Day 2 of the 30 DS :(

I was so enthusiastic about starting the 30 DS yesterday....but to my surprise I could not manage more than 12 mins on the day2 and I had to stop. I really didn't have the energy to go though it plus each and every muscle seems to be aching. Feeling sad if ever I will be able to run the journey of weight loss :(


  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I felt EXACTLY the same way when I started. But don't lose heart. It gets easier. Do as much as you can and work as much as you can through the pain. I'm on Day 8, and I'm starting to feel tighter. My endurance is nothing, still, but my muscles are feeling MUCH better!
  • Comcast has the first day on their fitness channel and it kicked my butt. For someone just getting into exercising again, it was too much for me. I have found TONS of other videos that aren't as intense but still give me a great workout. Or, just do day one over and over again until you feel you're ready for day two! (It's possible right??) And remember that your muscles might be aching because they are being worked in ways you've never worked them before and that's a GOOD thing!

    Someone told me the other day that it takes 21 days to build a habit so keep at it and don't give up!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    Yes for sure keep pushing through it!!! It's gets easier each day and you will be surprised at how much endurance and stamina you will gain and so quickly! I am on Level 2 Day 5 and I have followed the modified girl so far through the whole program. There are some things I don't need to follow her on but for the most part I go with her! Don't give up you can do it! The results in the end will be sooo worth it!
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    Don't give up yet. It will get better. I just started level 2 yesterday and I am the same way. It gets a little easier everyday. I shouldn't say the word "easy" though becasue it never gets easy and that's why it is such a short, intense workout. It's to get your body into shape quickly instead of spending hours at the gym.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I started off with some of the Biggest Loser DVDs before I did 30DS. Had to build up to it. If you go right to Shred just do what you can. Get through a few more minutes each day and you will get there! It doesn't matter if it takes more than 30 days to get through it. You will feel great once you can do it!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    You're supposed to do 10 days of each level before moving onto the next so you can build strength and endurance for the next level.

    Is this what you are doing or are you doing Level 1 then Level 2 then Level 3 in consecutive days?
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Do your best to keep pushing through it modifying when you need to, I am on day 8 of Level 1 and much to my surprise I am looking forward to starting Level 2. Don't give up you will get stronger as you go on and it will become easier...not easy but easier :wink:

    Good Luck
  • emy10284
    emy10284 Posts: 171 Member
    just keep with it im actually on L3 and thought i will never make it and u will be surprised at how far u have come 30 day shred is not easy to me its hard but hey if i can do anyone can
  • I am on 2nd day of level 1...I pan to go on the 2nd level only on 11th day
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Ok, newbie question. What is 30 ds?
  • 30 Day Shred w/ Julian Michaels
  • Its a 30 dy shred by Jillian Michaels ... a combination of exercises divided into 3 levels ...
  • I will have to look up this 30 DS workout when I finish my current circuit training routine. I bought some sweat pants (Everlast) and there was a 6-week circuit blast in the box. So I decided to try it. Just finished Week 3 today. OMG! It is tough as I have not been in a regular workout routine in a while. I was almost at 200 lbs and decided I needed to get the scale moving in the opposite direction. When I began logging onto this website about 5 weeks ago I weighed in at 188.9. This morning I weighed 180.4 and my first short term goal was to be in the 170s before i go on vacation to visit my family in TX. This circuit blast routine is tough. It is 6 days alternating strentgh and conditioning. Week 1 had you doing 10 reps of each exercise X 2 circuits in the strentgh circuit and 30 seconds for each exercies X 2 circuits in the conditioning circuit. I just finished week 3 which had 20 reps for strentgh and 1 minute for conditioning. Kicked my butt! But I am excited about the progress and looking forward to the next 3 weeks. Watching my sugar as that was getting by me in the beginning and hurting my that I am keeping it on my radar I am seeing some changes.
  • Come on, Nids! You can do it! You did that whole 1-week diet thingie that I can't even imagine doing! :)
    Although I have no idea what a 30-day shred challenge is... I am positive you can do it. I was looking it up on the net and considered going for it but then on second thoughts, since I am new to all this I should probably take it slow and try it out when I get back to India :)