Hey Everyone.... Kiala Greens Is A Great Drink Full Of Yummy Green Foods... Promotes Energy!!



  • DoingWhatsRIGHTForMsMARY
    This Is The Watermelon 🍉 Slushi Favor And Its Yummy Tasting 😋
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    I prefer to eat actual yummy green (or other color) real foods, not an ultra-processed food product like this.

    If you like it, and it fits in your calorie and nutrition goals well, that's great, sincerely.

    Others considering it might want to read reviews from dietitians, such as this one:

  • DoingWhatsRIGHTForMsMARY
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,337 Member
    "A single container of Kiala Greens, which contains approximately 30 servings, typically retails for around $49.95. This makes the cost per serving to be about $1.65."
    Yeah, sorry...i don't think it's healthy to eat too many greens. What about oxalates? I just buy a 5 oz package of Organic Girl Super Greens every week. It's about 4 cups of greens for less than $5 here.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    Not a fan of powdered drinks myself.

    Or green smoothies, even from fresh ingredients.

    It's a no from me.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,857 Member

    There’s nothing wrong with using powdered greens supplements if it fits your lifestyle.

    Honestly I did choke a bit when I saw the price. But then I remembered my enjoyment of dehydrated fruits as a healthy snack, and they’re about 25% more expensive per serving.

    I get my vitamin boost the old fashioned way, with a store brand One-A-Day knock off. And I supplement my fiber with plain ol’ off brand Metamucil.
    There are folks who would rather go the Whole Foods route.
    Whatever works for you.
  • Hobartlemagne
    Hobartlemagne Posts: 269 Member
    Diet isnt magic. It doesnt require super special substances. $50 can go a lot further buying produce, and you'll even get fiber with it.
  • DoingWhatsRIGHTForMsMARY
    @Hobartlemagne .... Lol... MY MONEY 💰🤑
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,857 Member
    @Hobartlemagne .... Lol... MY MONEY 💰🤑

    You are certainly allowed to spend your money on whatever you want.

    But these “super greens” supplement products are often very little nutritional value for a lot of money.

    If the convenience is worth the price to you?
    That’s great.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 14
    Are they better than no freggies?

    I would think so.... ?

    I used some veggie pills for awhile.... and powder strikes me as a similar concept.

    And considered other types of things, krill oil, spirulina, seaweed/nori... for the potential health benefits of such...
    -- but, to be honest, it is hard to discern truth thru the marketing, and upshot, i don't know what to believe. Transitioned to whole, real food.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 14
    Diet isnt magic. It doesnt require super special substances. $50 can go a lot further buying produce, and you'll even get fiber with it.


    I was surprised... always thought 'diet food' aka rabbit food or freggies and such were too expensive. However, shopping sales and eating enough, not too much... of essential amounts of real food turned out to be less expensive than regular junk food and take out.

    However, took awhile to find a variety of freggies i would be willing to eat. Initially supplemented on doctors advice with an all in 1 type daily vitamin. Moved to freggie pills under the concept condensed freggies would be healthier, then transitioned to whole foods, but it evolved over time.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    @Hobartlemagne .... Lol... MY MONEY 💰🤑

    yes it is.

    But in a thread on an open forum that many people could read - it is relevant to other people to point out the cost of the product.
    and any pros or cons of the product compared to other sources of greens - like fresh vegetables.

  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,539 Member
    Are they better than no freggies?

    I would think so.... ?

    I used some veggie pills for awhile.... and powder strikes me as a similar concept.

    And considered other types of things, krill oil, spirulina, seaweed/nori... for the potential health benefits of such...
    -- but, to be honest, it is hard to discern truth thru the marketing, and upshot, i don't know what to believe. Transitioned to whole, real food.

    The question is better in what? You'd need to find an actual peer-reviewed study which shows that powdered hyperprocessed veggies still have some nutritional value, vitamins, other useful stuff.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 15
    Yeah, if i were of a scientific type. I really can't sort the techno speak jargon in studies...

    I do however think that the post by op is worthy of discussion beyond people stopping by to say no, bad... This is not in the debate forum, and the nature of replies here is kind of intimidating and shuts down broader discussion of how using such a product might actually be helpful for some people who might not have time or desire to extract from mounds of fresh freggies.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,899 Member
    “Flagging” posts who politely disagree. Not cool.

    You can flag me now,
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 15
    Nods, a lot of posts flagged here, especially OP. No idea why... don't see how any of it violates guidelines.

    Re helpful discussion... bold in following quote sent me down rabbit hole to explore the word and possible concern...

    48138631"]"A single container of Kiala Greens, which contains approximately 30 servings, typically retails for around $49.95. This makes the cost per serving to be about $1.65."
    Yeah, sorry...i don't think it's healthy to eat too many greens. What about oxalates? I just buy a 5 oz package of Organic Girl Super Greens every week. It's about 4 cups of greens for less than $5 here. [/quote]
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,899 Member
    To be fair, maybe someone is misunderstanding the purpose of a flag.

    Flagging is a response to trigger a post to be reviewed or deleted.

    It’s not “flagging” it to save for future rereading. The way you do that is by turning this block blue:

    Then any time there’s a post on the thread it will show up here:

    Just clarifying in case anyone might have misunderstood “flag”. I could see how it would happen. I spent years dealing with “flagged” files, of the paper variety- which ages me. 🙃
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    Nods, a lot of posts flagged here, especially OP. No idea why... don't see how any of it violates guidelines.

    I would say OP's post got flagged as advertising. I see the text has been removed now, presumably by mods - so looks like the flaggers had a point.

    the other posts were all flagged once - probably all by same person = perhaps, as springlering said, by somebody who misunderstood purpose of flags.

  • DoingWhatsRIGHTForMsMARY
    WOWWWWW👀👀🧐🧐 Lots Of Thoughts And OPINIONS On How I Spend MY MONEY And What I Put In MY BODY.... Lol 😆🤣
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    well, you did start a discussion thread about it - so yes, people give their opinions on the topic - isnt that the point of a thread?

    and as I pointed out before, comments about cost etc aren't directed at you, but at everybody reading.

    Several posters actually said if you are happy with the price and/or the product that's great for you.

    and then went on to give other comments for anyone else reading - as is usual with a topic in a thread.