I just realized... I'm in a bad relationship!

After 3 wks of being faithful, I remained with my initial loss of 4 lbs. I was angry, sad, discouraged, etc. It's OBVIOUS i'd dropped from a pant size 14 to a 10, but SAME WEIGHT!!! WTF!?

Today the stupid scale shows a 4 lb loss. I feel like I have an unhealthy relationship with the scale. It treats me badly, but I keep coming back seeking it's approval. I even "broke up" with it on one of my blogs. At the suggestions of MFPrs, I did measure myself. And will be tracking it. I hope to get strong enough to break up with my loser scale once and for all. But, it's hard for me because weighing myself is what I've known to do for more than 20 years!

OMG! I just had an "a-ha" moment!!!!! I'm going to teach my kids about measuring ourselves to gauge progress and put the scale away. I don't weigh them (9 and 10 yr old), but they see the scale in my bathroom and get on it. This'll be good since we're working at becoming a fit and healthy family.


  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    I like your idea of having the kids measure and not weigh... I have teens and they see me get on the scale and laugh... they will do some workouts with me and we have fun. I will have them measure me and hope they like the same tracking technique.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Scales can be so bad sometimes!
  • Bugsyzgrl
    Bugsyzgrl Posts: 98 Member
    Sounds like you have the right idea!! My daughters are also struggling with the bulge. I know it is a bad habit I've taught them, to eat convenient instead of healthy. Retraining them starts with retraining me...!

    Over the years and my yo-yoing I've learned the scale is not my friend. I think the final straw in my last effort was getting stuck at the 200 mark. I'd lost almost 30 pounds in 3 months but then just plateaued. I knew my shape was still changing, and I recognized I had added toning to my cardio, but couldn't get past the fact that the scale had stopped moving. This time I've gone in with a dress size goal which will eventually lead to my weight loss goal.. I hope! I'm with you on this journey, for me and for my family!!
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I would mostly instill in children how much fun it is to stay active and be fit, and how it is unhealthy and you can get sick when you get older if you're too over weight. teaching them to make good choices food wise, esp. drinking water and portion control, is way more important than what size you are or how much you weigh. I'm going to tell my 2 kids when they're big enough to understand, that you can be bigger, and no one is perfect. Thin is not what its about. It's about being athletic and healthy, as well as eating better when you can, and not over indulging.
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    I would mostly instill in children how much fun it is to stay active and be fit, and how it is unhealthy and you can get sick when you get older if you're too over weight. teaching them to make good choices food wise, esp. drinking water and portion control, is way more important than what size you are or how much you weigh. I'm going to tell my 2 kids when they're big enough to understand, that you can be bigger, and no one is perfect. Thin is not what its about. It's about being athletic and healthy, as well as eating better when you can, and not over indulging.

    I agree and We have these conversations already. I tell them weight loss or a change in appearance is a side effect of healthy living, not the main goal. I try very hard to take the emphasis away from looks, but I can't completely ignore it because the reality is they both (especially my 10 yr old boy who weighed in at 139 lbs only 4' 9") are overweight and kids at school are quick to let him know he is overweight by calling him names. There's a very real social aspect to it that is even more difficult for children than adults. At least I don't think most adults go around calling others "fatso.". So, I get your point, but unfortunately I made my bed by disregarding my kids' health for so long and now I have to turn it over and address all the issues that come along with it. :-)