How often do you go under or over your calorie count....

Hey friends, I'm curious to know how many people go over there alloted calores or under and still loose weight. I have a difficult time staying at the 1200 calories. Most days I am under by 200-240. And then I freak out when I get one or two days that I go over by 150-180. I don't mind being under during the week because I never know when we may have dinner out on the weekend and it leaves me more wiggle room for the family fun times but I panic when I get one day that I'm over. I like to track on MFP because even when I'm over I know it is no where over like I have been in the past it keeps me and my eating habits in check. so hopefully this will pay off long term. Summer is over anyway so I have all the time I need lol. I'm interested in hearing how others are doing with there alloted calorie count with being under or over thanks!


  • Molly_Louise
    I've been on MFP for almost 40 days and I have yet to go over my calorie count. I have had a few days where I have been under by just 50 or so, but the vast majority of days I am under by at least 200 calories, even without exercise.
  • Tuffjourney
    I always try to stay at my goal, but as long as I eat healthy and exercise, if I go over I dont worry too much.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I have a little bit of a system.
    My daily goal is 1450, but I try to burn at least 300 calories per day.
    Overall, I want to eat no more than a total of 1500 (I ignore the net calories & look at my total consumed for the day).
    But on days I don't exercise, I (try to) stay under 1450.
    On Saturday I usually eat about 1800 calories, with or without exercise. It's my weekly cheat day!
    I know that's confusing, but I've lost weight that way. :]
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I adjusted mine to 1250 because I get hungrier some days then other days. Usually I'm under but maybe once a week I go over by 200.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I have been here for a little more than 3 months and haven't gone over yet. HOWEVER, I have my weight loss set at 1 pound per week. I aim to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week, so I aim to consume between my goal and 500 calories less than my caloric goal. Sometimes I may be as close as 20 calories from the goal amount, and sometimes I might be as much as 500 under - but never over.

    I like it this way because then I don't have the guilt (like you mentioned) associated with seeing red at the end of the days that I really feel I need those extra calories to get me through the day.
  • mhaynes96
    mhaynes96 Posts: 12 Member
    I go over my calorie count probably once a week on that one day when we go out to eat. and that's AFTER I've worked out! But the funny thing is that I still lose weight and on some days when I've gone over, the scale still reads lower than it was the day before. I think it's a true testament to the fact that I've truly changed my metabolism. My body is able to stabilize even when I have a bad day.

    So don't freak out over one bad day, as long as most of the time you stay at your goal.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Since I started in April, I've never gone over my allotted calorie goal. *BUT* I have myself set to lose only .5 pound a week, and I exercise vigorously and often - so my daily calorie allotment is typically between 2200-2500 a day (sometimes more). It's pretty easy to stay under my goal. :-)
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Usually under as I tend to only eat back about half my exercise calories, some days however I go over a bit, usually on rest days... 200-300 cals over here and there...

    I have a total cheat day once a month where I eat whatever I feel like, that can mean chips, pizza, etc so in those days I'm not even going to say how many I'm over.
  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    I do better during the week, whenI've planned my lunches and dinner. Weekends are a challenge and that's when I usually go over by 100 -200 calories a day. I don't let it get me down though and work hard during the week.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Most days I'm pretty close (+/- 100 calories) but I've been under by several hundred a couple of times and once was over by more than 1000 (now THAT was a party :drinker: )
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I get AT LEAST my 1200 calories per day! You may find if you don't get the amount that is required you won't loose as much. I know, I know sounds crazy but somehow it works that way. You really need to hit the amount you are suppose to- but if you work out then you will have more calories. I am one of those that DOES NOT eat back my work out calories, usually.... I do have hungry nights and do eat some back. But for the most part with my workout calories added in to my 1200 calories I am under every day. If the way you are doing it now works for you and you have been loosing weight then you may want to stick with it. However you may plateau and from other readings on here one way to overcome that is to MAKE SURE YOU EAT ALL your calories. Best of luck to you!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I've been using MFP since the end of June.
    I usually try to stay under my goal (don't usually eat exercise cals back)
    but there are a couple days per month when I sometimes go over--not majorly over
    maybe 200-300 over at most.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I stay at my goal or usually no more than 150 under.........except on Sundays which is my free day, then I go over. I'm doing maintenance right now (although wouldn't mind loosing 5lbs). Sticking to my calorie goal 6 days a week (and having one free day) has allowed me maintain.
  • IzzyBop
    I recently increased my caloric goal from 1200 to 1400 per day. I found I was going over on 1200 a day but now that I increased my goal, I find I stay under. Go figure. But it works. My goal is to lose 1/2 lb to 1 lb a week. I do not feel deprived. I also found that if I don't input exercise I don't over eat at all. I had been inputting the caloric deficit from exercise and I actually gained.
  • maryannmiclat
    maryannmiclat Posts: 133 Member
    MFP has me eating 1750 calories per day! After adding in my exercise calories I'm allowed over 2000. I usually never eat back my exercise calories and most days I am usually under my set calorie goal by a lot. There have been many days where I don't even reach 1000 calories. Some may disagree with this, but I'm not going to eat if I'm not hungry. I feel completely satisfied at the end of the day.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hey friends, I'm curious to know how many people go over there alloted calores or under and still loose weight. I have a difficult time staying at the 1200 calories. Most days I am under by 200-240. And then I freak out when I get one or two days that I go over by 150-180. I don't mind being under during the week because I never know when we may have dinner out on the weekend and it leaves me more wiggle room for the family fun times but I panic when I get one day that I'm over. I like to track on MFP because even when I'm over I know it is no where over like I have been in the past it keeps me and my eating habits in check. so hopefully this will pay off long term. Summer is over anyway so I have all the time I need lol. I'm interested in hearing how others are doing with there alloted calorie count with being under or over thanks!
    Your MFP target is just something I shoot for, but I'm not anal about keeping to it.

    Some days I'm under, weekends I'm over, swings and roundabouts; and every week I've lost weight.

    But even if I didn't lose every week, I wouldn't get all stressed out... I'm making changes to find a new path to maintenance. It's a long and winding road; sometimes it's the road to hell; but mostly it's like walking back to happiness :happy:
  • Leigh_Larson
    I am usually under every day, but seldom track it on weekends. I know when I eat what I shouldn't on weekends and it is reflected in the number on the scale on Monday morning. I also do not count the added calories from excercising back in.
  • koutroulakis
    I dont know if anyone else does this by I have a weekly allotment of calories (added up 1500 cal a day =10,500). That way I can under eat or go over on a cheat day or mess up day w/o stress. I just look to see what I need to do to balance out my weekly allowance to get back on track. Sometimes I eat my excersice cal back if I'm hungry.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I have never, ever gone over my calorie goal since i signed up 5 months ago.

    Something in my head has clicked, and made the limit absolute. Probably isn't always a good things, i.e. eating a bit more some days to confuse the body etc, but i just can't.

    When i want to eat more, i actually go to my limit. Most days I'm 4-500 under, although that's with 2-300 cals margin for error.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    If I go over, I usually exercise more to keep below it.