Need your help

Hey all,

I've been doing this for about 2 weeks now and so far I've lost 1.7kg. As fun as it is initially to make sure every day has been calculated and seeing the kilo's slip away, eating 1200 calories a day is starting to get tough!

I'm from Melbourne, Australia and if anybody has any snack idea's or some good lunch or dinner meals I would love to hear them!

My username is taniam16 and I would love to help motivate you as well as hear your words of encouragement :)

Thanks to all!
Tania xx

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • Instead of just drinking water, you could try VPX Zero Carb Protein Shake mix. It's about 80 cals a scoop and you're encouraged to have more than just one a day. This could assist in meeting your calorie intake for the day [depending how far away you are at the end of the day of course.] Shake mix flavors: chocolate, graham cracker and vanilla. I'd start with chocolate.
  • BittLynne
    BittLynne Posts: 38 Member
    Drinking Ensure (if they have it there) is a good way too it will help you reach your calorie target. 250 cals. also helps your immune system and gives you all those vitamins you missed that day
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Tough to get up to 1200, or tough not to go over?
  • I'd also suggest adding dark meat to your diet as it is high in calories.
  • taniam16
    taniam16 Posts: 47 Member
    Sorry guys I meant tough to stay under 1200. Its just not that much food!
  • I agree, it's not many at all. I am trying to keep my calories 1200-1400 and protein around 100 grams per day.

    I like to have a meal replacement shake for breakfast. A salad with chicken or tuna for lunch, or maybe a wrap. Pork chops, baked chicken, salmon, chilli have become some of my favorite dinners. I just have to limit the starchy carbs and add more veggies that I like.

    The best between meal snack I have found is Greek yogurt, with or without granola. Someone suggested replacing sour cream with the plain greek yogurt and in a wrap or on a baked potato, it's good!

    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can share success stories.