New to the community, looking for some support!

I've been a member for a few months, but I don't have any friends on here and I just discovered the Community tab and Blogs! lol I think it will help me to realize that I'm not alone and to have some friends inspiring me when I'm having a bad day. Just looking for some people to help me stay on track! And I'll do my best to help you :)

A little about me... I'm 21 years old. My metabolism has slowed down A LOT and I haven't been working out like I should be. Not to mention, I've been eating junk food and emotional eating!! As a result, I'm almost 200 lbs, none of my jeans fit me, and I'm just tired of not being happy with my body!!

I know it's gonna be really hard. And it's gonna take forever to see results, but I wanna lose weight the RIGHT way this time. I've lost weight lots of weight before, but it was somewhat short-lived and I've gained it all back and more within the past 3 years. I'm just ready to be healthy for life!


  • welcome aboard!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    Welcome...great support here. You can add me as a pal if you would like, but just know I will try to motivate as much as possible in a friendly way of course.
  • Hey there a fellow weight struggler here. Add me as a pal if you want just started p90x with my wife 3 weeks ago and can already tell a big difference in my strength. I must br nuts cause I have begun to love the pain of the workout. Well add me as a buddy if ya want