Wegovy newbie



  • brandice65
    brandice65 Posts: 29 Member
    I have taken by 3 shot of the .50, it seems like I may need to move up to the .75, Haven't lost much since last week. Is anyone else working using wegovy to help them with this journey?
  • sumer3683
    sumer3683 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! i started wegovy 10/31/23 and have now lost 31 pounds, i started at 204, but am 5'1. it has been a slow steady loss which i think will help me in the long run. i went up a dosage each month and have been on the highest dose for the last month. Wegovy has really helped me feel full when eating less. I get full on a small amount of food. I do still struggle with eating when i am not hungry/emotional eating, so i am still working on that. ive slowly increased my steps per day. I wear a fit bit and my goal is now 9000 steps/day. I dont always reach it but i get close. I take a 15-20 minute walk at lunch each day which has helped me reach that goal. Keep going everyone!
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 1,414 Member
    Glad to see people sharing :)

    Had wondered if it reduced "emotional eating"

    When I quit smoking, I realized I was smoking for so many reasons every day, it had just become a part of everything. I essentially had to relearn everything without smoking.
    - i think food is like that for me too, almost a cultural part of everything. And I wonder if the trigger urges subside on the med?
    - The challenge I am working on is to identify eating well when my body actually needs more food, and 2nd, to do non-food things for non-food reasons.

  • polvo71
    polvo71 Posts: 42 Member
    I started at .25 less than a week ago. So far feeling good. As a part of this journey, I’ve cut out alcohol. This has been my primary diet sabotage for my adult life. Im a weekend drinker so all the good work I have done during the week gets canceled out on the weekend with wine and vodka. This past weekend was the first weekend since my last child (11 years ago) that I haven’t drank. I do think the Wegovy is helping my brain quiet the call for cocktails. This is pretty huge for me.
  • beach_jody
    beach_jody Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I just started Wegovy yesterday. Looking to connect with others i have about 100# to lose. I tried Ozempic for about 2 months(if didnt go well). first I overdosed on my 1st injection, then all the other weeks I got terrible heartburn and indegestion. I hope Wegovy compound is slightly differnet and manageable for my body
  • sabre_954
    sabre_954 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started four weeks ago but due to a poorly timed schedule procedure I was not able to exercise for the first two weeks. I’m now exercising and have started to lose as I had prior to Wygovg and expect it to ramp up soon.
  • missymagee3
    missymagee3 Posts: 1 Member
    Just did my second .25 injection... anyone else here, still currently taking Wegovy? I just got my treadmill in and so I'm on day two of exercising! Excited to combine the two!
  • deewip
    deewip Posts: 19 Member
    @missymagee3. I have been taking compounded Wegovy for 8 months and have lost 33 lbs. Just got the results for bloodwork and my triglycerides went from 227 down to 127! I have never had it this low ever! And I am not even to my goal weight. I am definitely getting healthier.
  • yanicm
    yanicm Posts: 2 Member
    I will be starting the initial .25 tomorrow and see how it goes...!