Hiding Food?

Fast food, I hate it! .... but really I LOVE it, its my BIG problem, its fast, its easy, its cheap, and lets just be truthful it taste good! Now I know that there is nothing worng with fast food now and then, but you don't weight 400+ pounds eating out every now and then. I feel the guilt after I eat but that doesnt stop me from going the next day and eating it again, I will even hid the bags from my family, NOT that I dont want to share, it that I dont want them to KNOW that I eat all that!!! Sometimes Im not even that hungry I just want to taste of a taco or burger ect, in my mouth. Am I the only one that does this? If you have overcome what are some of your success tips?


  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    Things won't change until you MAKE THEM CHANGE. You are in control of each and everything that you put into your body. Nobody is forcing you to go get that taco.

    If I were you, I'd sit down and have a huge heart to heart talk with myself because you are most likely substituting that taco for something else that is not going the way you want it to go in your life.
  • plagirl227
    You have to go cold turkey. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit (but I find it really takes longer). Commit to NO FAST FOOD for at least a month. Then once that month is over, it will be easier to refuse it. But you have to force yourself.....
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    You have to go cold turkey. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit (but I find it really takes longer). Commit to NO FAST FOOD for at least a month. Then once that month is over, it will be easier to refuse it. But you have to force yourself.....

    Either that, or the absence will make you crave it all the more, and them you'll binge on it.

    You just need to have that epiphany of calories. If you found out how many calories you can have, and how many were in that fast food, it'd really make you think twice about it. Think of your daily calorie allowance as your currency. If you want to spend 50% of your money on that fast food, go ahead. But...is it really worth it?
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I changed my driving route so I wouldn't drive past McDonald's. I also stopped carrying cash, because most of my fast food purchases were with cash - not on my credit card.
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Hi my friend!! I think it was very brave of you to post this, that takes a lot of courage. I know you are embarrassed to tell your family, but I think that having their support will help you a great deal. Try to find alternatives, take a walk, drink a large glass of water. Chew gum. Even jumping jacks. And the longer you are on the journey, the easier it will be to say no to those temptations. I have confidence in you, and I know you can do this!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    When I was hiding food wrappers, it was because I had a serious eating disorder. I think being ashamed of your family finding out means mostly that you are ashamed of it yourself.

    I personally had to learn to accept myself after I ate "bad" food the same way as I did after I ate "good" food (and then I had to learn there is no "bad" or "good" food, just different foods accomplish different things in your body). And I had to learn to eat ENOUGH, spread throughout the whole day, so that I wasn't on a starve myself-feel good/ binge -hate myself cycle. And taking my workouts more seriously so I could take pride in the milestones I achieved there certainly helped.

    It's a long journey, but being here and posting so honestly is certainly a huge step in the right direction!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    what fast food is cheaper? 5.00 on a value meal that I will not be full from. I can go to a local store and get a fresh baked whole wheat roll , 1 thin slice of turkey breast , 1 thin slice of cheese , free package of ketchup (I don`t like mustard or mayo) , 1 med size piece of fruit and a bottle of water all for under 3.00 plus the exercise of walking threw the store to get each item from each department.
  • Leola2011
    Fast food, I hate it! .... but really I LOVE it, its my BIG problem, its fast, its easy, its cheap, and lets just be truthful it taste good! Now I know that there is nothing worng with fast food now and then, but you don't weight 400+ pounds eating out every now and then. I feel the guilt after I eat but that doesnt stop me from going the next day and eating it again, I will even hid the bags from my family, NOT that I dont want to share, it that I dont want them to KNOW that I eat all that!!! Sometimes Im not even that hungry I just want to taste of a taco or burger ect, in my mouth. Am I the only one that does this? If you have overcome what are some of your success tips?

    Honey, I'm going to be honest with you. You are talking about an addiction. And there are no 'tips' to battle an addiction. It's all about recovery. This isn't just about fast food. But until you come to recognize your challenge for what it really is, there's not much anyone can tell you that will help in the long run. Many of us on this site understand where you're coming from and have been there. The support that would help you most has to be based on an honest acknowlegment that the problem is deeper than cheap food fast.
  • GFreg
    GFreg Posts: 404
    I hate to tell people to cut something out entirely. You can actually get decent meals from fast food joints but you have to be very careful. From McDonald's, a cheeseburger with small fries is 530 calories. Avoid a soda and get a water. That should be enough to satisfy any fast food cravings. Perhaps go with a chicken sandwich and try grilled rather than crispy. There will be times when certain places to eat are unavoidable but it is up to you to make smart choices. Are there better options for dinner out there? Yes, but when you start limiting your options you may run in to problems staying on track. Obviously the healthiest choice would be to cook your meals with fresh organic vegetables and meat, but that is not in the cards for most people. You need to be able to control how much you eat, because even if it is healthy, you can eat too much of it and you will go over your daily caloric intake.

