Old Calorie Count Group

Trishcolli Posts: 145 Member
Not sure is this the right place but … starting a thread here so we can all find each other


  • AllaboutDaCake
    AllaboutDaCake Posts: 687 Member
    edited May 29
    There's also a group you can create and send your friends invites. Probably better to do that and more private.
  • fatsue56
    fatsue56 Posts: 5 Member
    edited May 29
    Thanks for taking time away from vacation to set this up for us Trish!
  • makame53
    makame53 Posts: 8 Member
    I am so glad that Trish has set this up, so that we can find each other. I feel like we are all family and I would hate to lose you all.
  • witchmom3
    witchmom3 Posts: 4 Member
    I bookmarked it so it’s easier for me to find.
  • anneok59
    anneok59 Posts: 2 Member
    Delighted to still have the group. Thanks Trish!
  • pforde2017
    pforde2017 Posts: 8 Member
    Trish, you're a star to set this up while you are on holiday. Pam
  • alexalex51
    alexalex51 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you Trish! I found the lost calorie counter group!
  • kjbrack6
    kjbrack6 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much for taking the time to set this up
  • gplowther
    gplowther Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Trish for setting this up, whether we stay here or move somewhere else, at least we can all still keep in touch. It's a shame that all these companies seem to want to break what is working (not perfectly, but working all the same)
  • witchmom3
    witchmom3 Posts: 4 Member
    The newsfeed is gone on my ap today 6/2/24. 😫
  • kcstar73
    kcstar73 Posts: 31 Member
    @witchmom3 -- hopefully someone more tech-savvy than I will try to make our Group work here under Community. I think setting up basic categories for threads for people to post under would help, rather than having everyone's post become a new thread, etc. I hope whatever does happen, that you will continue to do well. Thanks for your support; I've appreciated it. I will still be around here as long as there are others, too.
  • CheriKerfoot
    CheriKerfoot Posts: 1 Member
    I’m seeing this thread but not sure if I need to still join. Under my groups I only have calorie count refugees. I will check out the app mentioned “my net diary”.