Looking for some friends...

I'm not new to the site, but after a long break I'm back! Last year MFP helped me lose almost 50 pounds, and although I've gained some back, I'm finally rededicating myself to healthy eating and lifestyle! I'll add some info about myself below but even if we aren't similar, feel free to add me! I get along with most everyone!

About me: I'm 21, an accounting major, and work in design. I'm married with no kids, and love to go out with friends or play xbox with my hubby in my free time.

My goals: I need to lose about 140 pounds eventually, but I'm focusing on one week at a time, and my goal is 2 pounds a week.

About my eating plan: My doctor has put me on a very strict diet, No potatoes, bread, or sugar, or anything made from those. Mostly I'll be eating veggies from the cabbage family and lean meat. So far it's tough but I feel 100% better already so I'm sticking with it! I don't even keep things I can't eat in my fridge or cabinets in my house (hubby has his stash, of course). My doctor has prescribed my Adipex to help with my hunger, but I know it's not a long term solution, nor is it a magical pill, it's just to help while I learn my daily routine without fast food, so please no haters, I've heard it all!

Where I struggle: Exercise! I used to love walking, but my neighborhood has gotten so horrible, and I can't fit a treadmill in my apartment. I'm thinking of joining zumba, or maybe walking on campus... open to suggestions!

Thanks to anyone who adds me and I wish everyone success! You CAN do it!


  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Does your campus have a fitness center? Mine doesn't, but I have some friends that use theirs religiously!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Welcome. . you are going to do great. . . No hatin comin from this direction. . . just ignore the fuddy duddy's. . . Wishing you all the luck in your health and fitness journey. .

    Friend me if you like. . . :flowerforyou:
  • linzanne5
    linzanne5 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm glad you are ready to get back in it! I too am slowly starting to get myself back on track :).

    For exercise, since you play xbox on occasion why not try zumba or some type of dancing game? I have Just Dance for the wii and I LOVE it! I'm not sure if Just Dance is available for xbox but it is something to look into :).

    Whatever we do, let's keep moving forward!
  • TFOL
    TFOL Posts: 1
    I just learned about this web site. Just knowing that I am going to record what I have eaten helps me think before I eat! Zumba was the most fun exercise class I ever attended. However, I injured my knee after my second visit. My dr. thought it was too much on my old knees (I am 50) and weighing 230#. If you don't have issues with your knees, I think you will enjoy it. I wish you the best!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Good luck with your weight loss goals! It stinks that you're on such a restrictive diet. Add me as a friend if you would like. :smile:
  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for the adds guys! And I used to be a DDR addict, but now we live upstairs in an apartment building. Our campus fitness center is pretty expensive, but it's really close... that might be a good option!
  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    It's SO HARD. But I'm starting to show signs of insulin resistance, so it's not forever, but for a long time, I need to stay away from sugars and bad carbs. I'm still getting carbs from my cabbage veggies though!

    You'd be surprised how relieving it is though, to have someone tell you THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN EAT. Because I'm sure you guys know, everyone has a different diet or different opinion on what people should eat, so it was nice to have a doctor say "This is what's going to work for you" It's a lot of pressure off of you because there's no guesswork.
  • TammyTopaz
    Hi Teresa.

    I'm glad that you have decided to rejoin. I know too well what it is like to start, do great, stop and have the weight slowly trend upward. So, you have my full support. Though I recently joined, I feel so much better about the prospect of losing weight and about living a healthier life and motivating others to the same.

    As for workouts, me and my neighbour get together and just do some aerobics for 45-60 minutes with music that we both enjoy. But, I tried Jillian Michaels 45-minute workout video yesterday, and trust me, though I couldn't manage some of what she did, after completing the entire workout, I felt so great! Kinda like the Kelloggs Tiger :smile: So, perhaps you can give it a try sometime. We're doing another video today but I'm not sure of who's on that but I'll keep you posted.

  • bariachic
    bariachic Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks Tammy, I'd love that!
  • junehart1
    Looking for friends too. Im in my sixties 'real time' but in my thirties in my mind. just joined this site so have no friends as yet
    I'm keen to lose weight and be 'fit' in case i'm lucky enough to live to a ripe old age. would like to compare notes with folk.
    I'm mother to 4, Nanny to 5 and foster mum and foster nanny to......I've lost count........Nanny June
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    I struggled with exercise, too - I enjoy walking but it doesn't burn enough calories for me. I have a couple of friends who have used the Walk Away The Pounds DVDs with great success. Are there any games for your gaming console? Those might be an option.

    Feel free to add me - I haven't been taking full advantage of this site and am finally realizing how wonderful everyone is - the support is great.

    And as for those who want to lecture you, remember this: we are all different with unique physiological needs. Find what works for YOU!
  • CarolineSuzanneSmith
    I'm very similar to you... I live in an apartment on the second floor, and our apt is TINY (450 sq feet), and there's no room for a treadmill, let alone any room for me to do some type of exercise in our "living room" (even if I wanted to be obnoxious to the people below me).

    Since you're in a college town (as I am), a LOT of the local gyms will have deals for students. A lot of times you can ask these gyms to try a "week for free"...I suggest doing that. Also, a lot of gyms offer month-to-month/no contract...which is GREAT! Your best bet is to call around to a couple of gyms, ask them their fees (start up fee/monthly fee/what does that monthly fee include--at some gyms you pay less but can't use their fitness classes, etc...so make sure!)..

    Once you find a gym (I found a gym at my place that is all for women, and I pay 20/month-to-month and can do fitness classes)...be brave and do as many fitness classes as you want! I was nervous to go by myself...but you have to realize that everybody there at the gym is there for (most likely) the same reason: to get in shape, be healthy, etc!!

    Good luck to you! Hope this helps..
  • ritas
    ritas Posts: 12
    There is Zumba for xbox. I heard its fun. Good luck on your journey!
  • xinahay123
    As far as exercise goes, there are a lot of great options. Zumba is fun, and can be a great workout, with the right instructor. Fitness viseos are also a good choice. The Firm series has some goof stuff. Just make sure you schedule time to sweat more days than not! You CAN do it!!!
  • goofybeth
    I have oue that if I work out with my Wii a couple times a day if possile I develop a sweat an really get some results from it. I don't like fitness centers but do walk everyehere since I am not able to drive a car. I have also injued both of my ankles so I am careful on how much time I'm on my feet.