
MarineWifey09 Posts: 181
I dislocated my knee when I was 14 and again when I was 21. Same knee both times. I am now 23 and just recently it has been bothering me more than ever. I am going to the doctor Tuesday for a check up and plan on asking about it. Does anyone here have previous dislocated knee histories? What did you do to get past it? Surgery or just deal with the pain? The pain I have isn't unbearable, but more like annoying. It aches through my whole leg if I workout really hard. If I take a day off it doesn't hurt at all. On Tuesday I went powerwalking for 6 miles and yesterday and today it has ached. Any words of wisdom?? :(


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Ouch. :( Never had a knee injury, but currently am still being bothered by an ankle injury. One cardio exercise that's GREAT for injuries is swimming. I swam laps for about 2 weeks since it was the only cardio I could do, and I still lost weight and got a great workout! I also like biking since I find it easier on injuries. Lastly, I have had my knee hurt from time to time, like today, and find the elliptical better than the treadmill on my knees. Good Luck at the doctor!!!
  • Ouch. :( Never had a knee injury, but currently am still being bothered by an ankle injury. One cardio exercise that's GREAT for injuries is swimming. I swam laps for about 2 weeks since it was the only cardio I could do, and I still lost weight and got a great workout! I also like biking since I find it easier on injuries. Lastly, I have had my knee hurt from time to time, like today, and find the elliptical better than the treadmill on my knees. Good Luck at the doctor!!!

    Thanks and thanks for the friend add! I will post on here what they say. I will probably need a referral to a specialist though :( and I think I will just do more of the bike or elliptical for the time being until the pain goes away. I can't just NOT workout!!
  • I've been through one operation on my knee, and then it dislocated 6 months after. I've been told that more surgery can cause more harm than good...i'm left with years of physio ahead of me...(i'm 22)

    sorry if that's no help.
  • My right knee used to dislocate ALOT! I mean would slide almost to the back of my leg (gross sorry). I had to have surgery for it. It can be dangerous, their are veins it can hit and cause internal bleeding. I had surgery over 10 years ago and my knee still hurts if I do too much. I have a Gazelle and that doesn't bother it at all. I just started walking 2 miles a day (when it doesn't rain) and my knee screams at me the next day! I feel your pain...sorry you're going through it!
  • I dislocated my knee when I was in my early 20's. I am now 46 and the damn thing still bothers me! I thankfully did not have to have surgery, just physical therapy for a few months. I can not run on the treadmill because it causes too much pain and discomfort in my knee afterwards. I do a lot of cardio on the elliptical, which does not bother my knee at all. I avoid any kind of exercise that causes impact on my knees, which can be challenging. I would try out different machines/classes and you will figure out which ones are "knee friendly" for you. Good luck!
  • Thank you all for your experiences! Hopefully this means I won't need surgery, just need to be mindful of what I do with it. Thanks!!
  • Your knee is gonna be FIIINE!! Promise ;) At least I really REALLY hope so! Hopefully its just irritated from your old shoes. Guess we'll find out!

    Love you boo boo mm boo boo boo!!! :D
  • LOL thanks boo boo mm boo boo boo! Hahaahaha
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