    I actually used to stop at fast food places on my way home from work and eat a big meal in my car. This would be in between lunch and dinner. I would sit in my car because I was ashamed to be seen with my supersized meal. If you have the willpower to give up fast food completely right now then great. Remember that this is going to be a long journey and that you need to work on it in stages. What is the good if you cut out fast food completely for a week but have an insatiable urge for it and you go out and binge on the weekend? You have a long way to go before the types of foods you are eating are going to make a big difference. Portion control and limiting yourself to your daily calories will be much more important for you. Of course, well balanced and nutritious meals will be the best but at your current weight, the health risks of being overweight are high and a cheeseburger isn't going to push you over the edge.

    I don't want to sound harsh. I am in the same situation as you. You can accomplish your goals! It will take a lot of hard work and dedication but you can do it. Use the resources available to you like MFP and nutritional data sheets from restaurants. I have faith that you can reach your goal and I will be in the same boat working on my own journey to better health.
  • ladygh
    Sometimes when I drive by a McDonalds or Burger King and I am by myself, I can feel the pull of the car in that direction! You're right, it is easy and fast and I love fries! I have had to turn the stereo up in the car and not look in the direction to avoid making the pit stop! I had to quit cold turkey. I tried to go in and order the better choices (salads, etc.) and it didn't work for me.

    It's a battle, but you can make it if you really put your mind to it. I am cheering you on!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Fast food, I hate it! .... but really I LOVE it, its my BIG problem, its fast, its easy, its cheap, and lets just be truthful it taste good! Now I know that there is nothing worng with fast food now and then, but you don't weight 400+ pounds eating out every now and then. I feel the guilt after I eat but that doesnt stop me from going the next day and eating it again, I will even hid the bags from my family, NOT that I dont want to share, it that I dont want them to KNOW that I eat all that!!! Sometimes Im not even that hungry I just want to taste of a taco or burger ect, in my mouth. Am I the only one that does this? If you have overcome what are some of your success tips?

    Man, oh man. Trip down memory lane. I can relate. I started that when I was a young girl. I'd eat cake mix, etc. Long story short - I ended up switching from food to alcohol, then back to food. Even when I was married I'd hide food from my husband, cuz I didn't want to share. But the other posters are right, it goes deeper than just a love for fast food. Me? It had a lot to do with poor self esteem and trying to be what other people wanted me to be. Tips? It has to come from within. You have to decide and you have to decide it's for you, no one else. If you don't do it for you, it won't work. One day, it just hit me. I was tired of being tired and tired of not being happy. It was transition - doesn't happen over night.

    For me personally, food is still a demon that I will forever fight. There have been times, I have slipped back into that mode (during divorce), but I have pulled myself back out again. One of the things I can say is be prepared for people people's reactions. Not all of them will be good and some of them will be harmful. Now, it doesn't bother me, but in the beginning it did.

    I can't have a "little" of something,( a little piece of cake, ice cream or piece of chocolate) and I know that. It is a trigger for me in the worst way. I know the "all or nothing" is frowned on, but for me that's the way it has to be. I know that now, so I can avoid it.

    Just remember this. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! No matter how crappy you feel after eating/hiding something, pull yourself up and keep going. You can do this!!!
  • evansproudmama
    Sometimes I have weekends where I just cant stop eating fast food. I really feel as if they put crack in it to make it addictive. Fast food is my first weekness only to be compared with my love of beer lol! I know how you feel I could eat it for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner untill I reached my breaking point. In one month of eating like this i put back on my 30lbs I lost previously and something inside me snapped. No ones gonna stop you from eating it except you. My only adivce is what worked for me and thats to start learning how to eat healthy with fast food in yourl ife moderatlyly. Id say start out slow inching it out of your diet and learn to cook at home. Its fun and youll save so much money not having fast food. For me I eat out once a week now maybe twice if I didnt grocery shop.

    What made me snap was logging honestly everything I put into my mouth while on a "cheat day" and the results almost made me sick! In one day with fast food I ate 5000+ calories and almost double that in sodium. Its crazy when you log it how much your really consuming. Once you learn moderation not depervation you will find it easier to succede! You can do it I know you can! I still enjoy my favorite in n out meal but instead of eating all the frys I put aside half. I still LOVE curly frys from Jack in the box but instead of getting the large I enjoy the small and take time eating it (yummy). You can do it you just have to make the choice :-) Add me Id be happy to keep you on track
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    Sometimes when I drive by a McDonalds or Burger King and I am by myself, I can feel the pull of the car in that direction! You're right, it is easy and fast and I love fries! I have had to turn the stereo up in the car and not look in the direction to avoid making the pit stop! I had to quit cold turkey. I tried to go in and order the better choices (salads, etc.) and it didn't work for me.

    It's a battle, but you can make it if you really put your mind to it. I am cheering you on!

    ..."I can feel the pull of the car in that direction!"
    I know this topic is serious, but this made me laugh!!!
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    You have to go cold turkey. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit (but I find it really takes longer). Commit to NO FAST FOOD for at least a month. Then once that month is over, it will be easier to refuse it. But you have to force yourself.....

