Hi everyone time to start again and no bull *kitten*

Time to get bk on it and shift this *kitten* fat and get fitter

Still struggling to get portions right with chicken ECT
And getting a proper training sessions in with work , wife's work and family and helping as a coach in 2 teams soccer at same club it gets crazy . Hope everyone is amazing and smashing there goals . Just drop a hi 🤗🤗


  • sshaffer0103
    sshaffer0103 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my second go around on the fitness pal. My life has been crazy! My husband and I are moving from the east coast to the west coast in 6 weeks to be near children and grandchildren It’s been hard to watch what I eat. I’m more focused now and hope to lose the lbs that I’ve accumulated over the last few years! Wish me luck!
  • capgordon3040
    capgordon3040 Posts: 48 Member
    You got this