Little tricks to keep moving even in cubicle world

Like many adults, I spend most of my waking hours sitting in an office, which has NOT done wonders for my *kitten*. Since embarking on this fitness journey that can be described as the "eat less, move more" diet, I've started to hate the feeling I get after 8 hours of doing nothing but sitting in an office chair. So I've devised little ways to keep moving throughout the day. Here are some. Feel free to share your tips.

1) I park on the far end of the parking lot

2) I work on the third floor of an office building and always take the stairs

3) I try to make a point of getting up from my desk every 2 hours and going downstairs and coming back up even if I have no reason to. Smokers get to go outside to smoke, so I figure I'm allowed to just move for no reason as a break. I try to climb the stairs as briskly as I can so that I feel a little out of breath at the top. Sometimes I do this twice and than casually walk back to my desk after my heart is pumping a little faster. I figure if I do this 4 times a day, not only do I increase my metabolism and burn a few calories, but it actually also helps me wake up or get energized and work harder.

4) When going to the bathroom for a pee break (as long as there's no one else in the bathroom), I'll do a set of 20 body weight squats before leaving. And after I wash my hands, I'll do a set of push ups standing up with my hands on the counter. This doesn't work if you have a very busy bathroom, but at our office the bathroom is mostly deserted, so I haven't had anyone walk in and I can usually hear someone walking down the hallway.

This probably sounds crazy, but I feel better if I get to do even just little things to keep moving throughout the day.

Anyone else crazy like me?


  • cbrister07
    cbrister07 Posts: 34 Member
    I think those are great ideas. Thanks for the tips.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I am crazy too, it seems!

    I work on the first floor but I use the toilets on the ground floor. I have also been known to walk to the warehouse stores office to "ask the warehouseman how things are going" but which is really just an excuse to go for a walk. :devil:
  • This would be great if my office wasn't all one floor. :(
  • Right here!

    I like to do that stuff too. I also offer to run things around for people (like mail, important papers, recycling, things to shred, etc.). It also makes their day a lil brighter, so everyone wins!
  • These are great ideas! I try to walk on my 2 15 minute breaks weather permitting... I will try to add some more activities as well! :glasses:
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    You are not alone, I used to work in an office and sometimes sat on a workout ball. Now, I am a grad student and got a gaiam ball chair for my home office. Love it! Rumor has it that it burns 50 calories an hour just sitting. Don't know if it is true, but I can feel it in the abs and buns if I sit for any length of time. Every bit helps.
  • I just bought an exercise ball and started sitting on it at my desk. So far it is working great.
  • hanes222
    hanes222 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm just as crazy! haha I know exactly what you mean tho. . .this office job has not done wonders for my *kitten* by any means.

    Another option too (if it is a feasible option). . .a ball chair! Suprisingly, does a number on your core. I love love love mine. Plus, since I happen to be slightly ADD, bouncing helps. haha

    I book it up and down the stairs, take mail down numerous times, and do lunges & squats in the bathroom as well. More power to us bathroom-workout girls! :drinker:
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Great ideas! I do very similar things at work as well. And my office is just 1 floor, but luckily I am not "chained" to my desk or a telephone that has to be answered. So sometimes that means I can just take my 1 lowly little piece of mail (LOL) and walk it down to the mail room which is clear down a hallway. No one ever questions me. :smile:

    Also, at lunch I try to make time to take a brisk walk around the parking lot and we have walking trails nearby as well, so if I have extra time after eating and it's a nice day, I love to get out and get the fresh air and sunshine!
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
    Good stuff, thanks for the tips.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    LOVE this! I also do these things every day at work :-) My other trick is on my two 15min brakes I walk around the block, the loop around my building is 1 mile and I work with alot of asian woman and they power walk like crazy so Im starting to catch up :-)
  • dshearrer
    dshearrer Posts: 25 Member
    Those all sound like great ideas, I already have to park almost 20 minutes away from my office I will walk instead of taking the shuttle.
  • When im not glued to my desk, i run heavy machinery. Although i do get strange looks sometimes, when i need to look at a certain dial (negative pressure lets say) i make my self squat to look at it lol. ( i basically squat real low, and wait for the dial to show up and then squat back uo) If i drop a tool or a screw i bend down like touching my toes without bending my knees and grab it to stretch out. Ive also stopped asking guys to get the deliveries of materials and such, and get them myself. Although instead of 1 trip with 4 guys it might take me 6 trips up and down the stairs carrying items i do it anyways. Still trying to come up with more things to do though.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I have a set of 3lb weights at my desk. Right around lunch time I do a few reaps, until I hear someone headed my way...
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    - I'll be going the gym at lunch for a 45 minute work out. (For how few calories we get, lunch can easily be eaten during a break!)
    - I park on the 5 floor as far as possible, and take the stairs back to the 3rd.
    - Get up and go to the break room that is farthest from my desk.
    - I may asking for a staing up desk. It has many befits includiung the calorie burn, and lowering the risk of colnon cancer.
    - I think I may try to add in some of the squats or pushups - I have a nice door to my office.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    :happy: Thanks for the ideas - the bathroom one i am not sure i can do - it depends atually on the time of day...sometimes it's pretty empty, and others, it's like Grand Central Station...BUT like you i can hear people coming! :bigsmile:
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I thought I was the only one who did squats in the bathroom, lol! Luckily our bathroom is not a big restroom with several stalls, it is a small room with one toilet so as long as the door is locked no one will walk in on me. I got out of the habit of doing them but need to start again. Since drinking more water I have to go to the restroom more so that equals more squats. I feel so lazy sitting all day, ugh.
  • kknudson
    kknudson Posts: 60 Member
    I am actually going to take the squats-in-the-bathroom idea away from this. NEVER even occurred to me.
  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 156 Member
    I also do these little tricks like squats and push up. They actually get the blood moving. That's for sharing.
  • sanrega
    sanrega Posts: 1 Member
    Those are great tips, I have been doing similar activities during my work day but didn't consider the bathroom option - fantastic!
    Keep sharing!!