    Either that, or the absence will make you crave it all the more, and them you'll binge on it.

    You just need to have that epiphany of calories. If you found out how many calories you can have, and how many were in that fast food, it'd really make you think twice about it. Think of your daily calorie allowance as your currency. If you want to spend 50% of your money on that fast food, go ahead. But...is it really worth it?

    Absolutely agree with this. Treat your calorie allowance as a "debit" system......you know what you have each day, but you are in control of how you decide to "spend" it. If you spend it unwisely, then you have less to get through the day with....that way maybe you won't feel so deprived or angry because "diets" inherently mean deprivation and that is not a healthy way to look at it. It's a lifestyle change, not punishment. It's all about choices and remember, you are in control. :-) Good Luck!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    ok there's a lot of good advice on here, but here is my 2 cents and what worked for me. I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. The Beck Diet Solution is a book, a 6 week long program to TEACH you EXACTLY how to deal with those types of situations. It is a cognitive therapy program to RETRAIN you how to want to eat healthy, and answer back to those sabotaging thoughts. It has changed my life, I did the whole program 4 years ago and have kept off all the weight, and continued to lose, now I am using MFP to help me track more of the fitness side of things and it also is a useful tool that compliments the book VERY well. All you need is the book - I recommend the first one (its pink) rather than her newer book - the beck diet for life - I found it easier to follow, and a GOOD diet buddy that will be there though the hardest times and you can call as you are cruising past the drive thru tomorrow thinking "no thanks, I'd rather be thinner "

    :))) good luck!!!!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Believe it or not, it will get easier. I stopped everyday on my way to work and again on the way home for fast food. I bought 100 calorie snack packs and kept them in my car. When I felt like stopping I would crack one open. It took away the urge to eat something on the spot. I told myself everytime I lost 10 pounds I would treat myself to a mcdonalds run but not until then! Well, that took a month! I left extra early for work and went inside to sit and enjoy my double hamburger.

    Now, I am a hamburger junkie. I enjoy the little dehydrated onions, the pickles, just everything about those morsels. So I ate the whole thing without french fries though but with a giant light lemonade. I got in my car and headed off to work. About 10 minutes later I felt like there was a giant rock in my stomach. I was miserable the rest of the night and into the next morning. I haven't had one since then. Not sure I want to put myself through that misery again. Now I stop every now and again and get a yogurt parfait or even one of their tasty lemonades.

    Setting it as a reward worked for me. And then it worked again by getting me off the stuff all together! Even my big boys from frisch's taste bad now.
  • maria1993

    Honey, I'm going to be honest with you. You are talking about an addiction.

    EXACTLY what I was going to say!

    Hiding food is a big red flag. It is like the druggie, or alcoholic who hides evidence of using. I babysit for an alcoholic, she hides the booze and carries the bottles out in bags until they can't be seen.. And to top it all off, she hauls the bottles off to work and throws them away so her mother can't find them in the trash. It is a serious matter which resulted in her wrecking her car, totaling it, breaking bones and ending up in jail. Thankfully she did not have the baby with her when it happened. But addiction to food will have the same result. You may hide it now, but what happens when it has some major affect on your health? It will be something that you won't be able to hide. Perhaps a heart attack, diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, etc.. Or how about death? Who can hide it?
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    I really applaud you for posting this topic. I'm sorry this is so hard for you. I'm so glad that you're being honest with yourself. What you are addicted to is salt, sugar, and fat. You are probably also addicted to chewing and swallowing.

    If you really want to get off the insanity path, I do think that in your case, you will need to go cold turkey.

    What you'd want to do is avoid salt, sugar and fat for about a week. The gradually add them back in, in healthier combinations. Like crackers and cheese, rather than burger and fries.

    I eat mostly fruits and veggies. My taste buds have changed. Now if I exercise a lot and I want to eat back those calories, I look forward to a handful of nuts, a banana and peanut butter, having regular salad dressing instead of fat free.

    It would be a hard 3 days --> or 3 weeks, but your taste buds would change.

    Feel free to look at my food diary. It is public. I occasonally eat a slice of pizza or fries, but that isn't my particular problem. My problem is that I eat too much, not what I eat (per se).

    Good luck. I hope this helps. We are all here to help.
  • coloradocuppiecake
    I hate to say it. You have to go cold turkey. Eat healthy whole foods, no sugar, no bread for three weeks and you will hate the taste of fast food. It cured me of my candy and bread addiction. I cannot even stand the smell of fast food or treats anymore. Good luck
  • justnname
    The HARDEST part of losing weight is the MENTAL part.. Getting all the Negative Voices out of your head. I have been there.. No one new what I was actually eating, I never ate in front of other people. I had to stop lying to myself. I was eating not to feel. The next time you pulling into the drive thru ask yourself why am I stopping. Is it Hunger or are you feeling something?