly reminded and inspired to to keep moving!!! Nice to see you on the band wagon to healthy living ;D
  • 160poundgirl

    Feel free to friend me. I am new too- just joined on Monday and loving the support and encouragement. You will do great!!!
  • ashlielinn
    Welcome and good luck! :)
  • cdys2011
    yum - that does sound delicious, definitely send the recipe through!

    Yeah I find eating chicken, beef etc. is a good substitute for fish. I know I will eventually get to like it.. but it will take time!

    BTW well done on your weight loss so far :smile:
  • cdys2011
    PS thanks everyone for your support! Love it!