Tough day today!

Today was a tough one. I am truly being tested. Our loan remodification is on hold for now, my two and three year old boys are acting out and not in a good way. My husband still hasn't found a job and he doesn't appear to be motivated to search anymore in this economy. Everyone in my family needs something from me. I put the boys down for a nap and put my workout clothes on. Ready to mix up my routine I decided to do the 40 min total body extreme workout. I had no desire and figured before I started that I wouldn't have the energy to finish even two circuits. I NEVER GAVE UP and finished!! Before i started I was almost in tears thinking of all the things that are going on in my life. I wanted to lay down on my bed and cry but I stood up and finished it. I feel so proud of this accomplishment. This is my second 40 minute session of cardio and strength. I haven't done this in seven months.


  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member

    EVen in the midst of adversity, we have to keep focused on the things that matter and keep on pushing. Your healthy (for yourself and your family) is a priority.

    So glad that you 1) decided to turn the bummer of a day around instead of crawling into a hole and 2) that you did more in your workout that you thought you would. Hooray!! Sometimes, our bodies can really suprise us if we just believe.

    Best of luck with everything and keep on taking care of you!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Yayyyyy! I have been there! Congrats on sticking with it!
  • Girl, hang in there!! I know when it seems to be raining its totally pouring already and it sucks..

    Great Job pushing thru and getting your exercise in.

    Now grab a glass of wine, a good book or movie and lock yourself in your room for a few hours.. ENJOY!!

    Lol.. Hang in there..!
  • Great job!!!!!! You persevered through a very difficult time. Unfortunately, you will probably have many more opportunities to persevere again. You did it and you can be proud of your accomplishments. By the way, YOU are totally worth it!!!!!!!!!
  • I am so proud of you for stepping up and finishing the workout,. You have so much going on and you were able to focus on yourself for those few minutes! Keep focusing on the ultmate goal and taking everything one step at a time.

    Keep up the awesome work!
  • Way to go!! Awesome. Thanks for sharing :))))
  • awesome and thank you for motivating me to work a lot harder today.. Be Blessed
  • This test is PASSED! A+!! Every time you finish a workout that you didn't think you could do, you make yourself stronger! And, you teach yourself that you can do it. Instead of giving in, you made the decision to stand up to all the tough stuff you're going through right now and say, "You will not defeat me." (That may sound a little melodramatic, but honestly, isn't that an issue sometimes? It's so much easier to say, "I'm too tired. I don't feel like it. I can't.") Today, you didn't any of those things, and for that reason, you won! Well done, and thank you so much for being a motivation to me today!
  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you all :cry:

    The support here is remarkable!!


  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    I know how you feel, every time I want to quit I think of all the MFP that made it and I want to be one of them! Soon, very soon!