I am new and goal to lose 30 lbs by Dec, is that possible?

I am new to this site! I have a goal to lose 30 lbs by Dec, is that possible? Any tips and tricks would be appreciated? :smile:


  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I very much doubt it. It's probably not healthy to lose even half of that - 2lbs a week is a lot. Depending on your current weight, aiming to lose 1lb a week is probably much closer to a reasonable goal.
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    Its risky but it also depends on what kind of weight you have... water weight reduction is a good start. I was surprised at how much I had and the inches that I peed out.. lol
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    Depends if you mean by end of Dec or first day of December; also depends on how much you have to lose and your exercise level. By end of Decemeber yes you can fairly easy, if you weight a lot like me (215lbs starting weight), you will lose a lot of weight at first, I lost about 17-18lbs the first month, I exercised daily and wasn't eating my calories back until the last week (please do eat your calories back otherwise it can be unhealthy to lose that much in short amount of time, I didn't know better at the time). Also get a HRM watch so you can get acurate amount of calories burned during exercise, otherwise MFP exagerates the ones on her by ALOT (200-300 cal difference per hour of exercise-my experience). Use this online calculator http://www.triathlontrainingblog.com/calculators/calories-burned-calculator-based-on-average-heart-rate/ (scroll down past the add to use the calculator, and if you don't know your VO2 max than put it down as 35, otherwise the calucator will exaggerate if you put 0).

    Since than my weight loss slowed down to 2-2.5 lbs a week, I am down to 193.2 in just 6 weeks (22lbs).
    It all depends on your body but it is possible. You can lose at least 2lbs a weeks (24lbs in 3 months) if you do it right. Also if you exercise you will lose inches on your body, you will look another 15lbs lighther than you will be (because you gain muscle mass but your body tones up, be sure to do cardio and weight training-mix both if you can in your workouts.)
    Good luck!
  • Honestly...depends on how much you weigh, and if you plan to keep it off.

    If you weigh 250 or 300 pounds i think its possible. If not, its too much too quick. Now COULD you do it by being totally unhealthy and starving yourself? maybe. Will you keep it off if you go that route? probably not. Slow and steady gets you on the track to lifestyle change, instead of 'diet'.
  • PrincessKG147
    PrincessKG147 Posts: 2 Member
    It is very doable. You can actually do it before December, but a doctor's supervision may be required. Go to www.myhcgsource.com. I have lost 57 pounds in the last 4 months doing this. Happy dieting!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    It is doable, but probably not sustainable.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you're 30 pounds from your goal weight, that's not something you can do in a healthy way in that short amount of time. Probably closer to 6 months if you're losing about a pound a week.

    But that doesn't mean you can't drop a nice chunk by December and feel incredible.
  • PrincessKG147
    PrincessKG147 Posts: 2 Member
    If you change your diet and incorporate exercise, it is sustainable! :)
  • How about just start and see where it takes you....I see so many people who set goals like this and end up frustrated....can you do it i dont know...is it possible yes....is it healthy and smart..again I dont know....what I do know is if you are dedicated and diligent with cal counts and exercise and water and devoting yourself to a better, healthier you...then when December comes you will be a happy person no matter what number the scale happens to pop up with on that day...

    good luck
  • last year i averaged 2 lbs weight loss per week and dropped 20 lbs in 10 weeks in a very healthy way: diet and moderate exercise.
    On that diet, I focused on 40% protien, 30% carbs, 30% fat at 1100 calories per week for the first week, then added a 200 cal snack in going forward (1300 calories per week)
    After 5 weeks we switched my diet to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat (this is to accommodate more exercise)

    one key: do not eat the same thing every day! switch it up as much as possible, and if you find that you are lagging in your weight loss, look back at your food diary and identify which foods you're eating a lot of and try switching it up again.

    The program I did this with was called U Weight Loss and I swear by them.... but if you dont maintain, its easy to gain it back (my hand is up)