The vacations that spurred (VERY) different weight-loss goal

hng2101 Posts: 54 Member




The first two pictures are from the Hawaii trip I took in May. I worked really hard to lose about 5 pounds before the trip so I could feel good in a bikini.

The second two pictures are from a Lake Havasu tripped that triggered my initial desire to lose weight. I was miserable on the trip (and look miserable in these photos--I'm the one in orange shorts). I came home and decided to start working out and eating right the very day I got back. I lost the first 30 pounds (or so) that summer and became dedicated to fitness. I had NEVER seen a picture of myself from this era because I didn't want to look. Weird seeing it now!


  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    No pictures showed up.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    saw them on your profile page.... killer beach bod!!! Congrats on your success...
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I also just saw them in your profile - WAY TO GO!!! You made some really awesome changes - you look so strong, healthy and happy now. Good work!!!
  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    Pictures fixed!
  • BackToPreBaby
    BackToPreBaby Posts: 81 Member
    wow u look amazing! Mind sharing what you did, and your stats? My body type seems the same as yours!
    Again, AMAZINGGG job and AMAZING success!
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    Wow!! You look fantastic :)
  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    For the girl asking: I am 5'7.5 inches, 147 pounds (22 BMI!). Athletic/thick build. My legs and hips are STRONG. In the before pictures I was about 200 pounds (I didn't weight myself after hitting the 190s).
  • schmenly
    schmenly Posts: 57 Member
  • ShannaKayB
    ShannaKayB Posts: 157 Member
    Amazing! Great work. Definitely inspiring.
  • Wow, that's amazing!!! You look awesome
    So what type of exercise did you do.
  • You look fabulous!!. You can see how confident you are now. Isn't it great not to have to hide your stomach with your arm in photos??..That's my goal for next Summer!
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    shorts to a well deserved bikini, you sure deserve it, looking Great
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Wow you look gr8 and if you don't mind me saying the cute bikini is a big improvement on the giant shorts :)
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    You look great in that suit. Perfect curves. you're the same height as I am and close to the same shape, you're at my goal weight. Right now I'm 30 lbs above what you were when you started. What is your workout, calorie level and how long did it take for you to get there? Please share. I've already lost 40 lbs but am having some trouble and I really need a good kick in the butt and seeing those pictures of you... WOW!!!!!
  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    cspence2270--it's kind of a long story but I'll try to make it brief: I lost the first 30 pounds the same summer as the Havasu photos (2006) were taken by "watching what I ate" which at the time meant: eating a light breakfast, a lean cuisine for lunch, and then whatever was made for dinner by my parents. I lived at home--it was the summer between my junior and senior years in college in New York City.

    When I returned to college I just maintained the 30 pound loss the first semester by continuing t workout but wasn't as disciplined with eating and drinking (I WAS a senior in college so drinking on the weekend was kind of part of the lifestyle :-)). Second semester I was more disciplined and started walking everywhere I went instead of taking the Subway so I lost another 10 pounds or so (got down to 165).

    During my first job after college I worked an 8-5 job. I went to the gym 4 days a week at 5am and got down to a size 6 by May of 2008. I had stopped weighing myself at this point because I no longer owned a scale so I gauged my losses by what size I was. At the gym I lifted weights then did the Arc trainer for 30 minutes and burned about 500 calories per session. Some days, when I had a workout buddy, I would play racquetball which is another super intense, high calorie burning activity if you get competitive with it.

    THEN I started law school Fall of 2008. I stopped lift ing weights and probably went for a run about 3 or 4 times a week. The running was more of a de-stresser than anything because I did not have much time to run very far. I stopped watching what I ate and when I study I snack, so by the end of 1st year I had gained. I went to the doctor after 1L year was over in May of 2009 and I weighed 173 pounds and wore a size 8.

    That summer I worked out and started lifting weights 5-6 times a week again and by fall of 2009 I was already back down to a large size 6/small size 8. I started dating my boyfriend Dave (now fiancé) that October and I'm the kind of person that when I'm falling in love I just stop eating because I'm nervous and excited and happy and overwhelmed and overjoyed have no appetite. That took me down to a true 6.

    That spring Dave decided he wanted to get into shape and he downloaded an app on his phone that tracked what he ate and that's when I found MyFitnessPal. I started using it in February and by March/April I was a size 4!!!! I had NEVER thought I could fit into a size 4 but MFP made it really easy--I did not even realize I was dieting, I just did what the program said and viola! To maintain that I workout 5-6 times a week. Lift weights at least twice a week, preferably 4, and when I'm feeling really hung-ho abs.

    My workout routine used to be just running and weights BUT over the summer while studying for the bar I hurt my knee so I've toned back the running to every other day and I elliptical or swim (in the summer when it's warm enough).

    Run or elliptical no less than 1.5 miles per day. Usually 2-3.1 miles.

    Strength Training:
    ARMS: Biceps & Triceps free weight exercise x3 sets of 10
    Chest Press x3 sets of 15
    Assisted Pull-ups x3 sets of 10 (working up to unassisted--right now I need anywhere from 30 to 60 pounds of "assistance")

    LEGS: Leg extension x3 sets of 20
    Leg curl x3 sets of 15
    Leg lunges--body weight
    Body weight squats

    Leg lifts w/ partner x3 sets of 30-50
    Forward Planks x2 sets of 30-60 seconds
    Side Planks x1 per side for 20-45 seconds

    I've "mixed it up" a lot too. When I get bored I'll change what I do for cardio, or lifting, etc.
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    Thank you. I too have been lifting 3 days a week and doing cardio 3-4 days a week. Workouts are 60-90 minutes, depending on day and what time I get up. I was running 3.5 miles, very slow run, on my cardio days and occasionally throwing in a P90X cardio workout, usually plyometrics because I liked the squats and lunges. I stopped running about a month ago because it was too dark in the am and I couldn't see our road anymore. We are getting a treadmill tomorrow and I can't wait to get back to it.

    Thank you again for your answer and advice.
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