Body Changes From Working Out

Has anyone noticed that after working out for a few days or weeks that your body seems jiggly. I read an article that stated that was a good sign because the fat was breaking down and it would be easier for muscle mass to develop. I'm not sure how true this is but it sounded good. I'm not obese but whenever I start a workout regimen my trouble areas seem loose and jiggly. If anyone has input, please let me know, especially about your personal expereinces. Thanks in advance!!! :smile:


  • BreCore
    It may be extra skin? Have you ever heard of dry body brushing? It works wonders.
    You brush all of your skin in small circles with a dry, natural bristled shower brush. It stimulates the skin, gets the lymph flowing, and I swear it's made some of my stretch marks go away. I've heard it works for cellulite, too!
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    The same thing happens to me. I don't know what it is. I have heard it is your body "letting go of fat" not sure how much I believe that though. Just keep working out and drinking lots of water. Water really helps with skin elasticity.
  • jjs22
    jjs22 Posts: 156
    Yeah, I had never hear about that, but I did notice the same thing.

    My take on it was that when I began exercising muscles that had been pretty inactive they became noticeably more firm in a short time. When the muscles are more "rigid", its easier to feel the fat next to them jiggle.

    But that's just a guess.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've actually read about that!
  • Lesah0808
    Here is some info that I found:

    Here's what's going on. Fat is stored in several places, within the muscle as intramuscular fat (which is why pork is "the other white meat"), around the organs as "visceral fat", and under the skin as "subcutaneous fat". If you're inactive as you get older, the fat starts depositing in the muscles first - the muscle tissue gets "marbelized". After the intramuscular stores are full, the fat spills over to subcutaneous stores, which are more noticeable. Well, now take that process in reverse. Exercise (and specifically interval training and progressive weight training) tends to draw significantly from the intramuscular stores early on, so instead of seeing a major change in the mirror, you may instead feel your muscles getting firmer and less "mushy". That's a good sign. Don't give up! The subcutaneous fat loss becomes more evident once the intramuscular stores are whittled down a bit.
  • Lesah0808
    The same thing happens to me. I don't know what it is. I have heard it is your body "letting go of fat" not sure how much I believe that though. Just keep working out and drinking lots of water. Water really helps with skin elasticity.

    I am going to stay consistent with my 30 Day Shred. When I did Boot Camp years ago I never paid attention to my body structure but I sure am now!!! Lol! Good Luck and thanks for your input.
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    The same thing happens to me. I don't know what it is. I have heard it is your body "letting go of fat" not sure how much I believe that though. Just keep working out and drinking lots of water. Water really helps with skin elasticity.

    I am going to stay consistent with my 30 Day Shred. When I did Boot Camp years ago I never paid attention to my body structure but I sure am now!!! Lol! Good Luck and thanks for your input.

    Thank you for the science on that one. I knew it wasn't just in my head :)