What made you want to lose the weight?

What happened that tipped you in the direction to make a change and lose the weight? Was it one thing, was it a series of things?

For me, it was not feeling good about myself any longer and looking sloppy in my jeans. Also, I was having a hard time with the increased abdominal weight.

I'm doing well now but have learned that I will always have to watch what I put in my mouth and most of the goodies are basically off limits now, or at least I have to really think twice. I guess that's good for my teeth too....and the wallet...


  • It was many factors for me, I felt unattractive..etc. The real kicker was I saw a picture of me at Sturgis and I was not happy with what I saw!
  • The real me has been MIA.. being mom.. I miss her and want her back
  • I didnt wanna buy new clothes.... and my job requires it
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Pictures of myself when my fiance proposed. Ugh... fat gross cow.
  • for me it's been a number of things. seeing pictures of myself and saying "man I"m really fat". My other one is that when I first started really trying about a month ago, I was out to eat with my sister in law and nephew and I was looking over the menu and checking calories on MFP, she looks at me and says, just eat something your going to be fat forever! Now I'm kind of in determanation mode and out to prove a point that I WILL NOT BE FAT FOREVER!!!!!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I looked in the mirror and went "I don't look that bad"

    And then my belly button started talking and said "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE FOOLING, FATASS????"
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Mainly seeing how bulky I'd become in a set of photos. Surprising and horrifying!
  • To feel better....and be proactive about health
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    Not having enough energy to play with my kids, and really not feeling good physically.

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  • bondavbriwil
    bondavbriwil Posts: 62 Member
    I never really felt overweight. But I saw pics of myself during Christmas last year and I couldnt believe it was me. I was huge and couldnt believe I let myself get that big. I was nearly 300lbs. So I knew I had to do something.
  • About 3 years ago, I was 265...got that way on a steady diet of hot wings and beer. I realzied that I wasn't in college anymore, and I was realizing how absolutely terrible I looked. I was fat, no other way to say it. I heard about this P90X thing and saw a bunch of transformation videos on youtube. I saw people that looked like me and made amazing transformations. I figured I could do that too. It was hard, but the compliments I was getting along the way kept pushing me.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Ummmmm...Cause I did not want to see my wife and a hot young stud spending all my life insurance policy money.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Diabetes on both sides of my family, feeling of total hopelessness, followed by wanting another baby but fearing another large weight gain, then about the time i decided to start losing I got pregnant. I think thats when the real fear hit me. My goal was to not gain much during pregnancy. I succeeded by not gaining anything, I weighed less at 9 months than prepregnancy. This all came by just eating right! After my baby was born I was 30 lbs less than prepregnancy. I knew then I was well on my way to a healthy life.
  • Sklahsen
    Sklahsen Posts: 76 Member
    I am currently 6.5 months into a year long maternity leave. I realized last month that I had wasted almost 6 months being completely lazy! I now have 2 little girls that need a healthy mother! So I got up off the couch, bought a Wii and the Zumba party game, and now, a month later I have lost 13 pounds and I feel really great! Only 47 pounds to go!
  • Want to get a life insurance policy to better protect my family and the difference in price was ridiculous; about a $50 difference a month for being the weight that I was and the weight that I need to be. I am going back to High School skinny; Freshmen year. So that will be a total of 61 lbs that I have to loose to achieve it. I am stock at 44 lbs for the past month. Haven't been able to go under 202 lbs. Gone up couple of pounds, gone right back down, but can't break the 202 lbs number. It will be very costly for me since I am going to have to purchase ALL new clothing, but it will feel good. I am very happy with my 44 lbs so far, but I am ECSTATIC with my -107 points in my cholesterol. I am WELL OUT of high cholesterol now; 152, used to be 269. My blood pressure is back to normal 120/80; +/- 3. All this was done just by eating right; counting calories. No pills, very little exercise. Now I have to add the exercise part to be able to break the 200s on my goal to 185lbs.

    Best of luck to you all!
  • jcearth
    jcearth Posts: 46 Member
    Oh yeah, forgot about that one - got denied for a life insurance policy - that was a big wake up call. (They don't insure people over 400 lbs).

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  • I was an athlete my entire life until I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 2004. I gained a ton of weight from a combination of being inactive due to sickness and steroids. I lost some of the weight, but then derailed due to yet more illness. (The whole long sob story is on my profile.)

    I miss being strong. I miss running. I miss epic hiking/backpacking adventures. The extra weight just makes everything harder, and I hate it. Aside from Crohn's, I've had a pretty wickedly bad health history, and my number one motivation is that I don't want to develop any other diseases (e.g., diabetes) or have disease-related complications. My body has been at war, and now I'm fighting back.

    I don't really care about how I look, or how others think I look. I care about being healthy and strong; I don't care about being skinny/thin/whatever.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Keeping track of the weight I've gained over the years since I met DH (gained 15 between the time we started dating and the day we got married, gained 7 more before getting pregnant with baby #1, gained 37 during the pregnancy, lost it all, then gained 20 more before getting pregnant with baby #2, gained 37 lbs again during the pregnancy but on the new 20 lb heavier frame, lost the 37 by 6 months postpartum but then gained 8 new lbs - that put me at a non-pregnant high of 50 lbs heavier than when DH and I started dating, 35 heavier than when we got married). Yuck. I felt like I looked bad both in and out of clothes. Tired all the time, had a hard time keeping up with my kids. I want to have at least one more baby but I don't want to keep packing more lbs on top of lbs, so I'm getting in shape before we try again. If I don't do it now it will just be that much harder after another pregnancy. So far I'm down 15 lbs and planning for another 13-20 before I will consider thinking about another pregnancy (that would put me between wedding day weight and pre-baby#1 weight). Then I'm going to use MFP to plan and monitor my pregnancy weight gain so it's not a crazy 37 lbs again, and of course MFP will be there for me to manage getting back to normal and staying there after baby #3. :-)

    Also, I've NEVER been athletic, never liked doing things outside, etc. Always envied people that could just run and move their bodies however they wanted. So I've started jogging as part of my weight loss and b/c I feel I'll really enjoy it as I get better at it. I want to be able to move more freely and actually enjoy it like other people. And I want to be able to keep up with my kids. LOL
  • Going to turn 50 years next July and do not want to be physically dependent on my children in my old age.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I have too many more things that I want to do and I can't do them if I'm sick and cranky!