Caused by white bread?!?!

GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
edited October 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Okay a little backgroud...... About 2 months ago i developerd a slight rash which itched like crazy i went to the doctors who said i had a viral throat infection which was causing the rash....rubbish!!!!

2 months on the rash is still coming and going and getting worse all the time. I am covered in bruises from where i have itched so much. I have also started to develop tiny clear blisters on the palms of my hands. I also recently went to the hairdressers and she pointed out my hair is starting to thin in one area :-(

I have tried changing my washing powder, shampoo all the usual suggestions but no improvement. Then something dawned on me this week there seems to be a possible connection to white bread!!!

I switched to wholemeal bread about 6months ago after reading that this could help my PCOS.However i do occasionally have white bread and am starting to wonder if this could be a cause?!

Has anyone else suffered from similar symptoms or have any ideas what might be causing the rash, itching and blisters?

Any help, info would be VERY VERY much appreciated

Gem xx


  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Could it be eczema? Eczema is either allergic or caused by anxiety. Have you been under a lot of stress recently?
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Gluten has been known to cause these kind of symptoms. Get a blood test to check for Celiac Disease, & even if it comes up negative try going 100% off gluten & see if that helps.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I'm going to suggest a theory: dermatitus herpetiformis
    This is a form of celiac disease--which doesn't always manifest as a gut disorder. Get yourself to a doctor who is familiar with the many forms of gluten sensitivity to check.
  • skinnyminniexx
    skinnyminniexx Posts: 67 Member
    hair thinning is a symptom of PCOS. and with PCOS you're not supposed to eat white flour, which means no white bread. so if you stop eating white flour foods then the hair thinning should get better.
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    i dont think it is eczema, the rash on my stomach doesnt look anything like eczema although the rash in the crease of my arms does.

    i have had a blood test and they came back okay apart from an "inflammation in the blood" whatever that means.

    i have been referred to a dermatologist im hoping they will do some allergy tests to at least eliminate potential causes
  • PCOS causes hair to thin especially if you're on medication for it. (Metformin, Spirnolaclone, etc.) The tiny blisters on your palms is probably eczema. I've been dealing with it for the past 10 years. (I have both PCOS and eczema.) The doctor can prescribe you a prescription steroid cream that helps clear it up especially during the bad months. I highly doubt that white bread is causing the symptoms unless there is a gluten allergy.
  • Is the rash on your stomach like a bunch of white patches (can turn red if sweaty or hot) and scaly looking?
  • It sounds like eczema. My daughter gets tiny blisters on her hands that ooze clear liquid and that is part of her eczema. I would ask your regular doctor or a dermatologist.

    I just read your post about the stomach daughter as I have said has eczema, and it shows up in many different forms. She's had BAD patches on her legs that were scaly, that was it. She's had the blisters, that was it. She's had little teeny dots all over her torso, that was it. It can show up in various ways. Her dermatologist just gave her a stronger prescription for her hands, because in winter they look like she is wearing red gloves, they get so dry and cracked.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i have NEVER had a reaction to white bread; however, i have also not been diagnosed with PCOS although i probably have it. i second the dermatologist opinion and maybe also an allergist?
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    no the rash on my stomach is more like small red lumps and to be honest this is the one part that doesnt itch too badly.Its more my arms and legs that really drive me crazy.

    i have been prescribed steroid cream and anti-histamines but they dont really seem to be making any difference. but something is definitely making it "flare" up at certain times
  • Well, it may be an allergy then. Your hands will take about a month to clear up especially if they're dried out. Does it look anything like this: I had problems with my skin when I was overweight, and by losing the weight and cutting carbs, my skin stopped acting so crazily. Hopefully you get it figured out! Good luck!
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    It sounds like an allergic reaction rash I got a few years ago. I went to the doctor and they prescribed a two week supply of allergy medication. They asked if I had changed my laundry soap or lotion or something, but I couldn't pin point anything. Within a week it was gone and hasn't come back. I also got one in the winter time from overly dry skin and used Curel lotion (per doctor suggestion) and it went away.
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