CLOSED GROUP-Get Ahead With The Shred!



  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I cannot do those pendulum lunges. I'm just awful at moving lunges. Static lunges I am awesome at though. I mean, I can do them really well. It's so weird.

    So, tomorrow will be day 5 of Level 2 for me. I really dislike level 2, all that planking, and with TWO different plank exercises in the last circuit... crazy. I actually told Jillian to F off yesterday night. This morning I was very polite to her though so I think we're friends again ;) Does anyone else talk to her when she says stuff or have I just lost my mind?
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I was 117.8 this morning (guilty of weighing twice in a row!) which is quite a loss o.o gonna see tomorrow if it was real...

    I hate weight fluctuations! Fingers crossed that it was a real loss. x
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I cannot do those pendulum lunges. I'm just awful at moving lunges. Static lunges I am awesome at though. I mean, I can do them really well. It's so weird.

    So, tomorrow will be day 5 of Level 2 for me. I really dislike level 2, all that planking, and with TWO different plank exercises in the last circuit... crazy. I actually told Jillian to F off yesterday night. This morning I was very polite to her though so I think we're friends again ;) Does anyone else talk to her when she says stuff or have I just lost my mind?

    Yeah I don't have the coordination to do the pendulum lunges, so I just lunge forward alternating legs. I have never talked out loud when I'm by myself before, but if I'm really winded I'll swear at her. Hahaha. I actually downloaded season 1 of biggest loser because I love trashy reality TV, and they get to party with Jillian for 5 hours a day... can you imagine!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    I LOVE the Biggest Loser. Seriously. I'm totally obsessed. I do not know how they do it. What troopers!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I gave blood today! So no shred for me tonight. Apparently I'm not allowed to do exercise... which is fine by me. I've been dizzy. xD
    And I've ate a ton. I feel terrible, but I'm gonna go to the gym tomorrow. :)
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Ugh I blew it today.
    My boy decided to take me to TGIF since I'd never been...

    I ate way more than I should have, but it was so delicious!
    Ugh. But while we were there, I got the most motivation yet.

    I commented on the fact I thought a server was pretty and well, I did the one thing you're not supposed to do. I asked if she was prettier than me (which she was. I'm not gonna lie.) And he told the truth. The two reasons hurt me though. One was cause her hair was how I usually wear mine (which shows he never notices) and the second was cause she was skinny. I was just like... Seriously?! :sad:

    Apparently my hard work is going unnoticed. Which means I'm gonna work harder. Though, the shred is up for debate at this point. My cheesecake isn't settling...
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Okay... you can't do this for your boyfriend. You can't do it for validation from others. You have to do it for you. Your post is so sad, I feel really bad for you. I hate to sound like someone off the Biggest Loser, but I think you need to really evaluate why you want to weigh less. You need to focus on yourself in this, because this is no one else's business.
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    It is for me. I have plenty of other reasons, most of them health related. And I don't think my post is sad. I've lost so much motivation for doing this that it was getting ridiculous, and that helped me. We are supposed to be able to talk about stuff like that here and encourage each other. I really don't see anything wrong with what I posted. It was simply stating how I got remotivated, even if it was in a different way than others.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Wooooah, I was just saying I feel for you. Getting told that a waitress is prettier than you because she's thin, whilst you are trying to live healthier is not a fun thing to have happen to you. I'm sorry if I've upset you, it wasn't my intention. I was just trying to empathise.
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Oh. Well then I apologize. It was four in the morning and I misunderstood what you meant. I thought you meant like 'I pity you'. I'm naturally defensive, so again, I do apologize. I feel bad now...
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Noooo no! It's all good! We're fine!

    So, I sneaked a weigh in today AND I did Level 3 because I'm really hating all the planks in L2. Well, there are planks in L3, but I did the beginner moves and it was okay. Phew.

    p.s. as you can see by my ticker, this morning's weigh in said I've lost 2 pounds. WOO!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    That's awesome! I skipped ahead to Level 2 last night. It totally wore me out, but it felt good. If I can find a roommate or someone, I'm gonna head to the gym I think. Kinda feel like walking the track.

    I cannot wait till I remember to get my hula hoop from home. I'm just gonna go do that forever. :)

    Right now, I just wanna get my meal off from last night... ugh. Eating out is the devil!
  • DanikaDawn
    Hey ladies! So I know it's Thursday and I was supposed to weigh in Monday but it's been the week from Hell at school, plus rehearsals for our Fall play started so I'm busy busy. I'm keeping up with the shred and my current weight is................. 190!!

    I feel amazing, and I'm happy to read you're all hanging in there!
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    @Keia, I'm sorry to hear about what your boyfriend said, I feel for you. Sometimes I feel like my husband's eyes sometimes linger WAY too long on other women who are significantly thinner than I am. It sucks, but it can be a strong motivator to kick your own butt into a higher gear and keep pushing harder.

    @Dawn, yay!! Congrats on the 190, that's awesome :) I can't wait til I hit that point again.

    @Rosalind, nicely done! 2 lbs. is great, way to go :) Also, good job getting through level 3, I'm worried about making it through level 2, lol

    I started level 2 last night, and felt like I was gonna die. I couldn't make it past the 2nd circuit--my chest was burning, I was breathing super hard, and my legs were starting to give out. I feel a little ashamed that I couldn't finish the whole workout, but I'll try again when I get home from work tonight and hopefully I can at least make it through to the end. I think another reason I was having problems is that I ate way too close to when I worked out. I didn't over-eat, but I did feel super sick by the time I stopped.

    I hope the rest of you are still successful in your Shredding! :)
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I found a gym that's $10 p/w and I'm joining with my friend on Monday! I will try to keep up the shred but I did start it because I didn't have access to a gym, where I'd do cardio and lift weights (to a similar effect as the shred). But I want to stay dedicated and keep with it! So we'll see.

    I skipped yesterday, which is 2 days missed out of... 15 so far? 16? Not bad =P I'm going to do today hard though, as soon as my oatmeal settles a bit!
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    So... my boyfriend just broke up with me.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    ANYWAY. I've got 12 more days to go and I think I'm going to skip to Level 3.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Rosalind, I'm sorry about your boyfriend. I hope you're doing ok.

    I just thought I'd post one more time and respectfully bow out of this challenge. I am so busy during the week that even a 20 minute workout isn't fitting in anywhere. I'm still eating well, but I have to make this a lifestyle change and I can't with having to do a workout almost everyday. I'm going to have to fit in the exercise as I can get it in.

    I'm truly sorry, I hope that the rest of you kick *kitten* on this challenge. Good luck!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    So I left my copy of the shred in my hometown. I'll be going home Wednesday, though.

    According to my scale, I gained... a lot.
    But I ate late last night, so I'm gonna weigh in again tomorrow to make sure.

    I'm sorry Rosalind. If you need someone to talk to, shoot me a message.

    It is so cold here. I was gonna start walking around campus in the afternoon, but I dunno anymore.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I'm sorry Rosalind... that's rough :-(

    I joined a gym yesterday and jogged for 2km straight, personal record! I think I will do the shred on each day that I do not go to the gym just so I don't drive myself crazy.