New kid on the block

Hi everyone! I’m Pat 70 years old. I’ve been on my weight journey for quite some time but needed more help now that I’m at this age. Have gone from over 300 to 160 but the struggle is the same! Just looking for others like me and of course support which I don’t get from home.


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,829 Member
    Welcome, Pat!
  • frankwrightsbox2753
    frankwrightsbox2753 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Pat. Congratulations on deciding to take control of your life. Don't consider it as a diet but a good lifestyle. We can only get better so remember when you are out there getting your workout in, you got many other friends who are doing the same. I been in the same game of living a good life. not new to Myfitnesspal but a returning member. I been using other apps such as Garmin and fitbit. I decided to get back with myfitnesspal since now they are migrating with more and more apps and devices. We just got to remember to do any activity everyday. It will put us closer to our goals.
  • frankwrightsbox2753
    frankwrightsbox2753 Posts: 2 Member
    Let me introduce myself. My name is Frank. I been in the good lifestyle for many years. Living better has been a goal of mine for many years. I am not a new member but a returning one. I am now retired at 64 years old, so it's even more important to me to stay active. A suggestion to help stay active is do like me and get a dog. He/she will motivate you to walk daily. Good luck everyone.
  • wjpowers4946
    wjpowers4946 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Pat! Glad to see you are well on your way to gaining fitness and health. You're an inspiration for me. I'm Bill and I just started with MyFitnessPal yesterday...although I used it to moderate success many years ago. I also use Garmin and it looks like there is an interface between the two apps. I'm out for some exercise this afternoon so I'll see how that works! I also started a new life of eating...trying to eliminate or minimize the amounts of processed foods I'm the outside isle of the supermarket! It amazing how much of a variety there is...and how much processed food I was used to eating. So making a new me...I'm 78 years old and learning new tricks all the time...what do ya mean "old dogs..."...LOL. Have a great day everyone.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Hi, Pat, and welcome. Congratulations on your amazing success!

    I'm 68, been here for a while (since age 59) through about a year of loss and around 8 years of maintenance since.

    I think the process is the same regardless of age; what changes is some of the tactical details. Examples: With aging, it becomes extra important to get enough protein, and we need to spread it through the day more vs. put it all in dinner (because we tend to metabolize protein less efficiently). For myself, I need to be smarter about planning rest and recovery into my exercise (and other activity) schedule. That sort of stuff.

    There are various threads/groups around here for 60+ or 70+ people/women. This is one example:

    Don't be dismayed if you open that up and see old posts. Like any long-running thread here, the new ones are at the end, on the high-numbered pages. You can jump straight there with the number/arrow keys near the bottom of the page.

    There are also lots of challenge/motivation groups here in the Community that are good for all ages, and different ones focus on different stages/aspects of weight management, fitness and health. A lot of them are in one or the other of these areas:

    You can read the intro posts there, maybe find something(s) that may suit your needs, and follow the directions to join in.

    Best wishes for continuing success!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Hi pat good luck you can do this